A moment of sanity and common sense

Legal immigration isn't a problem at all. I enthusiastically welcome anyone who wants to become a citizen, go to school or vacation here. As long as they go about it in a manner that we have decided is acceptable. Our country, our rules.
So if we decide that
The Illegals here now should get a path to citizenship.
You would have no problem with that since they would be legal.
so you finally dug up some evidence, but only enough to vindicate what i have been claiming about the voting system being 99.9998849% perfect as is.

well done!

you still stepped on your own dick with BLOG POSTS from the racist shit kingdom called the free republic and have not substantiated your own earlier claims though. so there's also that.

but thanks for proving what i have been saying all along though.

And I'm supposed to accept YOUR opinion as to what qualifies as reputable.
You really DO think everyone else other than you and your Dem minions are idiots, I rest my case Mr. Elitist Superior! YOU have proven MY case and achieved the unique distinction of irrelevancy.

Just to keep you busy, since it's so easy to do, here's another piece of information on voter fraud, though not directly connected with the Democrat party.


Just for your info these violations when added up involve over 75,000 illegal registrations.
These were the ones discovered, who knows how many were not. Though Acorn filed for Chapter 7 liquidation in 2010 (small wonder with as many pending lawsuits as it had), many members went on to form other organizations so who knows what kind of crap is going on today..
So if we decide that
The Illegals here now should get a path to citizenship.
You would have no problem with that since they would be legal.
I personally don't have a problem with a legal path to citizenship as long as those that have been following legal channels all along are given priority. However I do not feel it is the presidents right or duty to give amnesty through executive order. That is the job and the duty of congress
And I'm supposed to accept YOUR opinion as to what qualifies as reputable.
You really DO think everyone else other than you and your Dem minions are idiots, I rest my case Mr. Elitist Superior! YOU have proven MY case and achieved the unique distinction of irrelevancy.

Just to keep you busy, since it's so easy to do, here's another piece of information on voter fraud, though not directly connected with the Democrat party.


Just for your info these violations when added up involve over 75,000 illegal registrations.
These were the ones discovered, who knows how many were not. Though Acorn filed for Chapter 7 liquidation in 2010 (small wonder with as many pending lawsuits as it had), many members went on to form other organizations so who knows what kind of crap is going on today..

you couldn't have chosen a more biased, less trustworthy source if you tried.

you'd have to be an idiot to think that is a good source.

still no evidence of this widespread voter fraud you speak of either.

and voter ID doesn't even stop registration fraud.

you really suck at this.
Yes Dan, it's true, when you talk about legal or illegal aliens you must be talking about those of the "brown" persuasion, hence you are racist. At least that's how it is viewed by the Myopic and narrow minded and intolerant left. You see,The DEMs not being tolerant of opposing views and ideas that stray from their core indoctrination, they have to conclude that there is racism or theocracy at the root of the idea because that is what they have been taught by their leaders, though they can't really prove it with logic or common sense.
The Democrat party isn't left wing. I agree with the rest of your rant, but the left has nothing to do with it. Dems are hardly better than pubs when it comes to tolerance. Don't be myopic and narrow minded by bandying the entire left as if it were a faction of the democrat party or something.
Sorry but I'm going to have to side with the republicans on the thread topic. Regardless of the circumstances in which the endeavor to implement voter ID arose, it is a good idea. Maybe it only came about because the pubs want to diminish democrat turn out but the system needs to be fixed anyway. The way it is now, more effort is wasted (along with tax dollars) on keeping track of which party voters are registered with as part of the effort to divine outcomes. In my opinion, there ought to be ballots issued such that the exact number of ballots cast is immediately known. The ballots however, ought to be anonymous in order to respect voter privacy. Sufficient identification should be required in order to obtain a ballot. Sufficient identification should also be provided.
I hear silence from the guy who only hates illegals cause they are illegal

What about the ones that cross the border an hour later? A day later? A week later? A year later?

How many will try to get across to be called legal? You want a rush on the border? Try this without some sort of border control... It will make the children coming from south america look like a trickle compared to a flood.

Seal the border then lets talk about amnesty, not before. You are being ignorant if you dont think there would be a flood of people trying to get in.
What about the ones that cross the border an hour later? A day later? A week later? A year later?

How many will try to get across to be called legal? You want a rush on the border? Try this without some sort of border control... It will make the children coming from south america look like a trickle compared to a flood.

Seal the border then lets talk about amnesty, not before. You are being ignorant if you dont think there would be a flood of people trying to get in.
Why didnt we seal the border when your folks came over?
The border was sealed. My *folks* came over legally. Why dont we require everyone to do that?
you couldn't have chosen a more biased, less trustworthy source if you tried.

you'd have to be an idiot to think that is a good source.

still no evidence of this widespread voter fraud you speak of either.

and voter ID doesn't even stop registration fraud.

you really suck at this.

Buck you are so biased that you are irrelevant so it matters not what you say!
Let's face it, you will only accept a source if it meets YOUR criteria and that means it has to be far, and I mean FAR left. So, like I said, you are irrelevant. I put you in the same class as Rosy O'Donnel and Alex Baldwin, far left wacko's!
The DOJ, run by left winger Holder who initiated Fast and Furious which caused the deaths of hundreds, that is the only source you accept. Like I said, you ARE a left wing wacko!!!!
The DOJ, run by left winger Holder who initiated Fast and Furious which caused the deaths of hundreds, that is the only source you accept. Like I said, you ARE a left wing wacko!!!!

bush initiated gun running to cartels, actually.

the DOJ is not a left wing organization and their numbers on the lack of voter fraud go back several administrations.

fail harder, dummy.
Why don't we require immigrants now to go thru the same process your ancestors did.
They just got off the boat.

I am not sure, you should probably take that up with the federal government. Our legal immigration system is pretty fucked up too but you know who we can blame for that right?
So if we decide that
The Illegals here now should get a path to citizenship.
You would have no problem with that since they would be legal.
"We" doesn't mean "you". "We" meaning the voting public, said gay marriage should be banned but activists circumvented the will of the public. You can't wrap yourself in "Democracy" and ignore it at the same time.
Why don't we require immigrants now to go thru the same process your ancestors did.
They just got off the boat.
And were quarantined 30 days, had to pass a medical exam, literacy test, history test, and swear a loyalty oath. You don't know anything.