A moment of sanity and common sense

Ah yes, UB resorts to name calling, typical lefty. I will openly admit that one can call it suppressing and that is what those Republicans said but the purpose is to suppress those illegal votes. I guess any form of suppression, even it is aimed at an illegal activity is wrong in your eyes
Here you go for your evidence UB. Though really, with your attitude I shouldn't, you should research this stuff on your own.

a youtube video?

what kind of a fucking dumbass thinks that a youtube video counts as evidence of their claims?

you still don't have a shred of fucking evidence for your mouth sharting of stupidity onto this forum.
OMG. This is your evidence ??

How many times a day does Buck spam us with figures that can only be true if we caught every single case of voter fraud. It's idiotic to believe that to be the case, yet day in and day out I see you guys repeating it as fact.

In fact, I can ask you right now if you believe that to be the case and you will undoubtedly answer no, yet by the end of the day it will be posted at least 3 more times.
lol, what a pile of horse shit.

gun deaths in the united states last year alone: 32,163

cases of voter fraud since 2000: 633

you always like to pull numbers out of your ass, smart guy?

don't try to make accusations of not staying on topic when i was parroting your logic verbatim, new beenthere.
Gun deaths and murders by guns are not the same, your stats are way off.

In 2009, according to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 67% of all homicides in the U.S. were conducted using a firearm.[5] According to the FBI, in 2012, there were 8,855 total firearm-related homicides in the US, with 6,371 of those attributed to handguns.[6] 61% of all gun-related deaths in the U.S. are suicides.[3] In 2010, there were 19,392 firearm-related suicides, and 11,078 firearm-related homicides in the U.S
That's a tad dramatic.
Is it?
Pretend you have no id.
Now what do you need to get one?
Go thru the whole process.
There is a reason I keep my birth certificate, baptismal certificate, marriage certificate,passport and copy of my social security card in a safe deposit box
How many times a day does Buck spam us with figures that can only be true if we caught every single case of voter fraud. It's idiotic to believe that to be the case, yet day in and day out I see you guys repeating it as fact.

In fact, I can ask you right now if you believe that to be the case and you will undoubtedly answer no, yet by the end of the day it will be posted at least 3 more times.

so your point is that you have no evidence of your retarded claims?

we all knew that.
Gun deaths and murders by guns are not the same, your stats are way off.

In 2009, according to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, 67% of all homicides in the U.S. were conducted using a firearm.[5] According to the FBI, in 2012, there were 8,855 total firearm-related homicides in the US, with 6,371 of those attributed to handguns.[6] 61% of all gun-related deaths in the U.S. are suicides.[3] In 2010, there were 19,392 firearm-related suicides, and 11,078 firearm-related homicides in the U.S

so then let's go with ~10,000 gun murders every year.

going back to 2000, that makes about 120,000 gun murders since 2012.

meanwhile, 633 cases of voter fraud int he same time.

that still doesn't un-pull those numbers from out of your ass, new beenthere.
so then let's go with ~10,000 gun murders every year.

going back to 2000, that makes about 120,000 gun murders since 2012.

meanwhile, 633 cases of voter fraud int he same time.

that still doesn't un-pull those numbers from out of your ass, new beenthere.
Time for a preemptive list addition
that's some retarded logic yiou're peddling there, racist.

"if everything is racist, then nothing is racist" is the line of shit you are trying to sell.

sadly for you, it's false.

i call out racism when i see it. you excuse racism, defend the racists, and speak out against those condemning the racism.

only one type of person does that.

and you also advocate openly racist positions.

says the moron who called scientific polling a liberal conspiracy and predicted a 14 point romney win.

you support voter ID.

that was easy.

So how come you ignore the comment in my signature?
I speak out against you and your idiot buddies on here. You cry racism so many times with no more validity than your own wild assumptions. You also just got you ass handed to you about your hypocrisy on this "if you don't speak out against it, you're for it" bullshit on the Islam thread. You don't get it both ways. If I'm a racist because I don't drone on endlessly calling every Republican a racist, then the VAST majority of Muslims are terrorists for not screaming out against terrorists every waking moment.

I don't recognize ANY authority you seem to think you have bestowed upon yourself to be the judge of what is and isn't racist. Fuck, I wouldn't trust you to boil water. You're an idiot of the highest caliber and I crap chunks of stool more imposing than you.
No you are a racist becuase you stand mute against racism and defend/support the same things they do.
You are like a Ron Paul supporter when he talks about states rights
No you are a racist becuase you stand mute against racism and defend/support the same things they do.
You are like a Ron Paul supporter when he talks about states rights

So, you also believe most Muslims are terrorists due to their silence. Got it.

I have no problem with supporting certain policies that happen to be supported by individuals that two halfwits proclaim to be racists. I support ZERO policies that aren't based on common sense. Your claims that they are racist "at heart" is proof of nothing but your partisanship.

I think ALL people should prove their identity before voting. Common sense, not racism.

I think we have the right and responsibility to decline or grant entrance of ALL people seeking to enter our country. Common sense, not racism.

You twits take the most far fetched motivation for those policies and discount the undeniable common sense of them, because they don't fit in with your hyper partisan objectives.
the only time you open your mouth is not to speak out against racists, but rather to condemn those speaking out against racists.

what's up with that?
so then let's go with ~10,000 gun murders every year.

going back to 2000, that makes about 120,000 gun murders since 2012.

meanwhile, 633 cases of voter fraud int he same time.

that still doesn't un-pull those numbers from out of your ass, new beenthere.
.Kim Strach, the North Carolina director of elections, has living proof — and some dead proof — otherwise.

She has identified 35,750 persons who voted in North Carolina sharing a name and birth date with someone who voted in another state in 2012. Another 81 North Carolinians voted after they died.

Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/apr/11/editorial-a-lesson-for-the-president/#ixzz3GeXTlSqo
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

And that's just one state.
You're easy.
So, you also believe most Muslims are terrorists due to their silence. Got it.

I have no problem with supporting certain policies that happen to be supported by individuals that two halfwits proclaim to be racists. I support ZERO policies that aren't based on common sense. Your claims that they are racist "at heart" is proof of nothing but your partisanship.

I think ALL people should prove their identity before voting. Common sense, not racism.

I think we have the right and responsibility to decline or grant entrance of ALL people seeking to enter our country. Common sense, not racism.

You twits take the most far fetched motivation for those policies and discount the undeniable common sense of them, because they don't fit in with your hyper partisan objectives.

where's the common sense in disenfranchising hundreds of thousands of voters when our current system is already 99.9998849% perfect?

and it's hilarious that an idiot like you calls us "hyper partisan" when you support ending social security, medicare, putting marriage equality to a voter referendum, closing the border, call climate change a hoax, and fell for the "skewed polls" theory like only a fucking idiot would and get homicidal when you think of unions.

you are the hyper partisan.
.Kim Strach, the North Carolina director of elections, has living proof — and some dead proof — otherwise.

She has identified 35,750 persons who voted in North Carolina sharing a name and birth date with someone who voted in another state in 2012. Another 81 North Carolinians voted after they died.

Read more: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/apr/11/editorial-a-lesson-for-the-president/#ixzz3GeXTlSqo
Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

And that's just one state.
You're easy.

a republican hand picked by a group of other republicans came up with no proof whatsoever of voter fraud?

that's hilarious.

the RNC's sean spicer, communications director for the RNC, shares a name and birthday with 20 other people by the way. his name isn't even that common.

let me know when you have actual proof, not this "proof" that you have just presented, new beenthere.
the only time you open your mouth is not to speak out against racists, but rather to condemn those speaking out against racists.

what's up with that?

No, I speak out against you and a few of your fellow mongoloids. The fact that you're ALWAYS crying racism and my rebuttals unavoidably coincide with that Hannityesque monotony of hairbrained judgement, doesn't support your assertion. Stop saying stupid shit and I won't have to correct you all the time.
No, I speak out against you and a few of your fellow mongoloids. The fact that you're ALWAYS crying racism and my rebuttals unavoidably coincide with that Hannityesque monotony of hairbrained judgement, doesn't support your assertion. Stop saying stupid shit and I won't have to correct you all the time.

as i said, you speak out against me when i condemn racism. but you never condemn the racism itself. you seem to condone it.

what's up with that?