Just curious so please don't think I'm looking for an argument or anything like that when I ask: What makes you wonder about his Co2 levels? I did see that he is supplying Co2 with a 20# aluminum tank but I didn't see anything anywhere in the thread or in the photos having to do with Co2 levels.
With that said, let's not forget that Co2 levels vary greatly depending on multiple factors. Such as, areas near freeways or any other heavy automobile traffic tend to have a much higher Co2 concentration than rural areas or areas that have no automobile traffic. Then theres the factor of where exactly this tent is located. Is it in a basement or some other room that also contains gas-powered appliances? My rooms are in my basement along with my old hot water heater and the furnace that heats my home. I've noticed that Co2 levels are much higher down there then they are on other floors of my house. The top floor of my building stays steady around 300-350 ppm Co2 but my basement reaches double that amount easily (between 600-750 ppm), in the winter when I'm burning alot of natural gas down there.
If you're curious about the levels of Co2 in your area and you would like to take measurements but you are unable to afford one of the many different over-priced meters on the market (even the crappiest ones that only measure in increments of 200-300 ppm are still quite expensive at a few hundred bucks), look into the Autopilot Air Quality Monitor like this one from Amazon:
I can't say for certain just how accurate they are but they use a digital readout that utilizes 4 numbers unlike the crappy ones that just have a little row of led lights that light up upon co2 levels reaching whatever range the led corresponds to. It's hard to explain but for instance there may be 5 led's and when the first LED lights up it indicates 0-300 PPM, and when the second LED lights up it indicates levels somewhere between the 301-600 range, and then the third LED indicates levels in the 601-900 range, and so on and so on..... These meters leave us completely clueless as to the actual amount of Co2 in the air. The first LED being lit could mean Co2 levels are 100PPM, 150PPM, 155PPM, 200PPM, etc. etc. At least with the Autopilot the accuracy is much greater than a 300 PPM variance. I would love to pick up a Co2 controller that uses a digital readout but the damn things are just SO freakin expensive. Anyone have a source for an reliable AND affordable controller that utilizes a digital readout instead of those crappy LED's like the one in the picture below?
Anyhow, I'm really sorry for jacking your thread OP. Please forgive me as I'm pretty baked right now and I have a tendency to go off on many ADD-fueled tangential ramblings lol
I'm really digging your garden. It's very obvious that you take care of those ladies very diligently. Nicely pruned bottoms, room looks to be designed very well and efficient, and most importantly those ladies look like they're pretty frickin happy. I bet that tent was a pain in the ass to get the shell-skin over the frame. I never realized just how heavy those things are until I had to build a 5'x10'x7' tent all by myself.
Is that a single exhaust hose portable A/C or is that a dual-hose? I have two of those suckers and they have done the job (not very efficiently though) for a couple Summers now. I was finally able to get a great deal on a mini split a few weeks ago so I'm prepared for next Summer

<------caught myself going off on another ADD tangent-fest lol
Subscribed to the thread and looking forward to seeing your progress and the results of your hard work.