These are some of the things I would expect God to do.
If You're God, You need to have plans for the future.
Any dolt can claim to be God.
If You're God, You need to be able of fixing the world.
God should have great notions that He came up with on His own.
God should be the Supreme Being.
If You are God, You need to clean up the world and bring about a paradise.
You need to find solutions for feeding the hungry people.
You need to lower the cost of living, if You are God.
And You need to take the fluoride out of the water.
God needs to be omnibenevolent- the most loving and caring Person in the universe.
If You think You are God, You need to lower the cost of food for the whole world.
If You are God, You need to find a much cheaper fuel source instead of fossil fuels. God would be able to create a extremely cheap renuable fuel source.
God would create a way to get rid of pollution, if You are Him.
God needs to do something about how the poor people are so poor, and the rich elite people have most of the worlds money; if You are Him.
If You are God, You need to legalize hemp and marijuana.
I bet God would end the "war on drugs", and then most of the prisons would close down, because a majority of people in prison are there because of stupid drug laws.
If You are the Almighty, You would allow everyone to have two clones of themself: or not?
God needs to have plans to create copious amounts of good paying jobs, so everyone that wants to work will have a great paying job.
God should be able to clean up the ocean, and get rid of the mercury, or anything bad in the waters.
God would have plans to colonize the ocean, if You are Him.
God would be "Farmer God".
You should be able to come up with the best government ever, if You are the Lord.
I would even let God steal My plans for a global online government, because that is the pinnical of politics.
God would be adventurous, and create life on the moon, Mars, and any planet that can be terraformed.
God should have a good sense of humor, and not take Himself too seriously all the time.
God would end sex trafficing, sex slaves, and any kind of slavery.
God should be able to make the world as free as possible, but still have just laws to keep the peace.
God should be credible, and not a bunch of fairy tales, myths, legends, logical fallacies, nonsense, etc..
If You are God, You need to be Good, and not some evil dictator.
God would be able to make all food 100% organic, and get rid of GMO foods.
God needs to make the most change in the world, for the best.
If You are God, You should create nuclear (fusion) power plants all over the globe, until the utilities are FREE for everyone.
God needs to make electricity, water, shelter, etc., free for everyone.
God would not tax the poor people, or the middle class people. God would only tax the utterly rich people.
God should be embraced as the King of the world, and He should be respected.
God should have His own global online government.
God should create farms underground, and use LEDS as the lighting source.
God would protect wildlife, but at the same time, allowing hunting and fishung.
God needs to create thousands of floors underground, so people can have underground abodes/homes.
God would implement some sort of welfare for poor people, and even give children spending money.
God should make everyone much richer, if You are God.
God would create houses inside of the mountains.
God should be able to terraform this world, and also other planets.
God should be cool.
People should be proud to know God Himself- the Creator.
God should be Master.
If You are God, I don't expect You to be perfect, but You should know the way to prosperity for the whole earth.
God should help people in any way possible.
God would turn terrorists into paintball warriors.
God would get rid of all of the countries borders, so you can freely roam the world in peace.
God would teach everyone the English language, because God should be able to speak English, in My opinion.
God should be able to make mansions affordable to the middle class.
God would build thousands of pyramid cities all across the globe.
God needs to be positive, and lift peoples spirits up.
God should be adept at critical thinking.
Gods needs to be the Savior- the Messiah- the Christ- the Prophet- the King- the Lord- the Creator, etc., of His elect chosen people.
God needs a cogent Spirituality.
God shouldn't be cantankerous.
God needs to get rid of religion, because more people die because of religion.
God needs to be the Man.
God needs to be the Word.
God should be able to entertain people, and get people to smile and be content.
God needs to have videos of Himself, so everyone in the future will know what God looks like, and what He talks like too.
God should be a rebel of this present time.
God should stop all of the chaos, and bring about a peace for all people.
God shouldn't be a racist bigot, He should lead by example.
God shouldn't be a hypocrit, God should stick to His Words.
God should do something about the poor countries, and bring business their way.
God should teach the world how to farm their own crops.
God would find the cure to cancer, and advocate for natural remedies.
Even the Atheists should believe in the cogent God.
I could go on what I expect from God, but I will stop now because I want to smoke a cigarette.