What words should be banned outright?

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
You don't know anything about me...that's what I meant, tardo...Try spellcheck for the long words like"know".I have sense enough to keep my legs closed, fuck you very much...how bout we see if you can keep your mouth closed?
i know nothing? im sorry, i was not aware that we have met b4? where do u get off telling me what i no? as for the children who are unwanted, close your fucking legs.


Active Member
normally i would not say anything, but such obscene refrences like tapeworms somehow tied in with abortion? it blew me away, i had no idea that such twisted views could come from the mind of someone who is obviously trying to come off as educated and informed.
that's what I meant, tardo
Try spellcheck for the long words like"know
how bout we see if you can keep your mouth closed
sorry, takes a lot more than that to get a rise out of me. why dont you try shedding more of your wisdom about the abortion issue? im sure it will be so fucked up i may have to say something

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I wasn't trying to come off as anything but me.I was stating my opinion.Are you a woman?Try having a pregnancy nearly kill you.Then by all means come back and tell me how selfish I am.
normally i would not say anything, but such obscene refrences like tapeworms somehow tied in with abortion? it blew me away, i had no idea that such twisted views could come from the mind of someone who is obviously trying to come off as educated and informed.
that's what I meant, tardo
Try spellcheck for the long words like"know
how bout we see if you can keep your mouth closed
sorry, takes a lot more than that to get a rise out of me. why dont you try shedding more of your wisdom about the abortion issue? im sure it will be so fucked up i may have to say something


New Member
One of many....but....if it doesn't kill you, it makes you stronger.......hence all the ass whippings you've been forced to endure. RRRAAAAAAAA!:twisted:


Well-Known Member
should any word be banned? I'm kind of shocked that anyone other than al sharpton would think so!