Dont the Lib's keep telling us that tax increases are good for the economy?

wait... so your OPINION that supply side incentives are not a positive influence on the economy somehow proves the argument that endless spending and unsustainable debt are a good idea?

christianity gave us the spanish inquisition and the crusades, so therefore moslems dont chop the heads off schoolgirls in indonesia!

crack cocaine is a dangerous and highly addictive drug, so therefore cannabis causes cancer!

Real Housewives of Atlanta is pure unadulterated shit, so therefore The McNeil Lehrer Report should the taken off the air!

Marxism has never worked, ever, and always descends into despotism so we should stop having elections in the US!!

fascinating, is this part of your 500 episode course on "How To Debate"?

is kkkynes railing against marxism unprompted and for no reason whatsoever again?

color me surprised!
more like, Democrtats need to learn how to balance a checkbook, and Republicans need to stop making fools of themselves in airport restrooms.

democrats are the only ones who cut deficits and balance budgets.

republicans are demonstrably the party that needs to learn to balance a checkbook.

your grasp on history is buffoonish and infantile.
horse shit.

repubs controlled the house, senate, AND presidency under dubya.

deficits skyrocketed.

your theory is flawed and to repeat it shows off nothing impressive about your mental faculties. only the opposite.
I was talking bout clintons surplus, you changed the topic to dubya. You are deranged.
I was talking bout clintons surplus, you changed the topic to dubya. You are deranged.

you were talking about a republican controlled house and senate, and so was i.

when the repubs control the house and senate AND presidency, deficits skyrocket.

when the repubs control the house and senate and a democrat is president, deficits get erased.

this demonstrates that your talking point is faulty.

are you too slow to piece that together? should i draw you a picture, socky McFistuptheass?
wait... so your OPINION that supply side incentives are not a positive influence on the economy somehow proves the argument that endless spending and unsustainable debt are a good idea?

christianity gave us the spanish inquisition and the crusades, so therefore moslems dont chop the heads off schoolgirls in indonesia!

crack cocaine is a dangerous and highly addictive drug, so therefore cannabis causes cancer!

Real Housewives of Atlanta is pure unadulterated shit, so therefore The McNeil Lehrer Report should the taken off the air!

Marxism has never worked, ever, and always descends into despotism so we should stop having elections in the US!!

fascinating, is this part of your 500 episode course on "How To Debate"?

You don't understand Piketty or Krugmans work, you're arguing against something that exists inside your pea brain

They're capitalists for fucks sake. You are so dumb it's sad you get to vote
you were talking about a republican controlled house and senate, and so was i.

when the repubs control the house and senate AND presidency, deficits skyrocket.

when the repubs control the house and senate and a democrat is president, deficits get erased.

this demonstrates that your talking point is faulty.

are you too slow to piece that together? should i draw you a picture, socky McFistuptheass?
You need to go back and read it again. And as expected you are right on cue with the homo remarks. So predictable. Its bout time you call me a racist now too. Now get on back to your kindergarden class and leave the adult talk to the sane.
You need to go back and read it again. And as expected you are right on cue with the homo remarks. So predictable. Its bout time you call me a racist now too. Now get on back to your kindergarden class and leave the adult talk to the sane.

Do you even know what a counter example is?

funny, your hero reagan raised capital gains taxes. did that kill the economy?

and your hero bush raised taxes on the lower/middle class. did that kill the economy?

you are so full of shit and what you say has no basis in reality.

such shitty rhetoric.
If you're talking about his " tax cuts for the wealthy " those were across the board to all Americans.
You don't understand Piketty or Krugmans work, you're arguing against something that exists inside your pea brain

They're capitalists for fucks sake. You are so dumb it's sad you get to vote
keynesians (like kruggo and frenchy) dont believe that debt is irrelevant to a national economy's long term health?
cuz they do.

keynesians dont believe that govt spending on ANYTHING, even pointless make work projects are a "stimulus"?
cuz they do.

keynesians dont beleive that taxing people so govt can spend more somehow multiplies those taxed monies through some arcane and mysterious process?
cuz they do.

keynesians dont believe that the magic bankers hat can create unlimited wealth from thin air?
cuz they do.

keynesians dont believe that saving money is theft from the economy?
cuz they do.

keynesians dont believe that inflation is GOOD for an economy?
cuz they do.

keynesians dont believe that their wacky scheme will work if the economy it is used on is sufficiently large, and all the previous failures are just proof that the victim economy just wasnt quite big enough?
cuz they do.

keynesians dont recognize that their schemes are a complete failure in every economy that has embraced it thus far?
cuz they do.

keynesians dont believe that the previous failures are just because the vicitm economies didnt go too far enough in their debt and inflation?
cuz they do.

maybe it's YOU who doesnt understand keynesian economics.

and sure, kruggo and frenchy are capitalists, with THEIR money, but they are socialists with everybody else's.
you were talking about a republican controlled house and senate, and so was i.

when the repubs control the house and senate AND presidency, deficits skyrocket.

when the repubs control the house and senate and a democrat is president, deficits get erased.

this demonstrates that your talking point is faulty.

are you too slow to piece that together? should i draw you a picture, socky McFistuptheass?
Unified government has proven a disaster no matter which party we give it to.

We need divided government. Problem is they refuse to play nice now.
Do you even know what a counter example is?

Why give you one? Do you need your reading comprehension to fail you yet again in the same thread. What is it with you and socks anyway. Is that your little mans best friend. Do you even have a matching pair left.
I thought they were Marxists?

You're a typical conservative, see this chart;


they paint themselves as marxists, by being "Fellow Travelers" or at best "Useful Idiots"

and now you begin your typical ad hominem attacks, and irrelevant charts from mysterious unnamed sources.

demonstrate where my assertions regarding keynesians in general, and Kruggo and Frenchy in specific are wrong, or concede that you are simply slinging bullshit about crap you dont understand.

you are flailing Toby.

"Something about coercive gov't, eating poop, and basically rape..."

No, it was a comment on whether Bush or Obama or some other dipshit is your super daddy, it doesn't matter, but you already should know that, being a smart guy and all.
they paint themselves as marxists, by being "Fellow Travelers" or at best "Useful Idiots"

and now you begin your typical ad hominem attacks, and irrelevant charts from mysterious unnamed sources.

demonstrate where my assertions regarding keynesians in general, and Kruggo and Frenchy in specific are wrong, or concede that you are simply slinging bullshit about crap you dont understand.

you are flailing Toby.

Discussing anything with people like you is a waste of time, you refuse to change or acknowledge when you're wrong, you do it consistently. I've never seen you admit you're wrong about anything. We could talk about a subject for hours on end, like we have with climate change, and you'll do the same thing you do in every thread.

You make up what you think people say then argue against that, even when people tell you that's not what they say and show you how over and over again.

Here's the source crybaby;

Now tell me more about how that's a liberal conspiracy agenda, like you always do
Why give you one? Do you need your reading comprehension to fail you yet again in the same thread. What is it with you and socks anyway. Is that your little mans best friend. Do you even have a matching pair left.

clearly you don't know what a counterexample is, because it was me who gave one you stooge.
Your counter was my point in the first place you bumbling twit. Your mama shoulda swallowed you!

your "point" was that clinton's surplus only existed because of a republican congress.

i then gave a counterexample of how a republican congress went spend-crazy as soon as they got a republican president.

that's called a counterexample you fucking clown.