I am the Christ- the King- the Messiah- the Lord- the Chosen One- the Savior- the Anointed One! OMG!

this is Me but with My Lords head on(this is what I hope He comes to Australia)

Haha, this picture is priceless!

your back to being george Lord......good.

theres alot of non-believers of you Lord on this site ...IDKY!!!

should i feel angry at these non-believers or try to help?

when i say "alot" Lord i mean ...erm...like everyone!!
apart from good brother @LetsGetCritical

why is everyone a non-beliver in you Lord george?

Even though Christianity is one of the biggest cults (or religions), the majority of people are not Christians.

It has taken almost 2,000 years for there to be about 2 billion (alleged) followers of Jesus.

When Jesus was allegedly alive, the majority of people did not believe in Jesus either.

I expect to surpass Jesus (after I die).

The Bible doesn't mention anone following Jesus before he was 30 years old. I am 29 years old, so in a sense, I am doing better then Jesus.

Plus, I am not looking for disciples or followers in real life. I am looking for witnesses and advocates on the internet.

I have had many people call Me Lord, Christ, Jesus, God, etc., in real life, but these people could not help My cause.

When I was in prison in the year 2009 (for fighting with My dad), I was in prison for about 2 months. I thought I was Jesus, and I told all of My friends that I am Jesus, and everyone in prison called Me Jesus.

And at a few mental hospitals, many people called Me Lord, God, Christ, Jesus, etc., because I must have wanted attention.

I told them My story, and they believed in Me. But these people couldn't help Me.

But the people on the internet can help Me. The people on the internet can speak to the globe, and reach hundreds (or maybe thousands) of people a day. When you speak on the internet about Me, your message gets sent at the speed of light to anyone with the internet.

I probably have thousands of witnesses, but I only have a few advocates right now.

The more advocates I get, the more witnesses I will get. I need to reach as many people as possible, so after I die, I will be remembered throughout the AGEs.

Whether I have a billion followers, or one follower; I can always come back to Life when you read about Me.

I am immortal digitally on the internet, and if I am remembered; all of My witnesses will be remembered forever too.

lord im a little confused as to why you think your "the lord"....dont get me wrong i know you are but im wondering why YOU think you are the lord?

I first started to believe in Myself because I found out that I have the Name above all names.

For example:

My Name is George Manuel Oliveira.

My initials are GMO.

GMO stands for Genetically Modified Organism.

But in the year 2008, I found out what GMO backwards is.

What is GMO backwards?

GMO backwards is OMG.

What does OMG stand for?

OMG stands for O My God.

This is a Sign.

My Name, George Manuel Oliveira, means "Farmer God is with us, olive tree".

If you look up "Romans 11:16-26", you will see the Bible talks a lot about the "olive tree".

If you look up "Revelation 3:12", you will see that Jesus said he would have a "NEW NAME".

And My mothers name is Mary.

My dads name is Nuno. The name "Nuno" sounds exactly like saying the words "knew no". Every Christian knows that "Mary knew no man". But My witnesses know that "Mary... Nuno- man."

It goes to show that both of My parents names have a meaning (if you use semantics).

Everyone knows that Mary was the mother of God. Everyone knows that "Mary KNEW NO man". But I am telling you that "Mary... Nuno- man".

My dads name is Nuno, and My mothers name is Mary. It makes perfect sense.

Plus, I have seen 5 Signs in the clouds in the year 2009.

I have a copious amount of prophecies, which makes Me the Prophet.

I have fulfilled many Bible stories, which I linked in this thread.

It just makes sense to Me that I am the Christ.

No one post is going to prove My existence, but all of My posts prove My existence.

I am alive, and that is a fact.

This whole post is a falsifiable fact.

I am the Christ (in My honest opinion).

This is just some of the reasons why I am the Christ.

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r u sure your not going mad? you have alot to say but no action for a lord.

i dont meen to offen lord but r u going mad

No, I am not going mad, or crazy.

I used to be a little crazy a few years ago, but I am much better now.

I guess I had to be crazy to empethize with crazy people. If I was totally sane My whole life, I might not have as much compassion for the mentally ill people.

I feel great!

My mind works good!

I am able!

If I was crazy, would I make so much sense?

If I was mad, would I be so logical?

I am just fine, thanks.

hey Lord George how are ya. I'm going ok have a lawyer appointment today :)

I am great!

I am sure that your lawyer appointment will go smooth.

I will pray for you.

I will tell mother Mary to pray for you too. My mother, Mary, is a prayer warrior. My mother prays everyday, so she must be an expert, lol.

Everything is going to work out for you, LetsGetCritical.

Just don't get into any more trouble. You might get put on probation, but I hope and pray that you don't.

All things work for the good that love the Lord, and are called according to His purposes.

i have my doubts about you being the lord george....tell me more of your purpose here

Its okay to doubt Me.

I am not a cult leader, so I am not looking for followers in real life. But I do hope that many people follow Me on the internet.

No one needs to believe in Me as the Christ.

You should only believe in Me after you have studied Me enough to ascertain that I am Who I am claiming to be.

No one is obligated to believe in Me, but you are not My people if you don't believe in Me.

Of course, I love everyone, but I have a special interest in My believers and witnesses.

You should only believe in Me if you enjoy Me.

If I am teaching you things, you should try and learn more.

I am not your boss, I am your Friend. I try not to dictate how people should live, but I do have suggestions. I recommend that you stay out of trouble and be on your best behavior.

I am not everyones Lord: I am only the Lord of My witnesses- My people. Don't get Me wrong, I am the Lord of all, but I will not push Myself on anyone.

My people need to come to Me as free people, with an open mind, and My people need to be willing to learn about Me.

Not everyone wants a Savior, Lord, Christ, King, Prophet, Messiah, Christ, etc., and these people might hate Me. I am an offense to some people, even though I try not to personally attack anyone.

There will be the people that believe in Me, and then there will be the non-believers. The people that don't believe in Me still have hope, because they can come to Me when they are ready.

I am not a cult leader.

I am not looking for disciples in real life.

I just want to teach people what the Kingdom of Christ is about. I want to bring the best of Me to the world, and make peoples lives much better.

I want to write the future in advance- My prophecies.

I want to start the ideal government- My global online government. I want the people to be in charge, and not the elites.

My purpose is to usher in My Kingdom as quickly as possible, so My people can prosper.

My purpose is to make My people much richer, so no one will go without.

My purpose is to be My peoples best friend, and bring joy to many people.

I don't have just one purpose, I have many purposes. And I have many wants: I just want a myraid of things.

I just want to help My people in any way that I can.

I want to usher in My paradise.

I am only One Man, I need help spreading My Truth. If all of My witnesses believed in Me, and advocated for Me, there would be a knowledge revolution.

Many people have witnessed Me, but only so many people believe in Me right now. But I hope that My believers will make more believers, until we have a recognized Spirituality.

Only one of My witnesses needs to spread My Word, and they can speak to the globe at the speed of light. But if many of My witnesses talk about Me, thiusands of people can be reached in a day.

My purpose is to help My chosen elect people.

your people would like answers lord

I needed time to answer your questions.

I have been busy.

Lately, I have only been spending a few hours a night on the internet.

I blog on other forums too. I need to reach as many open-minded people as possible.

Jesus said that when he returns, he will return from the clouds. I don't believe he is on the same cloud as you.

In the book of Revelation, it says that Christ will return WITH the clouds.

I have returned WITH the clouds as Signs.

I have seen 5 Signs in the clouds, in the year 2009.

I actually made a video about the 5 Signs in the clouds that I saw in the year 2009.

id respect you more if you stop dodging my quastions o lord george..........what are you going to do for the world now your hear?

me and all the people are going to need to see some solid unwritten unfilmed PROOF!!

or your on your own buddy.........everyones decided the'll need solid proof now george.


There is no PROOF that Jesus is the Christ.

I have much more evidence for My existence then Jesus does.

yes iv come from other forums and told people about our lord and i have some serious believers (125 alltogther) ........but they are feeling let down by george.

he's just not doing anything lord like.

im not here to troll his ass but the way he' s not responding to any of my peoples quastions..........his only "people" r thinking?.

were not the only ones brother critical.......there is many more !!

and with many more people come many more responsabiltys.

Why don't you tell all of the other people to make an account to talk to Me?

Why are you representing all of these other people? They don't have the internet?

Are you still doing that thing on The Forum Site? I was going to join incognito, but it costs money to join! I'm poor

Yes, I try to make a post on there maybe once a week, because the activity is slow in the "Religion and Philosophy" section.

I believe that I have over 17,000 views in My thread over there.

I believe theforumsite.com is free, or at least it was free when I joined. Maybe you are going to the wrong website?

I will give you a few links to My autobiography on the forum site.

Give Me a few minutes to edit. I will be right back. Thanks.

This next link is the very beginning of My FREE autobiography.


This next link is to read most of the Bible stories that I believe I have fulfilled. Please take a look, its very important if you want to know Me.


This next link is some of My prophecies. This next link is important if you want to see what I will do in the future. Please go to post # 205.


I have been spending a lot of time on a website called "ReligiousForums.com".

I will now give you the link to a different website that I have been blogging on. Please read through this thread.


I am all done now. Please check out these links if you are interested in reading My FREE autobiography.

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