giving defoliation during flower a try

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
How old are you 50? You act like a teenager.. You should probably grow up at some point. And idk whats up with your spaghetti western movies from the 70s but im not familiar with anything that occurred before 1982 so if u wanna put up little videos or clips make sure there from sometime in the past decade so we can actually figure out wtf youre referring to. Thanks
such hatred in your voice. why friend?


Well-Known Member
I find that MY skills as a grower and MY ability to build a grow room that has the best lighting and environment I Can provide the best bud using ANY nutrient, MIRACLE GROW included, Because I have knowledge and skills and not some magic bottle of bullshit.
Miricle grow gives people a headache if smoked in a plant that was grown in it. Now I know your stupid...


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah im def jealous. The rep from advanced came in yesterday and told em i dont want their business anymore im replacing everything in the section i have of their products and filling it with dyna gro and the dude started laughing at me. He obviously knew it was a joke and it didnt even get a response out of him which was even funnier, because he knows that stuff is bs too. He did however, tell me that a new product line we just started carrying called Complete Nutrients out of Florida is made by one of the plant nutrient scientists who used to work for him at Advanced and had nothing but great things to say about them and that their shit was the real deal. So if anyone wanna come down and order some good nutrients from me because apparently im always trying to sell people products check out Complete Nutrients. It supposed to be a revised version of Canna mixed with products he developed during his time at Advanced Nutrients such as the Vitamin B+, mix of sensizyme and cannazyme, boost and a pk, including a root innoculant thats supposed to rival H&G roots excelleratur (idk bout that have to find out thats a pretty bold statement). You wont find much about it on the web yet as its brand new product. But its supposed to be amazing shit mostly organic except for 1-2 things that are optional to use. Have check that snake oil out. I dont got any feedback on it maybe someone on here could lemme know if they have used or heard of anyone running it.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
Oh yeah im def jealous. The rep from advanced came in yesterday and told em i dont want their business anymore im replacing everything in the section i have of their products and filling it with dyna gro and the dude started laughing at me. He obviously knew it was a joke and it didnt even get a response out of him which was even funnier, because he knows that stuff is bs too. He did however, tell me that a new product line we just started carrying called Complete Nutrients out of Florida is made by one of the plant nutrient scientists who used to work for him at Advanced and had nothing but great things to say about them and that their shit was the real deal. So if anyone wanna come down and order some good nutrients from me because apparently im always trying to sell people products check out Complete Nutrients. It supposed to be a revised version of Canna mixed with products he developed during his time at Advanced Nutrients such as the Vitamin B+, mix of sensizyme and cannazyme, boost and a pk, including a root innoculant thats supposed to rival H&G roots excelleratur (idk bout that have to find out thats a pretty bold statement). You wont find much about it on the web yet as its brand new product. But its supposed to be amazing shit mostly organic except for 1-2 things that are optional to use. Have check that snake oil out. I dont got any feedback on it maybe someone on here could lemme know if they have used or heard of anyone running it.
ok ill come down to the shop and buy some after work. i think it should also be noted that GH rapid start is tearing apart roots excellerator at 1.1 per (lower then recommended). i also thick it should be noted that with a good root system from rooted clone or a good root system in general no ones need rapid start or roots excellerator. I'm off to work friend, ill see you in a bit. i might be off early its raining here in northern california. post you shop address, see you soon.

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Miricle grow gives people a headache if smoked in a plant that was grown in it. Now I know your stupid...
if you had any clue how nutrients work, you would realize how stupid your statement is, Then, you MIGHT just realize that when calling someone stupid, you should use proper grammar. Because it would be "Now I know You're stupid" stupid!!!

and it's miracle not miricle


Well-Known Member
Im in massachusetts unless your jet setting after work proly not gonna happen lol. Anyways i got some samples of rapid root but i havent tested it against anything yet as you would really need individual hydro buckets to really do a side by side, thats something i would like to see. As of right now h&g roots excelleratur is best product ive come across for building root mass. Im sure the gh is good as well if anyone got some side by sides against roots excel id love to see em!


Well-Known Member
@PK_Boosted @a mongo frog

What do you think of dip'n grow hormone for rooting cuttings? It looks like it has a very high concentration of the hormone used to promote roots for the best price.

I got a box/bottle of it, but haven't had a chance to see how the results would turn out yet.


Well-Known Member
When feeding cannabis any nutrient with double digits for bases is wrong to begin with. You shouldnt ever use a 20-10-20 or 20-20-20 when feeding cannabis i dont care who makes it. Those are not proper ratios for feeding. MG also contains alot of junk in there bottles that are not good to be smoked or ingested and are known to carry carcinogens. If you use MG to grow cannabis and dont heavily flush your plants shit will burn like charcoal, idk why anyone would want to use Mg when there are so many better nutrients available.

With that said scott the owner of miracle gro is actually gonna be releasing a cannabis specific nutrient designed for growin pot. Apparently they want to get their hands onto some of the market and get their piece of the pie. Idk if its come out yet or if it hasnt when it will but i know its in the works. Problem is like all other nutrients that they carry they are going to be synthetic not organic and probably wont be very good. Anyone interested in checking out if its available go ahead. Im pretty sure not many places are gonna be interested in carrying a product from MG at your local hydro shop id be very surprised.


Well-Known Member
I carry that product and people buy it so im sure it works, but i gotta be honest idk how "good" any of them actually are compared to each other. I dont dip cuttings in anything. I jst switched from using rockwool for years to putting all my cuts in rapid rooters and i find they root faster and i hardly ever get a cut that doesnt root. Rockwool usually 80-85% and now im getting 95-99% with rapid rooters. I dont like fact u gotta ph balance rockwool cubes before use, they hold way too much moisture. I also like using aeroponics for cuttings obviously thats the best and essiest way to root cuts with quicker turn over snd stronger roots only thing got be careful of is hardening them off if transplanting to peat, coco or soil whatever your using.mother than that who fuck knows lol.

I like olivias and root tech for cuttings if i do use a product id use those personal opinion though.


Well-Known Member
Whenever u take cuts make sure u cut back on veg nutes excess nitrogen delays rooting time, and i used a product i forgot name i have check i ran out of it but it was made by comoany who makes aero cloners and its a foliar spray primarily potassium and id spray the sites i intend on cutting for a week before and id get roots in 3-4 days everytime. Idk if that was main reason but sure didnt hurt anything. Comes in a little black spray bottle.


Well-Known Member
Using the proper nutrients can increase potency of marijuana flowers.. At end of the day genetics plays an important role in being able to produce a certain amount of thc, cbd and cbn. With that said using the proper nutrients will allow you to reach that potential. Thats why i said that canna and advanced nutrients are better products than dyna gro and GH because of the makeup of the nutrients themselves. It is true that not all macro and micronutrients are created equal. Using the proper nutrients allows you to reach those levels that the genetics allow while gettin high quality and producing heavy yield. Its my opinion from years of growing that there is an absolute difference in what nutrients can do. There have been numerous tests and studies that will also back that fact up. Not all nutrients being sold for cannabis cultivation will provide the same results i think that evident. Otherwise there wouldnt be any reason to have different nutrient companies there would only be 1 bottle of this "perfect nutrient". But its never been done for a reason because its impossible. So nutrients absolutely make a huge difference in the end of result of flower growth.

You said that if you use a certain nutrient line you will never exceed 10% THC no matter what strain you're growing.

You lost all credibility when you said that. Sorry

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
@PK_Boosted @a mongo frog

What do you think of dip'n grow hormone for rooting cuttings? It looks like it has a very high concentration of the hormone used to promote roots for the best price.

I got a box/bottle of it, but haven't had a chance to see how the results would turn out yet.
I've heard its great, the wife has used but i have not. right now I'm using root tek. working great. tangled mess but i love great roots to start with.


a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
@PK_Boosted @a mongo frog

What do you think of dip'n grow hormone for rooting cuttings? It looks like it has a very high concentration of the hormone used to promote roots for the best price.

I got a box/bottle of it, but haven't had a chance to see how the results would turn out yet.
i also have a box/bottle and i really want to try it, because there is times i do have trouble rooting some og's. I'm just so scared of change. I really want to drop the bud xl out of my plants diets I'm just to scared too.


Well-Known Member
I didnt lose credibility with anything dyna gro doesnt produce high yields or high thc content. Ingot plenty of customers to verify that and theres been countless studies done proving same shit go look it up.