Silkroad 2014

i wanted to say that my experience with SR has been very pleasant. Ive only had one order, and that was for a chemical. Im a chemist and lets just say i needed some Red Phosphorus for something. Well, in the chemistry field i have a bit of a reputation, i came up with a process to that used iodine and phosphorous acid to reduce pseudoephedrine to Meth, but anyways, a colleague of mine that is a fan of mine showed how to use SR, he gave me some bitcoins and i placed my order for RP from a supplier on there. Within less than a week the order was in my mailbox, the quality was shown to be extremely pure. So, even tho i have yet to use the site for drugs, i can say that my experience has been positive. The only trouble of course is the fluctuation of Bitcoins, but if you operate quickly you can keep a handle on your money.

Also id make some suggestions, if your in the USA, if you can manage it, try to use suppliers in the USA. Customs for the US is a pain in the ass, so local orders are best. Also if you do have to order out of the country, try to use a vendor that seems like they dont use their own product. The vendors with heroin and other opiates sometimes will sell bags that are half empty because they take their cut. But other than that, great site, just bee careful.

I could have totally misread your post and I do not actually know what it takes to cook meth but that is one thing I would not admit on here lol. I personally don't care about talking about this in the open because all they can bust me for is a misdemeanor and they wouldn't waste their time. But you are posting this on clearnet... I would advise you not to talk about ordering chemicals to make any drugs whatsoever, that would be worth their time. And you can also make a killing on the bitcoin fluctuations! It isn't always a bad thing. I remember when I bought btc back when it was $40 a coin and months later it jumped over $1000 a coin, I was so happy!
And just a random note about bitcoins, I am not a financial adviser so please do your own research but in my personal opinion right now is the time to buy. It may drop into the mid 200's but I kind of doubt it. But in either case whether you buy now and it did drop or it doesn't drop at all. I very seriously doubt the bitcoin is going to crash anytime soon and expect it to eventually spike again within a year up to even $2000 (possibly more). But even if (to me I think its just when) it goes back up to $700-1200 it would be well worth the investment. I wish I had an extra few grand on me to invest right now, I just hope I can get the money before I miss out on the next spike. You can score thousands, even tens of thousands of dollars over night.

EDIT: 9/28/2014 at 11:43PM
I thought this edit would be worth it and wanted to further extend why I think this. A lot bitcoins have been stolen in the past year or so, like hundreds of thousands of them. MTGox claimed that 650,000 or so when "missing" (they really just stole them) and the guy who started the Sheep Market took off with I think over 200,000 coins. Plus you have had other devastating events where millions and millions of dollars worth of btc have been stolen. The price is plummeting most likely because these coins are being sold off. Also I think some of these big players, whether they obtained their coins legally or not are playing with the market to see if they can make it spike on their own. I believe there was a $60 spike within the past couple of days which means someone is dumping or buying an insane amount of btc, intentionally manipulating the price. I don't know, I may be paranoid but just like the government has been trying to get people to sell their gold investors are trying to get other investors to sell btc (especially big players) before it "crashes", in other words trying to save them. In reality no one is looking out for other investors, especially if they are investing in the same thing. But once the selling slows and these stolen coins are for the most part dispersed the price should explode. I sense a huge bubble coming up :). This is me rambling and getting excited, I like money...
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i appreciate your warning fendrlovr, but trust me i never have any chemicals or anything suspicious like that in my house. All that stuff is in a very safe place, if your going to get into that kind of world, you need to be smart. You cant cook in ur house and expect not to get caught, theres a reason ive never been busted for manufacturing in over a decade of action. Cuz i use common sense. If the DEA or anyone busted my door down right now, theyd find no illicit chemicals or precursors. So i feel i can talk freely about my past without worry. :) . Plus i like to help others avoid getting busted. i absolutely HATE all police/cops/feds/narcs. Ill help anyone, even an enemy avoid prosecution.... for drugs mainly, if your a child molester or rapist.... rot in hell.
The war on drugs is not a war at all, it is another brilliantly constructed method for government and the prison industrial complex to make money. They know that if drugs were legal consumption would probably decrease. During prohibition alcohol consumption increased. And ever since Portugal changed their drug laws to treat rather than criminal punish drug users I believe consumption has also decreased. They do not want people to stop using drugs. In fact government does not wish for any form of criminal activity to diminish or wish to see society form a perfect structure. Without crime and other forms of disorder within our nation there wouldn't be a need for government. Government was originally created to protect its nation from foreign invaders, and also to protect its nation from internal problems. Without governments around the world there would be nobody to invade anyone, and if society was stable it would also suggest government would not be necessary.

I know I am about to sound like a crazy person saying this and I usually don't talk about this kind of stuff, but if you ask me war between our nation and our allies against communist nations is an act. I think they coordinate together and have created a fake war, both sides claiming to be the force of good fighting its evil counterparts. In the 90's many reputable economists actually believed and predicted the 90's was the beginning of a new era, where the nation's economy would never again experience another recession. It appeared for the first time in history that a economy had become stable and that threatened all governments around the world. Governments need chaos, society cannot stabilize or else they are no longer needed. The war was fabricated to ensure governments could thrive and exist in our world. It only appears that the world has many governments, truthfully there is probably only one, or at least one with far greater authority and power than any other government.
Well I wouldn't think arresting inanimate objects would be logical either lol. Same logic has been applied to guns by liberals, they blame the gun when a gun is simply a tool and a very necessary one. When you start banning objects or tools you are just reinforcing government oppression. Plus marijuana didn't do anything! It is just a plant lol, we are the ones who cultivate and harvest it. If I were a marijuana plant I don't think I would enjoy being picked and smoked.
My girls do raise a stink when I chop them down.
I've never been a fan of calling inanimate things evil or banning them.
go to local bitcoins and try and find someone in your area if you want complete anonymity. i used this website once and im probably not going to use it again i just didnt see the quality and price im looking for from any of these vendors here
go to local bitcoins and try and find someone in your area if you want complete anonymity. i used this website once and im probably not going to use it again i just didnt see the quality and price im looking for from any of these vendors here
It is probably due to the major changes in the bitcoin price. You have to be patient. Usually btc dealers sell bitcoins $20-30 more than the market price which is fair. During times like this it can be even more but an extra $20 is not bad at all and is to be expected. If you really want to buy at market price you have to link a bank account to your coinbase wallet or whatever wallet you use. But if you plan on using the coins for illicit reasons you MUST tumble the coins through bitcoin fog or something if you buy from a bank account.
Ouch. Sorry to anyone that lost money or worse. But it was to be expected... The only reason I'm surprised is because I assumed leo people were part of the admin/vendors there. They must have pissed off other leo...
Ouch. Sorry to anyone that lost money or worse. But it was to be expected... The only reason I'm surprised is because I assumed leo people were part of the admin/vendors there. They must have pissed off other leo...
I'm not surprised in the slightest, it was really only a matter of time.

Agora, here I come!