I think I had my first seizure? If anyone has seizures plz help

Astral projection shouldn't be painful, violent, from what I've read, which is only a few writings byalistair crowleys, you have to be in an intensely deep trance or reach a certain state called Samadhi or something which is like spiritual oness with the universe basically
Yea the guys basically said to be very relaxed and lie in bed and with your minds eye imagine you going down a long dark road and imagine its on the way to your destination

honestly I dont know if it was a dream
where I woke paralyzed that was def not a dream
damnit now km tripping and im the only one upstairs lol in a older buildings with a grow tent in a spare bedroom bad enough I get chills odd that it replaced chills with ghouls with WIndowphone auto correct crepppy I'm out this one got enough to stressing over lol but creepy stories I relate to a few I feel my mind wonders like the flash with ADHD and other problems in working on eliminating but I'm feel the feels like when I see something it feels like my body goes to it and back tonjamrbme the other peace of the ouzzle
Ok so I just found this on astral projections this is 100% the way I felt.
10 MUST KNOW Astral Projection symptoms
1. Vibrations
Vibrations are probably the most common of all pre-Projection sensations, and you should be fully prepared for it.
You might feel as if a part, or all of your body begins to "vibrate". These vibrations normally start slow and gradually intensify. If you experience this for the first time, you might get startled and feel that your entire body is being electrocuted from head to toe! Although the vibrations can be very intense, they are not physical vibrations because nothing physically vibrates.
Vibrations are a sure-shot indication that you are very close to a successful Astral Projection..

2. Sleep Paralysis / Catalepsy
Sleep Paralysis or Catalepsy is another very common symptom that you might experience during your Astral projection practice.
Sleep Paralysis is a state when you may suddenly find yourself unable to move or speak.
Your physical body will feel so completely "paralyzed" that you simply cannot seem to budge any part of your body at all.
If you don't know what's going on, it can be quite scary. But do not be alarmed when this occurs because this condition is perfectly safe. Astral
Paralysis means you are very close to the actual exit.

3. Buzzing And Other Sounds
Most common sounds that you can hear are buzzing; whooshing, rushing, roaring, explosions or bird squawking, a chime being struck, knocking,
thumping, voices of people conversing with each other, gunshot, loud bell.
Out of all these, buzzing seems to be a very common pre-Astral Projection symptom and can intensify so much that you feel there are hundred helicopters in your ears!
These sounds are temporary and subside once the separation process is complete.
Recognition of such sounds is an important step because they prove to you that you are on track.

4. Visual Hallucinations
While practicing, you may also see geometric patterns, pulsating colors and lights, specific scenes, visions of paradise or hell or anything imaginable.

5. Rapid Heart Rate
Rapid heartbeat is a very common pre-Projection symptom.
The exact reason for this is unknown. But probably the racing-heart phenomenon is because of the opening up of the heart Chakra. Or maybe it is a side effect of fear or excitement. Either case, you need to remain passive and calm.

6. Breathing Changes
This is an apparent shortness of breath. You need to keep cool and the feeling would soon subside.

7. Movement Sensations
You may experience sensations of dizziness, vertigo, falling or flying up at great speeds, rocking or even swaying. These occur because it is the start
of the Astral Projection sequence as the Astral body starts to separate from the physical. A very positive symptom proving that your Astral body has "loosened" from the physical confines!

8. Weight Changes
Changes in feeling of weight can occur.
You may suddenly feel that your body has become very heavy. Or you may feel very light, as if you are weightless.

9. Proportion Changes
You may also feel that your body is changing in proportion. You might have the sensation that you are growing or shrinking in size.

10. Temperature Changes
This is again a very common phenomenon. Your body temperature might drop and you will feel a cool breeze blowing over you.

People are different. Therefore, the sensations you experience will be based on your personality and individuality. The intensity of some of these
sensations will vary from person to person.
Each Projection attempt may yield different sensations, in a different sequence. These were some of the sensations you might come across. There are many more. Just be aware of them so that next time you experience something similar, you know you are on the right track!
The only way you'll know for sure is if you see a doctor

I'd recommend you don't take the advice of people on the internet with no medical training, it sounds like it could be a pretty serious issue, and from what I know of neurology, which isn't much, it sounds like it could be anything from a brain tumor to epilepsy, go get yourself checked, man
I used to talk to a guy who practiced astral projection and he said it took him months to reach a state like that, that was after active practice every day
I used to talk to a guy who practiced astral projection and he said it took him months to reach a state like that, that was after active practice every day
I know I gave up on it after a few weeks of trying lol
but after odanks post it seems mabey I was close to start getting that sleep paralysis only hapend mabey twice once for sure that is a vivd memory
What happened?
I tried doin like the guy said and I think I went somewhere one time but seemed more like a dream so I just kinda gave up on it but man the dream was realistic as hell but mabey thats what my mind wanted me to think.
I do know I have had the sleep paralysis thing once or twice and I did not enjoy it lol but prolly cause I thought it was more like possession realated didnt think it was astro related or I woulndt have been so scerrrd lol
I tried doin like the guy said and I think I went somewhere one time but seemed more like a dream so I just kinda gave up on it but man the dream was realistic as hell but mabey thats what my mind wanted me to think.
I do know I have had the sleep paralysis thing once or twice and I did not enjoy it lol but prolly cause I thought it was more like possession realated didnt think it was astro related or I woulndt have been so scerrrd lol
Do you believe in God, spirits & the afterlife, things like that?
Do you believe in God, spirits & the afterlife, things like that?
Now that is a good question yes and no
im a very logical and sci type yet unsure yes I was rasied with religion not bible thumper by any means but was baptize d and all that but havent gone since I was about 17 or so But I believe weird shit can happen but I think its more peoples will pwer then anything
I guess im still unsure why do you ask
I think certain wills comand different things like luck for instance that kind of thing or if you are into believing you could "feed your fears"

as too the religion im uncertain for certain reasons that I really did not want to bring here lol

heres an example I believe in science yet science itself often proves itself wrong at times
confused I sure am lol
But I do Believe in karma but mabey its not karma mabey its your conscience inside "willing" your self to have good or bad karma lol
im horrible at these discussions