Week five with red hairs???

Grow Tek makes it. Some others do to. It makes a plant more stable under higher heat. When your leafs start drooping around ninety, mine still point up. If you allow to get too dry, it keeps most of the plant alive. And it's ony slightly shocked on the top. Also makes the skin bark off faster and harder for baby bugs to chew. Stems get bigger. Look it up. 2-3 ml per gallon. Put it in water first and stir. Then add nutes. Silica in its raw liquid form kills nutes it comes in contact with. Also wash off whatever you use to measure. It coats and destroys stuff in concentrate form. Get on skin feels like it won't wash off. Make skin feel slimy for a few minutes.
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Isn't it a shame it is so hard for me to find friends my age and I go here and everyone (except a few turds in the punch bowl) is so cool and easy to communicate with :)
There are turds in every punch bowl. That's why I don't drink punch. And the turds in my garden better be from birds, bats and vegetarian animals that aren't human.
The buds are only five weeks old and starting to show red hairs...otherwise these things look insane. Is that normal?

Can't show pictures because new cameras files display for those in the know, the location of where the picture was taken per built-in GPS people are unaware of....they look good and are fed perfectly using ds 1200 LED from platinum lights....
If u touch ur bud u kill the pistols and they will turn red
light is too close and you are getting bleaching on the tips of your buds, raise it up and the problem will stop.
light is too close and you are getting bleaching on the tips of your buds, raise it up and the problem will stop.

My god I looked into that as well from the product manufacturer and your are fucking spot on too! It is bleaching the baby tips not use to the LED's intensity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Answer, Use and OLD phone, or a decent older camera, I am taking the pictures down after I get a few responses just because I really don't want them hanging around. for said illegal agencies to see. ( by the constitution the only legal policing agency is the US marshals or the sheriff's department... I can't remember witch.. but the others mentioned are all oppressive freedom robbing cunt bags...
WOW! I watered them in perfect 6.2-6.5 ph water only SAturday evening, raised the lights six more inches by doubling up the cord holding up the monster light, and.............................THEY DAMN WELL EXPLODED LAST NIGHT WITH ALL NEW WHITE HAIRS ON EVERY STINKING STALK!!!! THEY LOOK JUST LIKE PICTURES OF OTHER PEOPLE'S GREAT BUDS!!!!!! All the white nobs appearing on the tops of my tallest branches was the bleaching of the new growth, so moving the lights will fix it, and nute burn. The buds swelled and started all new fresh growth to a degree that made me feel all is well now....pics coming soon! They look good that is for sure ;)

Thank you everyone!
WOW! I watered them in perfect 6.2-6.5 ph water only SAturday evening, raised the lights six more inches by doubling up the cord holding up the monster light, and.............................THEY DAMN WELL EXPLODED LAST NIGHT WITH ALL NEW WHITE HAIRS ON EVERY STINKING STALK!!!! THEY LOOK JUST LIKE PICTURES OF OTHER PEOPLE'S GREAT BUDS!!!!!! All the white nobs appearing on the tops of my tallest branches was the bleaching of the new growth, so moving the lights will fix it, and nute burn. The buds swelled and started all new fresh growth to a degree that made me feel all is well now....pics coming soon! They look good that is for sure ;)

Thank you everyone!
thanks. this is great news today. Can you tell me . 1: the strand and also 2. How long do this flower. thanks again
he shouldn't have give the cops access to his phone either, double dumb fuck
Um, exactly what I was thinking, except cops can do what ever they want regardless of the law.
Got the loop out but now I see I need some type of regular glasses to see through them as well! ;) God I hate getting older....! Borrowing an older camera later today...I found a very weird top to the buds developing on many of the white widow tops. Honestly I don't know what they are??? I hope to god its not a hermie developing...thanks for keeping me on topic and not letting me get involved with these fools we call "trolls." I hate not being able to smash people like them in person...digitally I am the fool for attempting such.
Hermies don't develop - a plant is either a hermie or it isn't. A female might try to self pollinate itself due to an environmental stressor, but that doesn't make it a hermie. You may get some nanners here and there, but a few nanners isn't going to pollinate much.

My guess would be low humidity and too much air movement - both things that will cause early red hairs. If you had/have females that are thowing nanners to the point it starts pollinating other plants, they would be easily identified. A naner or two might be hard to miss, but probably wouldn't pollinate things to the point your noticing red hairs everywhere. Also if it was pollinated, the hair would receed and you would start to see seeds form rather quickly.
heat, wind, low humidity, pollination - all possible causes of premature red-hairs. Looks like you figured it out :)

I don't know about anyone else, but every phone I ever owned had an option to disable 'geotracking' when you take a picture, otherwise it records exactly where the pic was taken. Same with most digital cameras, I always thought you could disable that function
....yes, I think "we" did!!! Thanks to everyone. I had a big fan on setting two blasting them, I would bump them a lot, the massive led 11 band monster I bought was too close and was bleaching out the tips of the tops freaking me out as to my plants being hermies, and I rocked them just last watering with too much nute probably. I think we can surmise this is the first time where every problem was identified accurately and solved. See the pics and look up close at the new white hairs and resin that popped, especially with this stinker white widow.IMG_0033.JPGIMG_0035.JPG IMG_0036.JPG IMG_0037.JPG IMG_0033.JPG IMG_0033.JPG IMG_0040.JPG IMG_0039.JPG IMG_0037.JPG IMG_0036.JPG IMG_0035.JPG
21 colas counted and 38 nice tips that probably will be fairly big as well...the lower parts of the branch look pretty good with nice development there as well. Cautiously...I am going to say the brand of LED light I bought is creating some very interesting nice plants...very nice. Back to being happy and hopeful!!!