Yes or no ? Freedom or slavery ?

so you're not gonna defend yourself?

why do you want to make it legal for pregnant women to drink their babies to death?

why do you want to make it legal to refuse service based solely on skin color?

and which "geographic regions" need to "evolve from the neck up"?

I can't believe you are still trying to dig out of your hypocrite hole by calling me racist.

"It's her body, she can do with it what we tell her"

Tell us oh genius one, does prohibition work?
You appear to want to both harm and save the "baby" (unborn) at the same time given your position on abortion.

How can aborting a fetus be any better for it than giving it alcohol via the host mother?

Your cognitive dissonance is overwhelming.

a woman has a choice to make (and a certain amount of time to make that choice).

if she decides to abort, that's her right under the law of our land.

if she decides to keep it, that's also her right.

if she does decide to keep it, that comes with responsibilities, such as not drinking it to FAS.

it's really not that hard to understand. it's basic biology and roe v wade.

do you think, like ginwilly, that there should be no law to punish those who would abuse their children? should there be no consequence of a parent pours a bottle of vodka down their child's throat?
Tell us oh genius one, does prohibition work?


it's a matter of what metric you want to use sometimes.

cannabis prohibition has inflated the price of cannabis, pricing many who might be regular smokers out completely, or relegated them to occasional smokers. i know your white supremacist buddy sirgreenthumb often has to scrape resin down in his alabama shithole, when he would have no such issues in oregon or colorado.

we prohibit parents from abusing their children, and many of those who would be serial abusers are now locked up in cells where they can't abuse their children.

you say that no such legislation should exist and that there should be no consequence for child abuse. i disagree. i think your position is ill-conceived and complete scumbag material, just like your position that businesses should be allowed to refuse service on the basis of skin color.

if you are performing a physical and see obvious signs of abuse that indicate a child is being beaten by his or her parents, would you report it?
if you are performing a physical and see obvious signs of abuse that indicate a child is being beaten by his or her parents, would you report it?

I'll answer this as a yes, of course, happens at least once a year.

The rest of your post was just typical UB drivel.

You started saying they shouldn't be allowed to drink saying I don't know biology. When I pointed out moderation in 3rd trimester is completely acceptable you went to FAS and changed to.. what now? I can't tell. Are you wanting a law that limits or forbids? Are you willing to make a law that spells out the date she can drink, then how many she can drink? Are you going to just make it arbitrary or are you going to consider weight and have the mom doing math before each glass of wine?

What is the law exactly you are proposing women who own their body should be held to? Would you lock her up if she goes over the limit? Should pre-natal vitamins be mandatory? What if she eats a lot of greasy foods? or too much food for that matter. I've seen lots of women use the excuse of eating for two gorge themselves. Hey lady, that 2nd is the size of a can of coke and you ate 7 slices of pizza!

Are you against late term abortion?

You are big fan of controlling others lives, but you aren't able to think far enough ahead to see unintended consequences. People should be free, free to make mistakes, free to learn from them or not, free to struggle and free to prosper. As long as no other is hurt is the only caveat.

I just can't back the argument you are making that abortion is fine, but a glass of wine deserves lock up.

Each new law you create that entails limiting individual freedom creates new criminals. In a country where we far outdistance the next in prison population, I don't understand people like you.
I'll answer this as a yes, of course, happens at least once a year.

why do you depend on legislation to stop child abuse?

why not just educate those parents that it's not a good idea to abuse their children?

are you some sort of two face hypocrite? are you relying on prohibition?do you think prohibition works?
herp derp

You really aren't that bright are you. You seem ruled more by emotion than logic.

FTR, I don't think a mom should drink or smoke either, I just don't feel I have the right to lock her up for it.

Maybe you can help pass a 10,000 page "proper parenting" legislation...
You really aren't that bright are you. You seem ruled more by emotion than logic.

FTR, I don't think a mom should drink or smoke either, I just don't feel I have the right to lock her up for it.

Maybe you can help pass a 10,000 page "proper parenting" legislation...

maybe you can go on reporting child abuse to authorities instead of educating the parents, all while blathering on the internet about how prohibition doesn't work and legislation should not be penned against that very thing you report.

You get old really fast.

Not sure if you notice this, but whenever you are asked to defend a position of yours and you can't, you attack the person who asked. It's become really repetitive and boring and predictable.

I'll leave you to yelling racist and chalk it up to "I should know better"
You get old really fast.

Not sure if you notice this, but whenever you are asked to defend a position of yours and you can't, you attack the person who asked. It's become really repetitive and boring and predictable.

I'll leave you to yelling racist and chalk it up to "I should know better"

so you say we should not have legislation against parents abusing their children, but here you are reporting parents who abuse their children to the authorities.

so does prohibition work?
so you say we should not have legislation against parents abusing their children,

I did?

This type of shit is why I just can't take you serious and almost always regret giving you the benefit of the doubt that maybe, just maybe, you are not as idiotic and dishonest as I think.
here is ginwilly in response to a 30 weeks pregnant woman downing a bottle of schnapps:

BTW, would a law stop a woman from smoking or drinking or would education work better? Prohibition works according to you?

i bet he'll say he supports legislation against that type of child abuse though.

just like he says he supports civil rights but then asks "WHY DO WE NEED TITLE II??!!??!!???!!!!".
here is ginwilly in response to a 30 weeks pregnant woman downing a bottle of schnapps:

i bet he'll say he supports legislation against that type of child abuse though.

just like he says he supports civil rights but then asks "WHY DO WE NEED TITLE II??!!??!!???!!!!".

Still making shit puppet dance.

While I enjoy seeing you flail when you are so obviously wrong, it's become too easy and predictable. You should take some time away, you have really dropped a few notches here.
Still making shit puppet dance.

While I enjoy seeing you flail when you are so obviously wrong, it's become too easy and predictable. You should take some time away, you have really dropped a few notches here.

making shit up?

those are your exact words!

dumbass two face.
A collectivist would say "us" and presume to speak for everyone.

You appear to want to both harm and save the "baby" (unborn) at the same time given your position on abortion.

How can aborting a fetus be any better for it than giving it alcohol via the host mother?

Your cognitive dissonance is overwhelming.

We get it, you think the only person who matters is yourself, you think society doesn't exist.
making shit up?

those are your exact words!

dumbass two face.
And those words seriously mean there shouldn't be child abuse legislation? Give it up stalker boy.

You know, if you wanted some time off, we can cover for you. Nearly everyone here can make your posts for you they've become so predictable.

It would be tough, be we would manage without you. Ya know, if you needed time away to come up with a new schtick or something.

So what law exactly are you willing to enact and what penalties for those women who find themselves pregnant that you think are too stupid to function? You keep avoiding this because you are a coward. (now you can call me a coward...)
As for the apparent contradiction between wanting abortion to be legal while wanting it to be illegal for pregnant women to drink alcohol. I agree, the liberal mind has such contradictions. However, I just can't stop laughing at how UB has gotten so many of you to concede that you want it to be legal along with incest while wanting abortion to be illegal thus demonstrating a very similar thought pattern. At least UB has the rights of both the woman and the child in mind. I don't see any of the rest of you arguing from any other perspective than to troll UB.

Has he really gotten your panties in such a twist?
As for the apparent contradiction between wanting abortion to be legal while wanting it to be illegal for pregnant women to drink alcohol. I agree, the liberal mind has such contradictions. However, I just can't stop laughing at how UB has gotten so many of you to concede that you want it to be legal along with incest while wanting abortion to be illegal thus demonstrating a very similar thought pattern. At least UB has the rights of both the woman and the child in mind. I don't see any of the rest of you arguing from any other perspective than to troll UB.

Has he really gotten your panties in such a twist?

Who is against abortion in this thread?

As far as incest goes, it's not my business what two consenting adults do, is it yours?

As far as wanting it to be legal to let a mother have a glass of wine... It already is. Making it illegal is what your boy wants, but he won't say how much is illegal, when it's illegal, and what the penalties are.