A moment of sanity and common sense

Yet somehow thousands of children from south america manage to cross it.

they literally ran to the authorities. they were escaping horrible conditions back in their home countries.

Illegals do not come here legally dipshit hence the TERM...

about half of all illegals came here legally and overstayed their visas. border patrol is only half the issue.

you are really dumb. for real.

I dont care what color a person's skin is.

yes you do, you even admitted earlier tonight to being a racist bigot. do i need to remind you?
bush initiated gun running to cartels, actually.

the DOJ is not a left wing organization and their numbers on the lack of voter fraud go back several administrations.

fail harder, dummy.
UB Actually, the DOJ's effort under Bush "chipped" their guns, (holder didn't) and even then Bush's DOJ decided that that operation was a failure and ended it with recommendations it not be done again, So no, Holder's failed gun running operation cannot be blamed on Bush..Sadly, Holder and the DOJ tried to blame theirs on Bush and predictably so did you but;

You have shown now what a tool you really are. You trust the government implicitly (In this case I am guessing because your infallible party is in charge)! The administration that has lied to us repeatedly. The administration whose propping up of the stock market to the tune of 4 billion a day has allowed the 1%ers to get richer by $6.1 trillion and whose policies has caused the typical household income to drop $6400. and then brags about a recovery.The administration that has done little to improve conditions in the inner city. You trust the administration that is run by a president chosen by politifact as "Liar of the Year"!!! You are such a Democrat tool it's laughable!!!
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UB Actually, the DOJ's effort under Bush "chipped" their guns, (holder didn't) and even then Bush's DOJ decided that that operation was a failure and ended it with recommendations it not be done again, So no, Holder's failed gun running operation cannot be blamed on Bush..Sadly, Holder and the DOJ tried to blame theirs on Bush and predictably so did you but;

You have shown now what a tool you really are. You trust the government implicitly (In this case I am guessing because your infallible party is in charge)! The administration that has lied to us repeatedly. The administration whose propping up of the stock market to the tune of 4 billion a day has allowed the 1%ers to get richer by $6.1 trillion and whose policies has caused the typical household income to drop $6400. and then brags about a recovery.The administration that has done little to improve conditions in the inner city. You trust the administration that is run by a president chosen by politifact as "Liar of the Year"!!! You are such a Democrat tool it's laughable!!!

thanks for admitting that gunrunning to mexico was bush's idea and that trickle down does not work.

i could have told you that.
thanks for admitting that gunrunning to mexico was bush's idea and that trickle down does not work.

i could have told you that.
Amazingly enough, Obama's Holder thought it was a good idea too and did their own gun walking operation, only with more ineptitude. So who is the stupidest, the one who tried and failed first, or the idiot that couldn't learn from the prior mistake and was even more inept at their implementation? Your guys are definitely the bigger clowns. BTW I am one of those who thought Bush had his "Red Nose" moments but the inability of this administration to take responsibility for their own actions and their insistence on pointing fingers is silly and childish.
Amazingly enough, Obama's Holder thought it was a good idea too and did their own gun walking operation, only with more ineptitude. So who is the stupidest, the one who tried and failed first, or the idiot that couldn't learn from the prior mistake and was even more inept at their implementation? Your guys are definitely the bigger clowns. BTW I am one of those who thought Bush had his "Red Nose" moments but the inability of this administration to take responsibility for their own actions and their insistence on pointing fingers is silly and childish.

so you're saying more guns are bad?

you must be some sort of homosexual communist or something.
so you're saying more guns are bad?

you must be some sort of homosexual communist or something.

Sorry if I don't follow your convolutions. How in the world did you get that out of what I said? I have nothing against Homosexuals, or any one for that matter so that doesn't offend me in the least but, communist? Come on now! You are twisted for sure! I am going to smoke another bowl and forget you said that!
so you're saying more guns are bad?

you must be some sort of homosexual communist or something.

It occurred to me after smoking my bowl that you tried to hurt my feelings by calling me homosexual and you are liberal, or "progressive. You are supposed to stand up for gays yet you see fit to use homosexuality or gayness as a name to call someone to hurt their feelings. Do you think there is something wrong with homosexuality that you must use it as a name to insult others? I suggest you don't insult gay people any more by using gayness as an insult. I sat here and really started to get offended at the fact that you would do such a thing, I know my best friend, who is gay, would not approve and I sure as hell don't!
Sorry if I don't follow your convolutions. How in the world did you get that out of what I said? I have nothing against Homosexuals, or any one for that matter so that doesn't offend me in the least but, communist? Come on now! You are twisted for sure! I am going to smoke another bowl and forget you said that!

you seem upset about this gunrunning, so i figure you must not think that guns are a good thing.

the NRA keeps telling me that guns are a good thing.

It occurred to me after smoking my bowl that you tried to hurt my feelings by calling me homosexual and you are liberal, or "progressive. You are supposed to stand up for gays yet you see fit to use homosexuality or gayness as a name to call someone to hurt their feelings. Do you think there is something wrong with homosexuality that you must use it as a name to insult others? I suggest you don't insult gay people any more by using gayness as an insult. I sat here and really started to get offended at the fact that you would do such a thing, I know my best friend, who is gay, would not approve and I sure as hell don't!

i'm sardonically mocking another member, desert dude, who is a racist, bigoted, homophobic white nationalist.

it's funny how you take offense when i simply ASK if you are a homosexual, but choose to say nothing when other members, especially your ideological, right wing colleagues, flat out use it as an insult.

i guess you just expect right wingers to be bigoted racists, which is wise.
You point the finger elsewhere, which is to be expected, proving my point that left wingers cannot or will not take responsibility for their own actions. As you are wont to say, thanks for proving me correct.
You point the finger elsewhere, which is to be expected, proving my point that left wingers cannot or will not take responsibility for their own actions. As you are wont to say, thanks for proving me correct.

when did i point a finger?

i said that i decided to ask if you were a homosexual. and i explained why. i took full responsibility for asking if you were a homosexual.

you're the one who is crying and whining about the fact that you hate guns and ignore bigotry and homophobia within your own political persuasion.
70% of americans support a national gun registry and 95% support universal background checks.

since the voting system is already 99.9998849% perfect as is, i say we address the gun stuff before we "fix" the non-existent issues with voting.
"Fix the gun stuff" lol.

Open or concealed carry for all but violent felons.
