Yes or no ? Freedom or slavery ?

why do you assume that brownness or blackness is a prerequisite for being a shiftless no good criminal?

are you racist?

i think it was you who originally said that that "niggers" are "like that everywhere".

and then you went on to defend your statement as totally not racist.
Since ad hom is all you have I guess you understand your hypocrisy of thinking YOU can determine what should be legal marriage.

Why do you think it's within your rights to determine marriage equality but not others? You are every bit as totalitarian as the social conservatives.

I'm not in GA, I'd let you know where, but I worry about the stalkiness of your friend.

Learn the difference between ad hom and an insult you mouth breathing fucktard.

I can explain it for you, but I can't understand it for you.
i think it was you who originally said that that "niggers" are "like that everywhere".

and then you went on to defend your statement as totally not racist.
I did a search on Stormfront for Kynes user name, Didn't find one, But I did find an active poster named Unclebuck, and his posts are all in the same manner as yours on here are. Further proof you are an active 11 year Stormfront veteran.
Any kind of criticism aimed at an individual instead of the individual's argument is an ad hominem. That would include insults.

The more you know..............

Watch the format of this retort.

Simply lobbing an insult does not make an argument an ad hominem. So now that I have replied to the content of your declarative statement and implied that it is an incomplete argument, I have in fact put forth an argument. Dumb ass.

If I went straight to the insult as a retort to your argument, that would be an ad hominem, like if I said you are wrong because you're a dumb ass. Instead, I retorted AND called you a dumb ass. Dumb ass.
Learn the difference between ad hom and an insult you mouth breathing fucktard.

I can explain it for you, but I can't understand it for you.

Wow, you seem like a really nice person, well grounded and all that.

It's absolutely laughable that you would school anyone on definitions, shall we replay rhetorical for ya?

Sorry about your mental deficiency. I guess it makes you jump in on others conversations and throw random insults.
Wow, you seem like a really nice person, well grounded and all that.

It's absolutely laughable that you would school anyone on definitions, shall we replay rhetorical for ya?

Sorry about your mental deficiency. I guess it makes you jump in on others conversations and throw random insults.

See, this is an ad hominem. You didn't actually retort to what was flippantly posted. Instead, you went straight for an insult and deluded yourself into the idea that my post wasn't flippant, but actually a reflection of my emotional state. That's why you're a mouth breathing fuck tard. I didn't call you a mouth breathing fuck tard for any other reason, not because I'm intensely passionate about your stupidity, and not as a retort to a demonstration of your stupidity.

Let's do revisit rhetorical. You can start by asking me a stupid fucking question and insisting I answer it before dropping any sort of argument. How about a rhetorical question from a guy who doesn't know the difference between an insult and ad hominem...
Back to the original question, no, I would not push the button. I would not look forward to the proliferation of sweat houses and child labor. Normal 60 hour work weeks don't interest me in the least, I don't mind working 60 occasionally but I want it to be my decision. I also like many of the regulations that keep me safe at work and prohibit my employer from forcing me to do something unsafe under the threat of job loss. That being said, I do feel that regulations have gotten out of hand and all regulations need re-evaluation.

While I don't agree with you that those things are necessarily a given as a result, I thank you for your polite and informative answer.

What is property and who can own it ? How can it be justly acquired ? Honest questions if you want to give it a whirl.
Everything is property and all you have to do is buy it after the government kills off the indigenous or homestead it or inherit it.

That is what is wrong with this fucking society.
indifference is a store owner serving paying customers regardless of their skin color.

actionable harm is what happened when we allowed hostile, racist, aggressive business owners to deny service based on skin color.

you need that definition for the Nth time?

Your definition of indifference is skewed, what you describe in your example above is not indifference, it is a mutually acceptable transaction wherein both parties consent to it. They are not indifferent, they are engaged parties. No force implied or threatened.
All people should be free to engage as long as both parties consent.

Actionable harm is what happens when an interaction involves a threat of force or actual force. That is what happens when one party seeks not to have an engagement, yet the other forces them to .

The color of the parties doesn't change the nature of the interactions.

Even if a party not wishing to engage were a racist in a given situation, they possess the same rights as you or I, so neither of us has the right to force them to interact with us if they are not inclined to. If that were our right, you are using a rapist justification argument Mr. Bundy.
Everything is property and all you have to do is buy it after the government kills off the indigenous or homestead it or inherit it.

That is what is wrong with this fucking society.

I can see you are having a hard time now engaging in intellectual exchange. Perhaps another time, when you are feeling more like it. Have a good night.
"Allow" ....interesting choice of words Mr. Control's not for me or you to say how others will conduct their private choices..

so i guess you're OK with women drinking and smoking while they are pregnant.

yet you're also against abortion. because we need to protect life!

you're so fucking cute.
Your definition of indifference is skewed, what you describe in your example above is not indifference, it is a mutually acceptable transaction wherein both parties consent to it.

serving someone without regard to their skin color is indifference.

Actionable harm is what happens when an interaction involves a threat of force or actual force.

like when a hostile, aggressive racist throws someone out of their store on the sole basis of their skin color. got it.

neither of us has the right to force them to interact with us if they are not inclined to.

exactly. we can't force anyone to not open a private club.
serving someone without regard to their skin color is indifference.

like when a hostile, aggressive racist throws someone out of their store on the sole basis of their skin color. got it.

exactly. we can't force anyone to not open a private club.

Yet when an agressive Korean donut shop owner threw me out for being white you laughed at me and said payback was a bitch.
The very reason why I can only take so much of RIU politics. It gets rather dumb. They are actually arguing for the right to drive drunk and fuck a sibling. I see now why Ginwilly moved to Georgia. The Southern mentality for some

I think you mischaracterize. What is being argued is whether people that consent to a relationship that doesn't involve others is for you or me to intervene in.

You, take the rapist side of things, that if people won't do what you like, you will make them.

We take the point of view that to engage with other people requires consent of both parties otherwise somebody is there under duress.

You force people, we butt out if it doesn't involve us.
The very reason why I can only take so much of RIU politics. It gets rather dumb. They are actually arguing for the right to drive drunk and fuck a sibling. I see now why Ginwilly moved to Georgia. The Southern mentality for some

I think you mischaracterize. What is being argued is whether people that consent to a relationship that doesn't involve others is for you or me to intervene in.

You, take the rapist / prohibitionist side of things, that if people won't do what you like, you will make them.

We take the point of view that to engage with other people requires consent of both parties otherwise somebody is there under duress.

You force people, we butt out if it doesn't involve us.