Dont the Lib's keep telling us that tax increases are good for the economy?

Japan just announced the yields for 1-year treasuries are negative for the first time ever. Wow...

In other Japan news, the market is rallying on news of increased stimulus.

No but seriously, 1 year T-bills are at -0.0029%. That's nuts.
Money market funds go negative all the time
Money market funds go negative all the time

Ever hear of it happening to a nation's treasuries? I just started following this stuff so I don't know. I can imagine it happening in Zimbabwe before...

Their stock market is eating up their stimuli though, so that means the economy must be STRONG!!

The out of control spending is completely COERCIVE GOVERNMENT owned. Your picking thru the toilet to decide which poopies are good and which poopies are bad is like trying to make a sandwich with turd spread taste good by changing the kind of bread you use.

"Something about coercive gov't, eating poop, and basically rape..."
if obama inherited clinton's surplus instead of bush's all time record high deficit, we'd be halfway to paying off the debt already.

sadly though, bush took a surplus and ran the deficit up so high that obama's all time record deficit reduction still doesn't come close to balancing the budget.

if not for republicans, we'd have no debt.
I disagree buck. If obama would have inherited a surplus from clinton, he would have spent that too. Ask yourself why clinton had a surplus..maybe because congress was not under dem control his second term. Now if obama would come to the center, things would look better for him when he leaves. But then again we are talking bout obama..he makes everything he touches turn to shit. And thats a fact. No citation needed. Think about it, if you and obama were the only people left on earth because of armageddon. He would blame you.images(50).jpeg
Oh you think I'm here to defend Obama by calling his critics racist? I guess that makes more sense than "we are talking bout obama..he makes everything he touches turn to shit. And thats a fact. No citation needed. Think about it".
So, if your not calling his critics racist, I appologize. If you disagree that he turns everything to shit..that is your opinion. You have yours and I have mine. Mine just happen to be a fact. Are you someone that needs citations to back-up everything? I don't do citations much because that would mean that I was trying to convince someone to believe as I do. When it come down to common sense and reality, I really could give a fuck less about proof.
In reality, for good government, Dems need to come right on money issues, and reps need to come left on social issues. Both parties need to actually do what they say with the other stuff, because they don't always follow their own beliefs there.
The longest prosperity in history after Reagan.

Japan's T-bills are a negative return.

speaking of history.......
They love to point to the boom we had under Clinton. Like he waved a magic wand at the economy.

The Clinton boom was all because of the economic environment forged through three successive terms of Reaganomics.
You keep forgetting about this thing called history

Reaganomics doesn't work. Deal with it
wait... so your OPINION that supply side incentives are not a positive influence on the economy somehow proves the argument that endless spending and unsustainable debt are a good idea?

christianity gave us the spanish inquisition and the crusades, so therefore moslems dont chop the heads off schoolgirls in indonesia!

crack cocaine is a dangerous and highly addictive drug, so therefore cannabis causes cancer!

Real Housewives of Atlanta is pure unadulterated shit, so therefore The McNeil Lehrer Report should the taken off the air!

Marxism has never worked, ever, and always descends into despotism so we should stop having elections in the US!!

fascinating, is this part of your 500 episode course on "How To Debate"?
In reality, for good government, Dems need to come right on money issues, and reps need to come left on social issues. Both parties need to actually do what they say with the other stuff, because they don't always follow their own beliefs there.

more like, Democrtats need to learn how to balance a checkbook, and Republicans need to stop making fools of themselves in airport restrooms.
and thats how you slay an economy in 2 easy steps.

funny, your hero reagan raised capital gains taxes. did that kill the economy?

and your hero bush raised taxes on the lower/middle class. did that kill the economy?

you are so full of shit and what you say has no basis in reality.

such shitty rhetoric.
Ask yourself why clinton had a surplus..maybe because congress was not under dem control his second term.

horse shit.

repubs controlled the house, senate, AND presidency under dubya.

deficits skyrocketed.

your theory is flawed and to repeat it shows off nothing impressive about your mental faculties. only the opposite.