Well-Known Member
wait... so your OPINION that supply side incentives are not a positive influence on the economy somehow proves the argument that endless spending and unsustainable debt are a good idea?
christianity gave us the spanish inquisition and the crusades, so therefore moslems dont chop the heads off schoolgirls in indonesia!
crack cocaine is a dangerous and highly addictive drug, so therefore cannabis causes cancer!
Real Housewives of Atlanta is pure unadulterated shit, so therefore The McNeil Lehrer Report should the taken off the air!
Marxism has never worked, ever, and always descends into despotism so we should stop having elections in the US!!
fascinating, is this part of your 500 episode course on "How To Debate"?
is kkkynes railing against marxism unprompted and for no reason whatsoever again?
color me surprised!