Lmaoooo, oh stow! U insane. That's too goldenThere's a 3'rd Don?
Can I join your group? I wanna be Don Key.
Looking very indica-ish. Nice plant.View attachment 3292672
This girl was a gnarly little wilting badass.. and now she's a recently watered female princess on the rise in the Dons Garden, Jahjah!!
She sexy. Do a stem rub yet for an early keeper candidate?View attachment 3292336
Feminine hybrid with unknown origins thus far
Been thinking about this for awhile. You just leave the oatmeal/compost in an open container? Maybe moisten with BSM/water? Fungal dom brew best for flower correct? Any difference in brewing times/temps as opposed to bacterial dom brew?p.155 compost teas
fungal dom preparation:
3Tbs oatmeal /cup compost
use heat pad
Leave for 72 hours
Massive network of visible mycelia
Use to brew a fungal dom. compost tea
Speaking of which, Rasta blend is looking furrier than the Vamp blend at the moment..many patches have begunView attachment 3293579
They dont say but they do say zeolite is good fungal food, and they say powdered baby oatmeal is best, heat For 72 hours, in a warm dark place..or until you see:Been thinking about this for awhile. You just leave the oatmeal/compost in an open container? Maybe moisten with BSM/water? Fungal dom brew best for flower correct? Any difference in brewing times/temps as opposed to bacterial dom brew?