Global Warming Update

@ MuyLocNC (or anyone who doesn't accept the scientific consensus on climate change), still waiting on an answer for this..

There is no proof you can provide.

There is scientific consensus that the earth has been much warmer and much cooler than it is right now.

There is scientific consensus that the climate changes on earth over time.

There is NO consensus how much effect man has upon this warming.

Personally, if I have a choice between this and an ice age, I am all for global warming.
There is NO consensus how much effect man has upon this warming.

wrong again, kiddo.

of course, you could try to cite your assertion. in fact, why don't you try to do that. i just looked for it, and came up blank.

enlighten me, buckaroo.
There is no proof you can provide.

There is scientific consensus that the earth has been much warmer and much cooler than it is right now.

There is scientific consensus that the climate changes on earth over time.

There is NO consensus how much effect man has upon this warming.

Personally, if I have a choice between this and an ice age, I am all for global warming.

You're admitting that there's nothing that could be provided that would convince you otherwise.

It's tough to understand how you wouldn't recognize that as a problem. What if there was "nothing that would convince you" that racism was wrong? Can you see how that might become an issue?

You're admittedly unwilling to consider any evidence provided, it's automatically already dismissed.

The scientific consensus, that is 100% of every single national scientific academy that's provided any statement on the issue, is clear. Like I said before, if you deny it at this point, I don't know what to tell you. It's just like denying evolution.

Thanks again for proving my point.