After 5 Months of Sales, Colorado Sees the Downside of a Legal High

Ok let me fill you in on some sciency shit even tho you're just a wannabe troll I'll still school you.

Every substance has a number attached, it's based on the amount that is half the amount required to kill a person.

Marijuana's number is so high, you literally could not have enough in your bloodstream at one time to kill you.

You'd have to smoke so much, you'd die of carbon monoxide poisoning long before you'd get even close.

There are "science-numbers" to verify all I've said, but you're too stupid to understand anyway so I just dumbed it down for you.

What is the number that you must reach before you start killing people?

The fact that you refuse to admit that there are risks involved when using marijuana only goes to show you are dumber than me.

Let me guess, ... you own pitbulls.
Who pays for her health care because it sure as hell ain't her

Relax, I'm sure she's washing that down with a six pac of diet pepsi.
What is the number that you must reach before you start killing people?

The fact that you refuse to admit that there are risks involved when using marijuana only goes to show you are dumber than me.

Let me guess, ... you own pitbulls.

Than I (am).

Or were you doing that on purpose?
DENVER — Five months after Colorado became the first state to allow recreational marijuana sales, the battle over legalization is still raging.

Law enforcement officers in Colorado and neighboring states, emergency room doctors and legalization opponents increasingly are highlighting a series of recent problems as cautionary lessons for other states flirting with loosening marijuana laws.

There is the Denver man who, hours after buying a package of marijuana-infused Karma Kandy from one of Colorado’s new recreational marijuana shops, began raving about the end of the world and then pulled a handgun from the family safe and killed his wife, the authorities say. Some hospital officials say they are treating growing numbers of children and adults sickened by potent doses of edible marijuana. Sheriffs in neighboring states complain about stoned drivers streaming out of Colorado and through their towns.

“I think, by any measure, the experience of Colorado has not been a good one unless you’re in the marijuana business,” said Kevin A. Sabet, executive director of Smart Approaches to Marijuana, which opposes legalization. “We’ve seen lives damaged. We’ve seen deaths directly attributed to marijuana legalization. We’ve seen marijuana slipping through Colorado’s borders. We’ve seen marijuana getting into the hands of kids.”


And you all are worried about Ebola. Your dope will kill you faster. Toke it on up.
What is the number that you must reach before you start killing people?

The fact that you refuse to admit that there are risks involved when using marijuana only goes to show you are dumber than me.

Let me guess, ... you own pitbulls.
So people don't kill people without marijuana?


Pitbills? No.

Isn't that the brown guy who writes shitty music?
So people don't kill people without marijuana?


Pitbills? No.

Isn't that the brown guy who writes shitty music?

The logic some of you pose is laughable.

People kill people without marijuana. People kill more people with marijuana.

Profound is right.
after 5 months isnt enough time we need to see the overall death or murder rate.ive read that there are less overall drug overdoses after legalization i would also venture to say that mj legalization will save lives not take them.
Sheskunk .... Have you ever smoked or ingested cannabis? What is your position on cigarettes and alcahol? How about prescription meds?

I can tell you from years of observation that people are going to do what people are going to do. How many kids can get their hands on mommy's happy pills ....hell take 16 aspirin and you will have your last headache.

Consuming a naturally occurring plant that has very obvious medical benefits for diseases we can't even cure in a "lab" I think would get the creators stamp of approval.

I'll take gods medicine over mans any day


All comments and pictures posted by the entity known as packetloss314 are completely fiction and at times outright lies. All content was copied from the internet and all statements are from the mind of a lunatic
More people are killed by guns than by rapists. So by your logic rape should be ok.

Just because there is something worse out there doesn't make anything else any better. Why can't you defend one thing without having to bring in other things to compare it to?
My post had nothing to do with justifying it because more mundane things are much more dangerous. My post illustrated that MJ is not a danger to anyone.
Your stats show less than 1 death per year.
That disproves your point that it is dangerous, it in no way strengthens your argument.
lol, we're so fucking indoctrinated in this country that we're talking about the dangers of the pot rather than the fucking guns. Hilarious. A bud didn't enter her face ripping apart brains and vessels causing her death.
Most guns aren't dangerous, its the particular people that use them that are.
Marijuana doesn't directly cause deaths tho, that's the point your retarded ass has failed on.

Fail troll gonna fail...

Nowhere did I ever say that marijuana "directly" caused deaths. It can certainly cause people to feel uncomfortable though. To the point where they will KILL you. It can cause people to loose the ability to drive safely. To the point that they crash and DIE. It can POISON children. To the point that they need medical care. It can lead to gang violence. To the point that someone will KILL you over it. I can go on and on, if you still don't get it.

You have failed to present a substantial defense. Other than claiming "troll thread". You might as well just scream "racist" and go hang out with Uncle Buck.
Sheskunk .... Have you ever smoked or ingested cannabis? What is your position on cigarettes and alcahol? How about prescription meds?

I can tell you from years of observation that people are going to do what people are going to do. How many kids can get their hands on mommy's happy pills ....hell take 16 aspirin and you will have your last headache.

Consuming a naturally occurring plant that has very obvious medical benefits for diseases we can't even cure in a "lab" I think would get the creators stamp of approval.

I'll take gods medicine over mans any day


All comments and pictures posted by the entity known as packetloss314 are completely fiction and at times outright lies. All content was copied from the internet and all statements are from the mind of a lunatic

What does my use have to do with anything?

What does alcohol, tobacco or prescription meds have to do with anything?

Cocaine is a naturally occurring plant that has medical uses. Should we all be smoking crack?