A moment of sanity and common sense

as i said, you speak out against me when i condemn racism. but you never condemn the racism itself. you seem to condone it.

what's up with that?

Like the racist in my signature? The one you like to cyber fuck on those cold and lonely nights.
a republican hand picked by a group of other republicans came up with no proof whatsoever of voter fraud?

that's hilarious.

the RNC's sean spicer, communications director for the RNC, shares a name and birthday with 20 other people by the way. his name isn't even that common.

let me know when you have actual proof, not this "proof" that you have just presented, new beenthere.
I see, you are one of those types that tries to discredit everyones sources when it doesn't suit your argument.
That's so typical of partisans with an political agenda, and i'm guessing it's far left.
I see, you are one of those types that tries to discredit everyones sources when it doesn't suit your argument.
That's so typical of partisans with an political agenda, and i'm guessing it's far left.

mocking the obvious bias of the source of the claims was just the cherry on top, the claims themselves have zero merit whatsoever.

speaking of partisans with a political agenda, why have so many republicans stated explicitly that the point of voter ID to to win elections for republicans, and why do you need to lie about the amount of voter fraud that actually occurs in a lame attempt to make a point?
where's the common sense in disenfranchising hundreds of thousands of voters when our current system is already 99.9998849% perfect?

and it's hilarious that an idiot like you calls us "hyper partisan" when you support ending social security, medicare, putting marriage equality to a voter referendum, closing the border, call climate change a hoax, and fell for the "skewed polls" theory like only a fucking idiot would and get homicidal when you think of unions.

you are the hyper partisan.

Your bullshit claim of the current system is horseshit. The only drunk drivers on the road are the ones who get arrested by that asinine logic. The correct question is, how can we make sure there are absolutely no cases of voter fraud? Common sense.

Social security, yup...kill it. Common sense.
Medicare, yup...kill it. Common sense.
Climate change, yup...just the latest manufactured impending disaster to be used as an attack on the energy industry. Common sense.
Borders shouldn't need to be closed, they should always be closed until there is a reason to open them. Common sense.
At the moment of my post, the polls were precisely accurate. Results of an election a month later, offers no proof they were wrong at the time they were presented. Leads change. Common sense.
I support marriage equality and to gain actual acceptance, the laws need to be changed by the voters. It's organic and it's happening. Common sense. Same position Obama held for his entire political career, until changing his position became a political advantage.
mocking the obvious bias of the source of the claims was just the cherry on top, the claims themselves have zero merit whatsoever.

speaking of partisans with a political agenda, why have so many republicans stated explicitly that the point of voter ID to to win elections for republicans, and why do you need to lie about the amount of voter fraud that actually occurs in a lame attempt to make a point?
I haven't lied about a thing, I quoted the NC director of elections.
So, where are your sources, in your head?
Your bullshit claim of the current system is horseshit. The only drunk drivers on the road are the ones who get arrested by that asinine logic. The correct question is, how can we make sure there are absolutely no cases of voter fraud? Common sense.

Social security, yup...kill it. Common sense.
Medicare, yup...kill it. Common sense.
Climate change, yup...just the latest manufactured impending disaster to be used as an attack on the energy industry. Common sense.
Borders shouldn't need to be closed, they should always be closed until there is a reason to open them. Common sense.
At the moment of my post, the polls were precisely accurate. Results of an election a month later, offers no proof they were wrong at the time they were presented. Leads change. Common sense.
I support marriage equality and to gain actual acceptance, the laws need to be changed by the voters. It's organic and it's happening. Common sense. Same position Obama held for his entire political career, until changing his position became a political advantage.
Immigrants have always been a problem since my folks got off the boat
I haven't lied about a thing, I quoted the NC director of elections.
So, where are your sources, in your head?

oh, so you quoted a claim that you know is false but didn't put a disclaimer informing us that you also believed it to be a lie as well?

so you were purposely trying to mislead us about the facts, while calling us "partisans" with a "political agenda"?

that's hilarious, new-beenthere.
as i said, you speak out against me when i condemn racism. but you never condemn the racism itself. you seem to condone it.

what's up with that?

Already answered and apparently beyond your comprehension. Not one example of condoning real racism, ever. 99.9999% of my rebuttals have nothing to do with racism or your claims of racism. I wade through the stupidity of both sides of that to get to the actual topic under discussion. Apparently, I'm a racist because I don't acknowledge and contribute to your constant sidetracking of every thread.

Believe me, it ain't racism, it's boredom.
Already answered and apparently beyond your comprehension. Not one example of condoning real racism, ever. 99.9999% of my rebuttals have nothing to do with racism or your claims of racism. I wade through the stupidity of both sides of that to get to the actual topic under discussion. Apparently, I'm a racist because I don't acknowledge and contribute to your constant sidetracking of every thread.

Believe me, it ain't racism, it's boredom.

don't try to claim that you sit back and wait for the actual topic at hand when you are on record speaking out against those who condemn racism, but never actually speaking out against the many racists that we have had on this forum over the years.

that is you condoning racism.
don't try to claim that you sit back and wait for the actual topic at hand when you are on record speaking out against those who condemn racism, but never actually speaking out against the many racists that we have had on this forum over the years.

that is you condoning racism.

Just like the racist in my signature?
Immigrants have always been a problem since my folks got off the boat

Legal immigration isn't a problem at all. I enthusiastically welcome anyone who wants to become a citizen, go to school or vacation here. As long as they go about it in a manner that we have decided is acceptable. Our country, our rules.
Legal immigration isn't a problem at all. I enthusiastically welcome anyone who wants to become a citizen, go to school or vacation here. As long as they go about it in a manner that we have decided is acceptable. Our country, our rules.
How about we use the same standards that your anscestors got here
that would be fair. Right?
a youtube video?

what kind of a fucking dumbass thinks that a youtube video counts as evidence of their claims?

you still don't have a shred of fucking evidence for your mouth sharting of stupidity onto this forum.

Name Calling or general rude behavior is no longer acceptable in the Cafe, We are adults which means that we should be able to debate without resorting to name calling.

So what is YOUR excuse for not following guidelines, you show a complete lack of respect which is par for the course from a Dem. Like I said, intolerant narrow minded and myopic as your actions clearly show. One just has to read your posts and it becomes clear just exactly who YOU are! You completely negate any points you make by resorting to name calling and rude behavior. In a debate you would be thrown out. You have a superiority complex and that doesn't surprise me in the least since that is a problem shared by too many leftist elites. Just for your information that was Democrat Party Chair Ruth Busby speaking in Escondido.
Here's some articles of Democrats arrested for voter fraud.
a youtube video?

what kind of a fucking dumbass thinks that a youtube video counts as evidence of their claims?

you still don't have a shred of fucking evidence for your mouth sharting of stupidity onto this forum.
The sad fact of the matter is what she did is NOT illegal. She was pointing out the flaw in the system and can one blame her. She needed it ti win
In California the Democrats passed this insane bit of legislation;
Senate Bill 397, by Sen. Leland Yee, D-San Francisco, allows the state to begin registering voters online ahead of the completion of a new statewide voter registration database.
Yeah, that was Leland Lee, the state senator up for racketeering fine upstanding citizen he is!
Online registration !!!!!!! We all know the Dems won't abuse that one don't we?
Here's some articles of Democrats arrested for voter fraud.
Robert Monroe, a 50-year-old Shorewood health insurance executive, was charged Friday with 13 felonies related to his voting a dozen times in five elections between 2011 and 2012 using his own name as well as that of his son and his girlfriend’s son.

According to those records, Monroe was considered by investigators to be the most prolific multiple voter in memory. He was a supporter of Gov. Scott Walker and state Sen. Alberta Darling, both Republicans, and allegedly cast five ballots in the June 2012 election in which Walker survived a recall challenge.
According to the John Doe records, Monroe claimed to have a form of temporary amnesia and did not recall the election day events when confronted by investigators.

Hallelujah!!!! Republicans have found their voter fraud. Unfortunately for them, they are the ones committing it. The Monroe case is even worse, because he voted multiple times in the April 2011 Wisconsin Supreme Court race that required a recount. This isn’t the first episode of Republican voter fraud in the state. In 2011, a Republican legislative aide was investigated for voting multiple times.
The greatest irony of all is that the Monroe case exposes why voter ID laws don’t do what Republicans claim they do. Since Republicans benefit most from absentee voting, they have refused to address the glaring potential for fraud by absentee ballot. The Republican in Wisconsin was able to commit multiple acts of state and federal voter fraud by using absentee ballots for state elections, and driving across state lines for federal elections.
Republican voter ID laws address none of these issues, and instead focus on suppressing the vote by requiring voters who are more likely to vote for Democrats to show identification. A person is least likely to have identification if they are living in the city, and don’t drive. Voter ID laws are being used to suppress the votes of women by making strict rules about acceptable names on the identification.
It turns out that voter fraud is real, and Republicans are guilty of doing it

After seeing your list of sources
You made the list
Name Calling or general rude behavior is no longer acceptable in the Cafe, We are adults which means that we should be able to debate without resorting to name calling.

So what is YOUR excuse for not following guidelines, you show a complete lack of respect which is par for the course from a Dem. Like I said, intolerant narrow minded and myopic as your actions clearly show. One just has to read your posts and it becomes clear just exactly who YOU are! You completely negate any points you make by resorting to name calling and rude behavior. In a debate you would be thrown out. You have a superiority complex and that doesn't surprise me in the least since that is a problem shared by too many leftist elites. Just for your information that was Democrat Party Chair Ruth Busby speaking in Escondido.
Here's some articles of Democrats arrested for voter fraud.

The sad fact of the matter is what she did is NOT illegal. She was pointing out the flaw in the system and can one blame her. She needed it ti win
In California the Democrats passed this insane bit of legislation;
Senate Bill 397, by Sen. Leland Yee, D-San Francisco, allows the state to begin registering voters online ahead of the completion of a new statewide voter registration database.
Yeah, that was Leland Lee, the state senator up for racketeering fine upstanding citizen he is!
Online registration !!!!!!! We all know the Dems won't abuse that one don't we?

so you finally dug up some evidence, but only enough to vindicate what i have been claiming about the voting system being 99.9998849% perfect as is.

well done!

you still stepped on your own dick with BLOG POSTS from the racist shit kingdom called the free republic and have not substantiated your own earlier claims though. so there's also that.

but thanks for proving what i have been saying all along though.