Yes or no ? Freedom or slavery ?

so i guess you're OK with women drinking and smoking while they are pregnant.

yet you're also against abortion. because we need to protect life!

you're so fucking cute.

I am not okay with women drinking during pregnancy nor am I okay with abortions. However those are not my choices to make for others, or your choices to make for others either.

Sometimes it's okay to run your own life instead of others should try it some time.
So you didn't want an answer to your stupid fucking question?

You seem defensive and angry. Is that because you feel angry with yourself for espousing one thing, but practicing another or are you just angry with me for asking a question that is hard to answer ?
I'm sure that's how you remember it.

Just using Buck's definition of agressive. At first I thought he didn't know English until he started using the King's English to another Korean customer who barely knew any Korean. The owner wouldn't sell me a donut because I didn't have the correct physical characteristics. Eventually I needed to leave with no donut. It was very agressive of him.
Just using Buck's definition of agressive. At first I thought he didn't know English until he started using the King's English to another Korean customer who barely knew any Korean. The owner wouldn't sell me a donut because I didn't have the correct physical characteristics. Eventually I needed to leave with no donut. It was very agressive of him.

I can piece it together from the details you reveal when you tell it the way you saw it. Here's how it really went. You saw a dirty immigrant who is working hard and doing well for himself and it pissed you off that he didn't seem to speak English so your deportment conveyed to him your feeling that he was inferior to you. He then spoke to another customer in good English just to let you know that you're an ass hole. Indignant, you took it personally, as if he saw something offensive in your character that you did not reveal when in fact he just didn't like you. Instead of trying to placate you, he just threw your scrawny ass out. He doesn't need your measly 5 bucks for a dozen maple bars.

It isn't like he was the first person to instantly get a shrewd sense of what a colossal prick you are. Remember that mother who almost had to kick your ass at the playground?
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I can piece it together from the details you reveal when you tell it the way you saw it. Here's how it really went. You saw a dirty immigrant who is working hard and doing well for himself and it pissed you off that he didn't seem to speak English so your deportment conveyed to him your feeling that he was inferior to you. He then spoke to another customer in good English just to let you know that you're an ass hole. Indignant, you took it personally, as if he saw something offensive in your character that you did not reveal when in fact he just didn't like you. Instead of trying to placate you, he just threw your scrawny ass out. He doesn't need your measly 5 bucks for a dozen maple bars.

It isn't like he was the first person to instantly get a shrewd sense of what a colossal prick you are. Remember that mother who almost had to kick your ass at the playground?

I just lost a few IQ points reading that. Thanks.
I haven't stolen anything since I was a teenager. I haven't sought the services of a prostitute in about 5 years, but at the time, I was employed. She has no mustache or TB and we're still friends, she is regularly working on Telemundo as a random hot chick. Even as a prostitute she probably made more money than most of us and was a member of a labor union and also received medical care and screenings. I can't find anything slimey about her. She is quite respectable actually. What do you have against hookers?
I have nothing against hookers, just slime like you who steals the tax money I pay so you can engage in such activity in a foreign country.