New Evidence in Michael Brown Case

Michael Brown was 6-7 feet away from the cop when he went face down

so are you saying he tried to charge a cop with a gun pointed at him from 25 feet away in order to take his gun from him?

reefer madness? did the cannabis cause hallucinations, like that fine, unbiased article said?
so are you saying he tried to charge a cop with a gun pointed at him from 25 feet away in order to take his gun from him?

reefer madness? did the cannabis cause hallucinations, like that fine, unbiased article said?

Marijuana will kill you. Just ask Michael brown. He'd be alive today if he wasn't smoking dope.
so are you saying he tried to charge a cop with a gun pointed at him from 25 feet away in order to take his gun from him?

reefer madness? did the cannabis cause hallucinations, like that fine, unbiased article said?
anything is possible, especially when your back is against the wall
So this is actual proof that you are just trolling this thread. You say the cop is lying, and then you say he is not. Figure it out.
No I say cops lie.
This is not a case of that. Please quote where I said THIS cop is lying


It's hard to believe the cops.
They lie
They steal
In Ferguson where most of the residents are black. All but 3 of the cops are white.
What do you expect? Who the residents going to believe? The cop?
In this case the cop isnt lying.
You know who I feel bad for? the witnesses at the Grand jury. Their names are going to come out and they are going to pay the price fo their testimony
Everyone has a cell phone and with the number of people in the area of the shooting, it's hard to believe there isn't any video recordings from just after the time of the first shot to the final shot.

Meh, it all ends up being as meaningless as every other "outrage" that we've forgotten about as we move on with our lives. If the cop walks, loses his badge or goes to the pokey, your/my life won't be impacted in any way.

I do find it comical that the hippies (see potroast's pic) that have betrayed their heritage by supporting big gub'ment and becoming statists, now complain about said gub'ment's jackbooted thugs and how they dole out justice. If only the Democrats were in control, we wouldn't have these problems...oh wait.
A trial would bring the truth. Sometimes even the police should answer for some of the things they do. Shooting someone who is giving up is wrong. Yes Brown should have paid for any crimes he committed thru the judicial system, not some angry cop who lost all control.
A trial would bring the truth. Sometimes even the police should answer for some of the things they do. Shooting someone who is giving up is wrong. Yes Brown should have paid for any crimes he committed thru the judicial system, not some angry cop who lost all control.
He gave up his right to trial by attacking a cop and trying to take his gun.

Your brain mustn't process information very well dude.
He gave up his right to trial by attacking a cop and trying to take his gun.

Your brain mustn't process information very well dude.
Yeah but his body MAY have involuntarily thrown his hands up as he was being shot while going towards the officer.
Dont you know that if your hands are above your waist Cops cant shoot you when you attack them?
He gave up his right to trial by attacking a cop and trying to take his gun.

Your brain mustn't process information very well dude.
Only if you are taking the cops word for it. I do not and think the only way to truth is a trial. Did they ever find prints on the gun ?