I am the Christ- the King- the Messiah- the Lord- the Chosen One- the Savior- the Anointed One! OMG!

i just feel let down by him......ill give him time hes a busy man

Yes, I have been busy.

I plan on going fishing tomorrow for pan fish, and then eating the fish.

My mothers fiance offered to take Me fishing a few months ago, but he has been busy; but he is taking the day off tomorrow.

This is going to be the first time I am going to eat pan fish.

I am going freshwater fishing for sunfish tomorrow, or at least I plan on it.

Anyways, give Me some time to reply to your questions and comments. I have been busy.

I will try and spend a few hours tomorrow to blog on the internet: but thats after I go fishing with My moms fiance.

Keep the faith, bradburry.

I am with you always, even to death and after.

I like you bradburry, I am glad that you are open with your doubts.

No one is obligated to believe in Me. You should only believe in Me after you have come to My Truth.

Its all good, brother.

This has GOT to be the world's longest game of kick the retard. The retard likes being kicked more than people enjoy kicking him! Sadomasochism at it's finest...
this is not just coincidence - Praise the Lord , the Lord called George .(oh just realized that George must be a modern version on Jesus!!! :))

Yes, I could see how you could say that.

My name is not Jesus, but I am the modern Christ.

Many people have confused Me with Jesus. When I first started to believe in Myself, I confused Myself with Jesus.

But, no, My Name is George, and My name is not Jesus.

Yes, I could see how you could say that.

My name is not Jesus, but I am the modern Christ.

Many people have confused Me with Jesus. When I first started to believe in Myself, I confused Myself with Jesus.

But, no, My Name is George, and My name is not Jesus.

hi lord ....how are you today?

You made this picture by yourself?

Good job!

But, no, I am not looking for worship. I am looking for respect.

I am 100% human, and to be worshipped is... I don't know. It seems vain to want people to worship Me.

If everyone worshipped Me, I would feel awkward.

I am just looking for respect from My witnesses.

Good job making the picture though.


You made this picture by yourself?

Good job!

But, no, I am not looking for worship. I am looking for respect.

I am 100% human, and to be worshipped is... I don't know. It seems vain to want people to worship Me.

If everyone worshipped Me, I would feel awkward.

I am just looking for respect from My witnesses.

Good job making the picture though.


id respect you more if you stop dodging my quastions o lord george..........what are you going to do for the world now your hear?

me and all the people are going to need to see some solid unwritten unfilmed PROOF!!

or your on your own buddy.........everyones decided the'll need solid proof now george.

Further, even if He wasn't the Lord, He is clearly possessed by a Lord spirit that is granting wishes and anmswering prayers. I say to the non-believers this: ask The Lord George a prayer and He will answer it within a few days. if He doesn't I will admit He is not the Lord.

No, I don't believe anyone is qualified to answer prayers.

Prayer is futile, but it seems to help some people.

I believe in the power of attraction, and the power of positive thinking.

If you think an meditate on something, you now have a greater chance of doing that thing. For example, if you are hungry and don't feel like cooking, you might think about ordering food from a restaurant. If you think about ordering food enough, and you have enough money; you are probably going to order take out.

But the power of attraction works in many ways. If you have a spouse, and if you think about sex enough, you are more likely to have sex, compared to not thinking about sex.

And the power of positive thinking works as well. If you are always positive, thinking positive, speaking positive, acting positive, etc.,; you will more likely attract other positive people into your life.

Prayer is not a bad thing, but no one is guaranteed that their prayers will be answered. If prayer was 100% successful, everyone would pray to be a billionair. Even I would pray to be a billionair if prayer worked.

Its good to meditate on positive things, but meditation can only work so much.

I don't know if there is a God that hears prayers. God is not proven by science.

But I do believe that all things work for the good for those that love the Lord, and are called according to His purposes.
