Dont the Lib's keep telling us that tax increases are good for the economy?

Discussing anything with people like you is a waste of time, you refuse to change or acknowledge when you're wrong, you do it consistently. I've never seen you admit you're wrong about anything. We could talk about a subject for hours on end, like we have with climate change, and you'll do the same thing you do in every thread.

You make up what you think people say then argue against that, even when people tell you that's not what they say and show you how over and over again.

Here's the source crybaby;

Now tell me more about how that's a liberal conspiracy agenda, like you always do

so you cant explain why i am wrong...

nice work Toby, you evaded the issue as inexpertly as we have come to expect from you.

see the fact is, each one of those points above is factual, you cant refute them and you know you cant.

so you create a strawman, and try to change the subject when the fact remains lefties try to raise taxes on capital to get the populist numbskull vote (like yourself) by telling you they are gonna tax the other guy, but they know very well that the wealthy dont pay taxes at all, since taxes are just another expense to be marked off before their profits are calculated, so a tax on capital is a tax on the Working Class.

the really funny part is, an extra X% tax on "The Rich" becomes a much larger tax when it is passed along, since every step in the chain that passes those expenses along adds more to the cost, but you lefty numbskull Low Information Voters think youre being clever, while you demand an increase to the minimum wage, which will simply add another expense to the formula without ever touching the bottom line of the cats you want to fuck over.

your fundamental ignorance of economics is apparent to all.

and it's funny as hell, like a Rob Ford TV Interview Train Wreck.

you make a fool of yourself over and over, and still think youre doing well.

edit: also, your "citation" is just a silly blog post, that proves nothing except that lefties like to congratulate themselves and tell each other how smart they are for agreeing with each other.

it's a circle jerk or epic proportions, with even the most idiotic (like you) espousing leftism because they think thats what smart people do.
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your "point" was that clinton's surplus only existed because of a republican congress.

i then gave a counterexample of how a republican congress went spend-crazy as soon as they got a republican president.

that's called a counterexample you fucking clown.
What you gave was a statement that had nothing to do with my point. I was telling you how things could be better for your messiah if he came to the middle. Obviously, when either party has complete control there is a spend frenzy. Stop with the name calling or you will piss off my god.
Hundreds of thousands of scientists prove you wrong every time climate change is brought up, yet you persist

"Proving you wrong" happens, you just don't acknowledge it, which doesn't mean it doesn't happen
hundreds of thousands now... climate change theorists breed like cockroaches, and all of em hatch with diplomas in hand.

and a new derailment attempt begins.

theres a lot of real scientists who dont agree with YOUR position of global warming, but they dont count cuz James Cook, an australian blogger plagiarized a discredited article on "climate change consensus" by a history teacher with no training in the hard sciences.

but back to the issue of economics...

why dont you explain why im wrong on keynesian theory?

it should be easy, since, as a conservative, my IQ must be in the low 80's, as you have already asserted.

surely a brilliant lefty genius like yourself should be able to refute the deranged ramblings of a dullard halfwit conservatard...

i eagerly await your next foray into fallacy-land.
hundreds of thousands now...

Probably more, globally, since research began, all point to "ACC is real, duh.." and you deny it

theres a lot of real scientists who dont agree with YOUR position of global warming

No there aren't, all the scientists that oppose the overwhelming scientific consensus on anthropogenic climate change have been discredited due to their relationship with the fossil fuel industry, and you deny it

why dont you explain why im wrong on keynesian theory?

Because you'll deny it, like usual
They wouldn't have had to raise their vat so much if they wern't so far in debt.
That's what the left doesn't understand about our out of control spending.

then perhaps we should revamp the tax code, close the loopholes..get our wealthier friends to chip in a bit they should be.
then perhaps we should revamp the tax code, close the loopholes..get our wealthier friends to chip in a bit they should be.
Come on schuylaar, quit being so dishonest. You know darn well the wealthy pay way more than any other class. maybe it's time for the 50% who pay little to nothing in income taxes to pay their fair share.
I'd love to have an honest debate, minus the left wing talking points.
Come on schuylaar, quit being so dishonest. You know darn well the wealthy pay way more than any other class. maybe it's time for the 50% who pay little to nothing in income taxes to pay their fair share.
I'd love to have an honest debate, minus the left wing talking points.

Raising the income tax on people who have little/nothing hurts them, raising the capital gains tax on wealthy doesn't do shit to them.
Probably more, globally, since research began, all point to "ACC is real, duh.." and you deny it

No there aren't, all the scientists that oppose the overwhelming scientific consensus on anthropogenic climate change have been discredited due to their relationship with the fossil fuel industry, and you deny it

Because you'll deny it, like usual

Operation Kansas City Shuffle is a go!!

distract distract distract! make bullshit claims on an unrelated topic to distract from your inability to make your argument!

then Flip The Script and claim you cant prove me wrong cuz ill cheat, using Frenchy and Kruggo's own statements to confuse the issue!

how unfair of me to use Facts, and Statements On The Record to make my point!

a Thuper Thmart lefty like yourself should be able to demolish my claims with ease, and my denials would make me look even more foolish...

but youre too noble to embarass me that way, right?

you refuse to sink to my level and use Facts And Citations to make your point, like some lowly peasant.

remember this?

he really thinks he is an awesome rapper, just like you think youre winning this argument.
Raising the income tax on people who have little/nothing hurts them, raising the capital gains tax on wealthy doesn't do shit to them.
Learn about how the economy works and you won't say silly things like that.

All you care about is getting even with people you are envious of, it's obvious paddy.
distract distract distract! make bullshit claims on an unrelated topic to distract from your inability to make your argument!

The topics are related because valid evidence is provided for both claims and you deny it

then Flip The Script and claim you cant prove me wrong cuz ill cheat, using Frenchy and Kruggo's own statements to confuse the issue!

You don't understand Piketty or Krugmans proposed solutions, as evident by your butchered summary of them

Learn about how the economy works and you won't say silly things like that.

All you care about is getting even with people you are envious of, it's obvious paddy.

"But CNBC's first-ever Millionaire Survey reveals that 51 percent of American millionaires believe inequality is a "major problem" for the U.S., and nearly two-thirds support higher taxes on the wealthy and a higher minimum wage as ways to narrow the wealth gap."

"The best way to reduce inequality, millionaires say, is through improved education. Fully 83 percent supported an increase in educational opportunities for the less wealthy. An equal number (64 percent) supported better savings incentives for the less wealthy and higher taxes for the wealthy."

"A millionaire's view on inequality and taxes, however, seems to depend more on their politics than their wealth. Eighty-six percent of Democratic millionaires said inequality is a problem, compared with only 20 percent of Republicans. Two-thirds of Republicans vs. a quarter of Democrats say anyone can become wealthy in America if they work hard."

Yeah, I guess all those multimillionaires are just jealous..

Just like poor people are poor because they're stupid and lazy, all you have are talking points that are being held together by a thread
The topics are related because valid evidence is provided for both claims and you deny it

You don't understand Piketty or Krugmans proposed solutions, as evident by your butchered summary of them

"But CNBC's first-ever Millionaire Survey reveals that 51 percent of American millionaires believe inequality is a "major problem" for the U.S., and nearly two-thirds support higher taxes on the wealthy and a higher minimum wage as ways to narrow the wealth gap."

"The best way to reduce inequality, millionaires say, is through improved education. Fully 83 percent supported an increase in educational opportunities for the less wealthy. An equal number (64 percent) supported better savings incentives for the less wealthy and higher taxes for the wealthy."

"A millionaire's view on inequality and taxes, however, seems to depend more on their politics than their wealth. Eighty-six percent of Democratic millionaires said inequality is a problem, compared with only 20 percent of Republicans. Two-thirds of Republicans vs. a quarter of Democrats say anyone can become wealthy in America if they work hard."

Yeah, I guess all those multimillionaires are just jealous..

Just like poor people are poor because they're stupid and lazy, all you have are talking points that are being held together by a thread
Inequality is a leftwing word for envy.
The only right you have in this country is opportunity, and that's the way it should be.
The topics are related because valid evidence is provided for both claims and you deny it

You don't understand Piketty or Krugmans proposed solutions, as evident by your butchered summary of them

"But CNBC's first-ever Millionaire Survey reveals that 51 percent of American millionaires believe inequality is a "major problem" for the U.S., and nearly two-thirds support higher taxes on the wealthy and a higher minimum wage as ways to narrow the wealth gap."

"The best way to reduce inequality, millionaires say, is through improved education. Fully 83 percent supported an increase in educational opportunities for the less wealthy. An equal number (64 percent) supported better savings incentives for the less wealthy and higher taxes for the wealthy."

"A millionaire's view on inequality and taxes, however, seems to depend more on their politics than their wealth. Eighty-six percent of Democratic millionaires said inequality is a problem, compared with only 20 percent of Republicans. Two-thirds of Republicans vs. a quarter of Democrats say anyone can become wealthy in America if they work hard."

Yeah, I guess all those multimillionaires are just jealous..

Just like poor people are poor because they're stupid and lazy, all you have are talking points that are being held together by a thread

so to demonstrate how i am wrong on keynesian theory you cite a BLOG that quotes an opinion poll where a bunch of rich cats say exactly what they are expected to say or face the whipping post....

trenchant stuff there.

ohh wait, it's another distraction from the issue at hand.
Inequality is a leftwing word for envy.
The only right you have in this country is opportunity, and that's the way it should be.

Between 1979 & 2009, the richest 1% saw their income increase to 275%, while the bottom 99% saw a 6% increase

If you think income inequality is some liberal conspiracy, you're a retard who can't read a chart

If you think people are born with equal opportunities in this country, you're a retard period
the really funny part is, an extra X% tax on "The Rich" becomes a much larger tax when it is passed along, since every step in the chain that passes those expenses along adds more to the cost, but you lefty numbskull Low Information Voters think youre being clever, while you demand an increase to the minimum wage, which will simply add another expense to the formula without ever touching the bottom line of the cats you want to fuck over.

And just to bitch slap you some more, let's assume this is true. OK, so then if this is true, I guess the opposite should be true too then, right? Lower all the taxes, hand out more subsidies, and the middle and lower classes should see booming recovery, right?

Here's the reality..

"Their political investments have paid off in the form of lower taxes on themselves and their businesses, subsidies for their corporations, government bailouts, federal prosecutions that end in settlements where companies don't affirm or deny the facts and where executives don't go to jail, watered-down regulations, and non-enforcement of antitrust laws."

So we've got lower taxes on the top 1% which are exceeding Great Depression levels, yet increased economic inequality on the poor and middle class.. Weird how that works out..

I wonder why...

"In the 2012 election cycle (the last for which we have good data) donations from the top .01 accounted for over 40 percent of all campaign contributions, according to a study by Professors Adam Bonica, Nolan McCarty, Keith Poole, and Howard Rosenthal.

This is a huge increase from 1980, when the top .01 accounted for ten percent of total campaign contributions."

Those are the facts, those are two credible sources

Get to denying it and claiming more liberal bias

and now youre just recycling the same tired old claims, with no relevance to the issue at hand.

yes, rich people have more wealth than poor people, and you dont like that,

so your solution is Keynesian economics boondoggles that you dont even understand well enough to defend, trusting blindly that these irrational schemes will work somehow, despite the fact that they never have worked, and never will.

there is no magical tax man money multiplying power, taking money from the capital class doesnt do shit but cause them to oll those expenses down the hill, resulting in higher prices for the bottom tier in the Working Class, or results in capital stashing their wealth in tax shelters, reducing economic activity, and thus, reducing the money available for employment of that Working Class.

rich people DONT ACTUALLY PAY TAXES, they pass those expenses on to the rest of us.

Example, for the stupid (like you):

i want your favorite comic book, and you dojnt wanna give it up unless you get 1 million dollars.

you will be taxed on that 1 million dollars at a rate of 40%, so you wont GET 1 million dollars, youll get 600k, unless you charge me MORE than 1 million dollars to offset the taxes you will pay, thus your price for your comic book is 1.4 million dollars.

see how that works?

rich people think about that kind of shit all the time, or hire accountants to think about it for them, which adds even more expense.

their taxes, AND the cost of their accountants will be paid by YOU, the guy on the bottom of the heap who has nobody to push the expense on to.
And just to bitch slap you some more, let's assume this is true. OK, so then if this is true, I guess the opposite should be true too then, right? Lower all the taxes, hand out more subsidies, and the middle and lower classes should see booming recovery, right?

Here's the reality..

"Their political investments have paid off in the form of lower taxes on themselves and their businesses, subsidies for their corporations, government bailouts, federal prosecutions that end in settlements where companies don't affirm or deny the facts and where executives don't go to jail, watered-down regulations, and non-enforcement of antitrust laws."

So we've got lower taxes on the top 1% which are exceeding Great Depression levels, yet increased economic inequality on the poor and middle class.. Weird how that works out..

I wonder why...

"In the 2012 election cycle (the last for which we have good data) donations from the top .01 accounted for over 40 percent of all campaign contributions, according to a study by Professors Adam Bonica, Nolan McCarty, Keith Poole, and Howard Rosenthal.

This is a huge increase from 1980, when the top .01 accounted for ten percent of total campaign contributions."

Those are the facts, those are two credible sources

Get to denying it and claiming more liberal bias
you are delusional. you have "Bitch Slapped" nobody but yourself Toby.

you have failed utterly at demonstrating how my assertions about keynesian economics are wrong, you have provided no evidence that you know what the hell youre talking about, and have made no argument beyond "Kruggo and Frenchy said it. I believe it. That settles it."
and now youre just recycling the same tired old claims, with no relevance to the issue at hand.

yes, rich people have more wealth than poor people, and you dont like that,

so your solution is Keynesian economics boondoggles that you dont even understand well enough to defend, trusting blindly that these irrational schemes will work somehow, despite the fact that they never have worked, and never will.

there is no magical tax man money multiplying power, taking money from the capital class doesnt do shit but cause them to oll those expenses down the hill, resulting in higher prices for the bottom tier in the Working Class, or results in capital stashing their wealth in tax shelters, reducing economic activity, and thus, reducing the money available for employment of that Working Class.

rich people DONT ACTUALLY PAY TAXES, they pass those expenses on to the rest of us.

Example, for the stupid (like you):

i want your favorite comic book, and you dojnt wanna give it up unless you get 1 million dollars.

you will be taxed on that 1 million dollars at a rate of 40%, so you wont GET 1 million dollars, youll get 600k, unless you charge me MORE than 1 million dollars to offset the taxes you will pay, thus your price for your comic book is 1.4 million dollars.

see how that works?

rich people think about that kind of shit all the time, or hire accountants to think about it for them, which adds even more expense.

their taxes, AND the cost of their accountants will be paid by YOU, the guy on the bottom of the heap who has nobody to push the expense on to.

So when taxes go DOWN on the upper class, why doesn't recover increase for the lower and middle class? Why do we see the complete opposite, lower taxes on the upper class = higher economic inequality & the same prices of consumer goods and services

Do you just delude yourself all day with this bullshit?