StarDustSailor: MIA

Did he say he was going away for awhile? He was throwin' down multiple posts day by day during the past few weeks ...
Maybe he left for a holiday without saying anything....

As the mere thought of his absence would create such a void in all our minds it would tear a hole so large in the space time continuum......

That a black hole powerful enough to consume the planet, solar system, galaxy, COB's, universe and life as we know it would form devouring every fibre of my stoned being.
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Maybe he left for a holiday without saying anything....

As the mere thought of his absence would create such a void in all our minds it would tear a hole so large in the space time continuum......

That a black hole powerful enough to consume the planet, solar system, galaxy, COB's, universe and life as we know it would form devouring every fibre of my stoned being.

Well he is our sensi of COB crafting, but you wouldn't know that being a cucumber and all.

I'm impressed with your writing/imaginative skills, as your post must have taken some time and will to create such a colorful thought of expression. Bravo! :clap:


You don't think he owed the mafia any money for COBs do you?

He's a ghost that materializes once every fifty years. He originally worked for Thomas Edison....o_O

Well, when he returns, I will be awaiting the new wireless powered LED lamp......

think one of these would provide "supplemental lighting" if it was on 12 hours or so :)
I got a ( " regular " ) job ...
I'm working from 05.00 am ,till ~ 21.00 ( 09.00 pm ) ...
From Monday to Saturday ...
Trying to gather some funds ,in order to establish my own L.E.D. grow lights company ...

And yes ...
Guod is right ...
Living in Hellas ,ain't exactly an easy thing to do ...
And it does not get easier by time ..
On the contrary ...It get's worse day by day ...

I got a ( " regular " ) job ...
I'm working from 05.00 am ,till ~ 21.00 ( 09.00 pm ) ...
From Monday to Saturday ...
Trying to gather some funds ,in order to establish my own L.E.D. grow lights company ...

And yes ...
Guod is right ...
Living in Hellas ,ain't exactly an easy thing to do ...
And it does not get easier by time ..
On the contrary ...It get's worse day by day ...

Good luck with your job, and your LED lighting company, once you get it up and running. Glad to see you're doing well, sir.
To be honest, SDS is second to none at DIY, he is the best, there is no arguing about that, NO ARGUING! However, implementing what he does DIY-wise into commercial panels, it's just not do-able. Too many man-hours, it just can't be done.

There really needs to be a "go to" company in the EU, all there is now is Hans, which is great for micro grows, and there's @Alpha & Omega 's UK reseller company, "Budmaster", just some Evergrow Nova II's with some "Osrams" for quadruple the acceptable cost... Alpha has hit me up in emails for free panels, tried to get me to join his fake ass forum, and got "emails" from "other" jokers taking about Osram LEDs, I can see IP addresses, man, when you email me, you're from the same IP dude. Almost $5k for a "G.O.D." ..."Osram" panel, when you can get an AT600 from Apache for 1/2 the cost, guaranteed triple the performance, ask @Greengenes707 how they do for single fixture LED lamps.... You resellers are gonna learn some day.... You can't fuck with the real thing.

Me and Gene may have our differences, but I'll admit he's a good gardener and sports some good lights. Some day I'd like to smoke up with Gene. Green Gene Okerlund....