Well-Known Member
I wouldn't expect you to understand the point.
I also would expect you to be in the same camp saying prohibition doesn't work but we need to prohibit this this and this.
you mischaracterize the issue, dishonestly, as always.
you try to analogize gay marriage to incest. besides being a shitty analogy, that's also pretty damn bigoted.
the reason why you don't fuck your sister is because it causes harm. the reason why you oppose gay marriage is because you are a bigot. plain and simple.
then you try to sound reasonable by condemning those who would oppose gay marriage, except you support a candidate who does just that. you shout about nanny statism and collectivism while trying to ignore the fact that you supported a fella who authored a bill prohibiting funding to any entity that would even suggest that homosexuality can be an acceptable lifestyle.
should we prohibit people from fucking their sisters? yes, because it causes harm.
should we prohibit people from driving drunk? yes, because it causes harm.
should we prohibit child labor? yes, because it causes harm.
is marriage equality akin or analogous to any of these? no, because it causes no harm. it also violates the equal protection clause and civil rights, as marriage is a civil institution.
i await your reply, which promises to be either long winded bullshit devoid of substance, or more whining about how i accurately characterize you as a two faced hypocritical bigot, which will also be devoid of substance.