Well-Known Member
I've never had much trust in our government, they've been caught many times screwing us one way or another, in fact I don't know anyone personally who disagrees with my on this.
But Buckroast includes himself in the people represented in the dark green line, he believes just about anything the media and government tells him, I'd consider this a radical view myself.
really shows how much bush fucked up all the goodwill clinton ushered in.
i don't believe "anything the media and government" tell me, but i do place plenty of confidence in NASA. 73% of people do.

beenthere is in that radical, marginal fringe of 15% who do not have much confidence in NASA, but he does have a lot of confidence in white supremacist jared taylor and holocaust denier victor thorn.
in fact, that puts beenthere in an extremely radical group of americans who believes in holocaust denial. only 1% of americans.
beenthere, why are you such a radical extremist?