
Well-Known Member
where is yokel? i'm surprised he hasn't poked his head in here to post some shots of his cfl buds.


Well-Known Member
face palm
i just hate stupid questions
Still being a asshat,huh?
Have you got any "followers" on your thread?? You fucking Jim Jones wanna be...fucking followers!?Idiot.How old are you that you get your jollies being such a colossal prick?What is your issue with cfl'ers?Didnt your mommy teach you if you don't have anything nice too say ,KEEP YOUR FUCKING MOUTH SHUT!!peace


Well-Known Member

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You really are new if you do not know about the interwebs!

He's a she......have some manners!
Wow, way to be sexist! So, because she is a woman we should treat her different and show her our "manners"? You are a one of the many reasons society is so fucked up! Women should be treated no differently than men. I will slap the shit out of a woman as fast as I would a man. I show equal amounts of earned respect regardless of sex. All this bullshit about chivalry needs to die now!


Well-Known Member
Still being a asshat,huh?
Have you got any "followers" on your thread?? You fucking Jim Jones wanna be...fucking followers!?Idiot.How old are you that you get your jollies being such a colossal prick?What is your issue with cfl'ers?Didnt your mommy teach you if you don't have anything nice too say ,KEEP YOUR FUCKING MOUTH SHUT!!peace
LOL did... he... really.. just...??? hahaha snap on somebody then say "if you dont have anything nice to say..." And who the hell cares what sex the op is? Manners? Where exactly do you think you are my fine sir?

And idk who came up with the "no question is stupid" idea.. There are plenty of examples of stupid questions on this site alone... daily.


Well-Known Member
You really are new if you do not know about the interwebs!
Wow, way to be sexist! So, because she is a woman we should treat her different and show her our "manners"? You are a one of the many reasons society is so fucked up! Women should be treated no differently than men. I will slap the shit out of a woman as fast as I would a man. I show equal amounts of earned respect regardless of sex. All this bullshit about chivalry needs to die now!
Wow!....the dude was calling her a dude while knowing she's a she.That's disrespectful in my book.
Are you saying society is fucked because because I stood up for something that is right?...yep,you did.
LOL did... he... really.. just...??? hahaha snap on somebody then say "if you dont have anything nice to say..." And who the hell cares what sex the op is? Manners? Where exactly do you think you are my fine sir?
And idk who came up with the "no question is stupid" idea.. There are plenty of examples of stupid questions on this site alone... daily.
I DID..and I do
Manners - acting appropriately in a way that is socially acceptable and respectful,display respect,care and consideration for others.Good manners convey respect to those you interact with and commands respect from those you interact with---Wiki
Duh...the interwebs.I act the same no matter if i'm online or face to face.
Agreed,but I'm not gonna make fun or be disrespectful to someone for asking a stupid question..unless they deserve it!;)


Well-Known Member
I'm not gonna make fun or be disrespectful to someone for asking a stupid question..unless they deserve it!;)
I agree with most of what you say player, but some people don't feel the same way and want to say something about the stupid question. The same way the person can ask any question, a person can respond to it in any fashion they seem fit.. Who gets to decide who "deserves it" you feel me?


Well-Known Member
I totally understand that the anonymity of the "interweb" allows for some ......well let's just say it like it be an asshole and be disrespectful without physical repercussions.Well,when it happens in my presence then I DECIDE who deserves it feel me:)

Besides it was a A and B conversation,you know the rest:)


Well-Known Member
I totally understand that the anonymity of the "interweb" allows for some ......well let's just say it like it be an asshole and be disrespectful without physical repercussions.Well,when it happens in my presence then I DECIDE who deserves it feel me:)

Besides it was a A and B conversation,you know the rest:)
Ok.. Well from my view you are the asshole my friend.. And in my world I DECIDE who is an asshole.. So why don't you take that fake ass chivalry elsewhere..

typing about manners, yet you have none..
typing about assholes, yet you are one..

o yaaa babbbyyy

I think I've got the start of a hit here folks..


Well-Known Member
I totally understand that the anonymity of the "interweb" allows for some ......well let's just say it like it be an asshole and be disrespectful without physical repercussions.Well,when it happens in my presence then I DECIDE who deserves it feel me:)

Besides it was a A and B conversation,you know the rest:)
LMFAO, gee, you criticize so called internet tough guys and yet, there you go acting like one! Listen here total stranger who knows nothing about me, go fuck yourself! Send me a pm of where you live and if it close enough, I will be more than happy to say all of this to your face! In the end, you are still a dipshit sexist, who believes that women are weak and therefore need protectin' from the knight in shining armor! You are quite sad.


Well-Known Member
I see @DreNAllie2013 tagged a like to post #33...that's terrrrable

Why you guys are pissed at me for directing my post at rob33....????????.idk.........I never said anything bad to y'all:)

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Why don't u use a search engine like google to look up the answers to your questions.. I only ask a few people on this site when I need help nobody here knows don't waste your time....I also don't believe you're a girl I'm gunna need to see some titty pics to confirm that you are female..


Active Member
Well that isn't going to happen. I could care less what you believe. Even if i card what you thought, I'd still not put myself on here Like that. I have daughters, i wouldn't want them doing that.

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