Dont the Lib's keep telling us that tax increases are good for the economy?


Well-Known Member
Japan Falls Into Recession
A sales-tax increase pushed Japan's economy into a recession in the third quarter, setting the stage for Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to postpone a second increase in the tax.

Japan's real GDP shrank 1.6% on an annualized basis as firms cut inventories and held back on capital investment. None of the 18 economists surveyed by The Wall Street Journal had forecast a contraction; the median forecast was for a 2.25% expansion"
Japan Falls Into Recession
A sales-tax increase pushed Japan's economy into a recession in the third quarter, setting the stage for Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to postpone a second increase in the tax.

Japan's real GDP shrank 1.6% on an annualized basis as firms cut inventories and held back on capital investment. None of the 18 economists surveyed by The Wall Street Journal had forecast a contraction; the median forecast was for a 2.25% expansion" sales-tax increase pushed Japan's economy into a recession in the third quarter, setting the stage for Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to postpone a second increase in the tax.Japan's real GDP shrank 1.6% on an annualized basis as firms cut inventories and held back on capital investment. None of the 18 economists surveyed by The Wall Street Journal had forecast a contraction; the median forecast was for a 2.25% expansion"&

How come that leads to questionable links?
And what is Muck Rack?
Japan Falls Into Recession
A sales-tax increase pushed Japan's economy into a recession in the third quarter, setting the stage for Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to postpone a second increase in the tax.

Japan's real GDP shrank 1.6% on an annualized basis as firms cut inventories and held back on capital investment. None of the 18 economists surveyed by The Wall Street Journal had forecast a contraction; the median forecast was for a 2.25% expansion"

didn't republican governor jan brewer recently sign into law a 1% sales tax increase in your home state of arizona?
Japan Falls Into Recession
A sales-tax increase pushed Japan's economy into a recession in the third quarter, setting the stage for Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to postpone a second increase in the tax.

Japan's real GDP shrank 1.6% on an annualized basis as firms cut inventories and held back on capital investment. None of the 18 economists surveyed by The Wall Street Journal had forecast a contraction; the median forecast was for a 2.25% expansion"
They wouldn't have had to raise their vat so much if they wern't so far in debt.
That's what the left doesn't understand about our out of control spending.
They wouldn't have had to raise their vat so much if they wern't so far in debt.
That's what the left doesn't understand about our out of control spending.

"our" out of control spending?


obama and clinton both reduced the deficit drastically.

bush, bush, and reagan all exploded the deficit like no others.

the out of control spending is completely republican owned.
Dont the Lib's keep telling us that tax increases are good for the economy?

Higher tax on capital gains, lower tax on middle/lower class

I pay more than twice what Mitt Romney pays, and he has substantially more wealth than I do. Can you explain how that economic policy is good for the economy?
"our" out of control spending?


obama and clinton both reduced the deficit drastically.

bush, bush, and reagan all exploded the deficit like no others.

the out of control spending is completely republican owned.
It's quite clear you don't know the difference between debt and deficit.:lol:
It's quite clear you don't know the difference between debt and deficit.:lol:

everything i said was correct, so i will repeat it to frustrate you.

obama and clinton both reduced the deficit drastically.

bush, bush, and reagan all exploded the deficit like no others.

the out of control spending is completely republican owned.
everything i said was correct, so i will repeat it to frustrate you.

obama and clinton both reduced the deficit drastically.

bush, bush, and reagan all exploded the deficit like no others.

the out of control spending is completely republican owned.
The problem is, most everyone else here understands basic economics and the difference between debt and deficit.
The problem is, most everyone else here understands basic economics and the difference between debt and deficit.

if obama inherited clinton's surplus instead of bush's all time record high deficit, we'd be halfway to paying off the debt already.

sadly though, bush took a surplus and ran the deficit up so high that obama's all time record deficit reduction still doesn't come close to balancing the budget.

if not for republicans, we'd have no debt.
It is hilarious to see a lot of people making some crazy ass claims to get shut down time and time again.

The facts are facts kids, if bush didn't drive our economy through the ringer and engage in an un-needed war while locking up the bankers instead of giving them a handout we would be doing great.

Oh but that was obamas fault too right?
It is hilarious to see a lot of people making some crazy ass claims to get shut down time and time again.

The facts are facts kids, if bush didn't drive our economy through the ringer and engage in an un-needed war while locking up the bankers instead of giving them a handout we would be doing great.

Oh but that was obamas fault too right?
Bush came into a recession.

And there were complaints about the economy throughout his term. In hindsight it looks like a golden age.

The bubble that burst at the end of his term was a bipartisan effort. Both had hands in that cookie jar.
Bush came into a recession.

And there were complaints about the economy throughout his term. In hindsight it looks like a golden age.

The bubble that burst at the end of his term was a bipartisan effort. Both had hands in that cookie jar.

I was merely doing the same shit you guys all do, blaming it on one person or party. Frustrating eh?
It is hilarious to see a lot of people making some crazy ass claims to get shut down time and time again.

The facts are facts kids, if bush didn't drive our economy through the ringer and engage in an un-needed war while locking up the bankers instead of giving them a handout we would be doing great.

Oh but that was obamas fault too right?

Japan just announced the yields for 1-year treasuries are negative for the first time ever. Wow...

In other Japan news, the market is rallying on news of increased stimulus.

No but seriously, 1 year T-bills are at -0.0029%. That's nuts.
Higher tax on capital gains, lower tax on middle/lower class

and thats how you slay an economy in 2 easy steps.

I pay more than twice what Mitt Romney pays,
no you dont. and oddly enough, yes you do.
Mitt, as a member of the Capital Class passes on his expenses INCLUDING TAXES to you. he is assessed much more in taxes every year than you ever will pay, but since those taxes are an EXPENSE, they are folded into his outgoings BEFORE he figures what level of return he expects from his investments.

and he has substantially more wealth than I do.
no shit.
Can you explain how that economic policy is good for the economy?
because mitt's money is Capital, and Capital is invested in industry.

raising taxes on "The Rich" means higher taxes on the Not Rich, since their taxes are an expense that is passed along you YOU in the form of higher prices for their goods and services.

this kind of stupidity is why lefties cant run an economy.
everything i said was correct, so i will repeat it to frustrate you.

obama and clinton both reduced the deficit drastically.

bush, bush, and reagan all exploded the deficit like no others.

the out of control spending is completely republican owned.


The out of control spending is completely COERCIVE GOVERNMENT owned. Your picking thru the toilet to decide which poopies are good and which poopies are bad is like trying to make a sandwich with turd spread taste good by changing the kind of bread you use.
Japan just announced the yields for 1-year treasuries are negative for the first time ever. Wow...

In other Japan news, the market is rallying on news of increased stimulus.

No but seriously, 1 year T-bills are at -0.0029%. That's nuts.


Wait... if i put money in Nippon T-Bills i am guaranteed to lose money!?!? Where do i sign up? ~ Paul Krugman