if you are performing a physical and see obvious signs of abuse that indicate a child is being beaten by his or her parents, would you report it?
I'll answer this as a yes, of course, happens at least once a year.
The rest of your post was just typical UB drivel.
You started saying they shouldn't be allowed to drink saying I don't know biology. When I pointed out moderation in 3rd trimester is completely acceptable you went to FAS and changed to.. what now? I can't tell. Are you wanting a law that limits or forbids? Are you willing to make a law that spells out the date she can drink, then how many she can drink? Are you going to just make it arbitrary or are you going to consider weight and have the mom doing math before each glass of wine?
What is the law exactly you are proposing women who own their body should be held to? Would you lock her up if she goes over the limit? Should pre-natal vitamins be mandatory? What if she eats a lot of greasy foods? or too much food for that matter. I've seen lots of women use the excuse of eating for two gorge themselves. Hey lady, that 2nd is the size of a can of coke and you ate 7 slices of pizza!
Are you against late term abortion?
You are big fan of controlling others lives, but you aren't able to think far enough ahead to see unintended consequences. People should be free, free to make mistakes, free to learn from them or not, free to struggle and free to prosper. As long as no other is hurt is the only caveat.
I just can't back the argument you are making that abortion is fine, but a glass of wine deserves lock up.
Each new law you create that entails limiting individual freedom creates new criminals. In a country where we far outdistance the next in prison population, I don't understand people like you.