Dr Kynes
Well-Known Member
Discussing anything with people like you is a waste of time, you refuse to change or acknowledge when you're wrong, you do it consistently. I've never seen you admit you're wrong about anything. We could talk about a subject for hours on end, like we have with climate change, and you'll do the same thing you do in every thread.
You make up what you think people say then argue against that, even when people tell you that's not what they say and show you how over and over again.
Here's the source crybaby; http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog...y-liberals-are-more-intelligent-conservatives
Now tell me more about how that's a liberal conspiracy agenda, like you always do
so you cant explain why i am wrong...
nice work Toby, you evaded the issue as inexpertly as we have come to expect from you.
see the fact is, each one of those points above is factual, you cant refute them and you know you cant.
so you create a strawman, and try to change the subject when the fact remains lefties try to raise taxes on capital to get the populist numbskull vote (like yourself) by telling you they are gonna tax the other guy, but they know very well that the wealthy dont pay taxes at all, since taxes are just another expense to be marked off before their profits are calculated, so a tax on capital is a tax on the Working Class.
the really funny part is, an extra X% tax on "The Rich" becomes a much larger tax when it is passed along, since every step in the chain that passes those expenses along adds more to the cost, but you lefty numbskull Low Information Voters think youre being clever, while you demand an increase to the minimum wage, which will simply add another expense to the formula without ever touching the bottom line of the cats you want to fuck over.
your fundamental ignorance of economics is apparent to all.
and it's funny as hell, like a Rob Ford TV Interview Train Wreck.
you make a fool of yourself over and over, and still think youre doing well.
edit: also, your "citation" is just a silly blog post, that proves nothing except that lefties like to congratulate themselves and tell each other how smart they are for agreeing with each other.
it's a circle jerk or epic proportions, with even the most idiotic (like you) espousing leftism because they think thats what smart people do.

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