Been thinking about this for awhile. You just leave the oatmeal/compost in an open container? Maybe moisten with BSM/water? Fungal dom brew best for flower correct? Any difference in brewing times/temps as opposed to bacterial dom brew?
They dont say but they do say zeolite is good fungal food, and they say powdered baby oatmeal is best, heat For 72 hours, in a warm dark place..or until you see:
Is Bsm also good food for bacteria? And this chapter was more about getting the food web thriving up to like 14 inches deep and how fungal teas are good for fighting mold and mildew while bacterial teas outcompete pathogens and insects, not that fung. teas don't pester pests too.
Times they said 24 to 36 with their set up, they use a bigger pump and substituted their stones out tho. Commercial can do 12 hours, but gotta be careful bubbles don't pierce microbes.. So probably 36 to 40 until we upgrade, like vc tea. They say numbers don't multiply much for fungus, they more so only grow in size, hence the pre fungal party notes.
As for flowering, interesting. Most annuals and vegetables prefer bacterially alkaline environment is all they say, and to start your fungal networking as early as possible, 6 months ideal. with tlc, be incredible