Dont the Lib's keep telling us that tax increases are good for the economy?

So when taxes go DOWN on the upper class, why doesn't recover increase for the lower and middle class? Why do we see the complete opposite, lower taxes on the upper class = higher economic inequality & the same prices of consumer goods and services

Do you just delude yourself all day with this bullshit?
what the fuck is wrong with you? are you huffing spray paint?

the ONLY downward pressure ever exerted on prices is from COMPETITION.

Retard Version Just For You: if i have to raise my prices 30% to offset an expense, and people pay that price, then thats the New Price.
if the expenses drop, i dont lower my prices unless i have to, because ANY item is worth whatever somebody else will pay for it.

increased taxes drive prices up, thats part of what's called Inflation (say it with me children)

nothing makes prices go down except somebody else selling a similar item for less, taking my business away, so i have to meet their prices or beat them, otherwise ill go broke.

when you jack up taxes, that raises ALL prices since every business faces that same expense. if everybody that makes laundry soap has to pay 10% more to make their products then ALL laundry soap goes up 10% at least.

if the taxes get lowered later, NOBODY drops their price unless they want to capture more market share, then you get a price war, but only if there is real competition.
another fabricated quote falsely attributed to me, demonstrating that Toby cant make his argument

still havent figured out how to make your argument ehh Toby?

i made my argument, Plainly.

you still havent done anything but scream Nuh Uhh!, fabricate quotes, and change the subject.
what the fuck is wrong with you? are you huffing spray paint?

the ONLY downward pressure ever exerted on prices is from COMPETITION.

Retard Version Just For You: if i have to raise my prices 30% to offset an expense, and people pay that price, then thats the New Price.
if the expenses drop, i dont lower my prices unless i have to, because ANY item is worth whatever somebody else will pay for it.

increased taxes drive prices up, thats part of what's called Inflation (say it with me children)

nothing makes prices go down except somebody else selling a similar item for less, taking my business away, so i have to meet their prices or beat them, otherwise ill go broke.

when you jack up taxes, that raises ALL prices since every business faces that same expense. if everybody that makes laundry soap has to pay 10% more to make their products then ALL laundry soap goes up 10% at least.

if the taxes get lowered later, NOBODY drops their price unless they want to capture more market share, then you get a price war, but only if there is real competition.
the same prices of consumer goods and services

How do you explain the 275% increase in income since 1979 for the top 1% and the 6% increase in income for the 99%?

I wonder why you didn't address that part of the equation..
Edit: also, manufacturing bullshit quotes and attempting to attribute them to others is prohibited by the forum rules, you cowardly little turd.
How do you explain the 275% increase in income since 1979 for the top 1% and the 6% increase in income for the 99%?

I wonder why you didn't address that part of the equation..
so still no refutation of my assertions on Keynesian Economic Theory hmm?

just more subject changing.

youre starting to bore me.
so still no refutation of my assertions on Keynesian Economic Theory hmm?

just more subject changing.

youre starting to bore me.

Eeeexactly, the only explanation is the one I gave. Lowering taxes on the 1% results in higher income inequality, raising taxes on the 1% results in lower economic inequality. It's such a simple equation anyone with any basic understanding of how economics works would understand it.

My refutation is it's a waste of my time arguing with points Piketty and Krugman don't make. Read the links I provided, or even a basic summary on Pikettys book Capital in the Twenty-First Century
Between 1979 & 2009, the richest 1% saw their income increase to 275%, while the bottom 99% saw a 6% increase

If you think income inequality is some liberal conspiracy, you're a retard who can't read a chart

If you think people are born with equal opportunities in this country, you're a retard period

They invest they money paddy, haven't you heard the old cliche, you have to have money to make money?
What's wrong with people making money when they can?

The people you are talking about make more money in a week than I make in a year but I'm fine with that.
I am comfortable where I'm at, not rich, not wanting but happy with what I have.
Whay aren't you?
Jesus tells me that wealth will trickle down.
It's the poor and minorities that keep stealing it before it gets to me though
Kynes knows he has no rational explanation for that fact. I bet he banks on "refute my claim, misdirection, blah blah bullshit" like usual, funny considering he was Johnny on the spot when he replied about competition lowering prices.. We will see :D
They invest they money paddy, haven't you heard the old cliche, you have to have money to make money?

Investments don't explain the dramatic difference in income distribution.

Did the 1% all of a sudden start investing like crazy in 1979?

What's wrong with people making money when they can?

Nothing is wrong with making money. What's wrong is when the top 1% utilize the wealth they have to influence the political system in order to steal a larger percentage of wealth from the middle and lower class. Paint it as envy all you want, you're lying to yourself to justify your position.

"CNBC's first-ever Millionaire Survey reveals that 51 percent of American millionaires believe inequality is a "major problem" for the U.S., and nearly two-thirds support higher taxes on the wealthy and a higher minimum wage as ways to narrow the wealth gap."

The people you are talking about make more money in a week than I make in a year but I'm fine with that.
I am comfortable where I'm at, not rich, not wanting but happy with what I have.
Whay aren't you?

Yeah, it doesn't affect you, so you don't care about it. Shocking

It doesn't affect me either, but it affects tens of millions of my fellow Americans, and I'm not a selfish fuck ignorant of what is actually going on, so I care about it
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Kynes knows he has no rational explanation for that fact. I bet he banks on "refute my claim, misdirection, blah blah bullshit" like usual, funny considering he was Johnny on the spot when he replied about competition lowering prices.. We will see :D
I wouldn't know.
Kynes has first spot on my ignore list
Investments don't explain the dramatic difference in income distribution. 93% of the gains went to the top 1% from '79 to '09. How do you explain that?

Did the 1% all of a sudden start investing like crazy in 1979?

Paddy, you're full of it, investments are the very thing that does explain economic inequality.

Nothing is wrong with making money. What's wrong is when the top 1% utilize the wealth they have to influence the political system in order to steal a larger percentage of wealth from the middle and lower class. Paint it as envy all you want, you're lying to yourself to justify your position.
Your beef should be with government, not the wealty my friend.
The government works for us, businesses and wealthy investors do not.

"CNBC's first-ever Millionaire Survey reveals that 51 percent of American millionaires believe inequality is a "major problem" for the U.S., and nearly two-thirds support higher taxes on the wealthy and a higher minimum wage as ways to narrow the wealth gap."

Yeah, it doesn't affect you, so you don't care about it. Shocking

It doesn't affect me either, but it affects tens of millions of my fellow Americans, and I'm not a selfish fuck ignorant of what is actually going on, so I care about it

It shouldn't affect you either, unless you let it,
You're too damn young to be trippin on wealth anyway, you got some dues to pay first.
Paddy, you're full of it, investments are the very thing that does explain economic inequality.

Reality disagrees with you. This chart shows that from 1947 to 1979, wages remained constant, then in '79 you see a dramatic decrease in real median family income (the start of the current economic inequality), the second chart shows the fraction of total growth captured by the 1% standing at 93% over the past 5 years, and "investing" does not explain that.



Your beef should be with government, not the wealty my friend.
The government works for us, businesses and wealthy investors do not.

My issue is with the government. You've been involved in this thread; among multiple others where I explicitly state why I believe this situation is taking place (4 supreme court decisions and a faulty economic policy that favors the upper class). Why are you purposefully misconstruing my position to make it seem like I have a problem with people making money? I don't.

Have you ever seen a word from about Bill Gates (the worlds wealthiest man) or Richard Branson, Mark Zuckerberg? No, because they're entrepreneurs who don't spend their wealth influencing American politics like Charles and David Koch or Sheldon Adelson.

It shouldn't affect you either, unless you let it,
You're too damn young to be trippin on wealth anyway, you got some dues to pay first.

Human beings are altruistic, social creatures by nature. Psychopaths lack empathy. Tens of millions of American citizens live in poverty and tens of millions more barely skate by paycheck to paycheck while the wealthiest among us use their wealth to steal more and more from them by rigging the game. Whether you're oblivious of this fact or don't see anything wrong with it, either way it means you should not be casting a vote that will actively oppose your own, and most of your fellow Americans interests.
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Eeeexactly, the only explanation is the one I gave. Lowering taxes on the 1% results in higher income inequality, raising taxes on the 1% results in lower economic inequality. It's such a simple equation anyone with any basic understanding of how economics works would understand it.

My refutation is it's a waste of my time arguing with points Piketty and Krugman don't make. Read the links I provided, or even a basic summary on Pikettys book Capital in the Twenty-First Century
it should be simple for a lefty genius like yourself to explain how keynesian economics works, and refute my assertions.

i have already explained AT LENGTH how supply side economics works, and have detailed exactly why keynesian economics is ridiculous, yet you have been unable to refute my arguments.

keynesian economics is based on the foolish ideas of a rich a-hole from the aristocracy who laid out several false premises:

1: Saving is BAD, everyone should spend everything they got to increase "aggregate demand", and if they dont, then the govt should tax them sufficiently to take away their surplus unspent monies.
2: the govt can then spend those taxed monies on pretty much anything, no matter how pointless, to keep that money moving through the economy non-stop
3: when the govt taxes you, and spends your money some mysterious arcane sorcery "multiplies" those monies creating more prosperity
4: repeat for endless prosperity

the entire scheme ensures that those who dont have a stash of capital built up will NEVER be able to create a capital base for themselves since they must spend it, or the govt will take it.

declaring that i am wrong because the rich got richer over any particular time frame is specious, since the rich have ALWAYS gotten richer, even during financial collapses

the US has been using keynesian economics for over 100 years now, and yet the "inequality" you so despise remains in full effect.

your silly charts and graphs, videos from frenchy and kruggo, and endless repetition of the same specious claims doesnt prove anything except that you are Ignorant.
Looks like Toby has scurried off to make more "new" threads.

so i guess ill close this thread out with this:


>>implying clinton didn't help set the stage for war in the middle east
>>implying Obama isn't out of control spending and psychotically pro war
>>implying they both didn't support the bailouts
>>implying they aren't both drastically in favor of corporate welfare
>>implying their foreign aid to israel, georgia, and oppressive warlords in africa is fiscally legitimate
>>implying they don't/didn't use billions and billions of your dollars to arm world wide radicals and fund genocide
>>implying there is any difference what-so-ever between democrat and republican politicians