Bad week for Israel


Well-Known Member
This has not been a good week, or actually a good 6 months for Israel. There are Israelis getting stabbed and hacked to death, and riots in East Jerusalem. The latest setback is that the National Assembly of France yesterday passed a non-binding resolution to be presented to the government calling for the recognition of Palestine as a state. This follows similar actions already taken by Spain, Great Britain, Ireland and Sweden, after a strongly worded request by the US to vote no.( this probably made the yes vote inevitable). The government of Israel has pretty much dissolved, as Netanyahu dismissed his Finance and Justice Ministers for being critical of his handling of the government, and called for early elections, 2 years ahead of schedule. One reason for this is Netanyahu's political party, Likud, and other far right parties calling for Israel to be Jewish first, and a democracy second, and to have this added to the Basic Law of Israel, which is similar to the US Constitution. It removes Arabic as a official language, and will further marginalize the Arab population, which is the point I guess.
The real kicker though is the UN resolution passed Tuesday, calling for Israel to open up it nuclear facilities for inspection, something that Iran has done, but Israel refuses to do, making it the ONLY Middle Eastern nation not to have signed The Treaty of Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. This is going to get sticky for Israel and the US, whereas they are calling for no nuclear development by Iran for any purpose, while Israel has WMD's already ( If you think Israel doesn't have nuclear weapons, wake the fuck up). If there is equal fairness and justice on this planet, sanctions should be placed on Israel, just like Iran, until they open up for inspection. But we all know that will never happen because of the unrelenting support for that arrogant and criminal nation by the sellouts in Congress, and the veto power of the US in the UN, which had been used previously to balance the might of the super powers. Now, it seems it is only used by the US to protect Israel from the world at large, but those day's are waning, and long overdue. Oh, and by the way, if anyone wants to prod Israel into acting like a partner in the world community, the Boycott Divest Sanction movement is a good place to start. Leave those Israeli tomatoes on the shelf, as every little bit helps, and the US can't stop that.
I'd never boycott Israel's tomato crop. If those mean ass bitches wanna play by their own rules, I say, let em or they'll kick your ass.
Evidence supporting this claim?


Most Christians support Israel. Since said Christians vote, the politicians that get voted in also support Israel.

Which is of course completely against what our democracy is supposed to stand for.

Then again, we stand for little we don't corrupt and our democracy is as much a sham exercise as Putin's Russia, so why should this be any different?

Israel is a good customer for American weapons, in part because they have a habit of using them. This means that a shareholder in an American defense company is going to support policies and politicians who will continue to encourage Israel to keep doing what it's currently doing. Democracy or human rights be damned.

These major shareholders have bought the political process in this country so thoroughly they can continue to play silly puppet vs puppet theater games every couple of years to fool the unaware, which sadly includes most Americans of voting age. The game of course is rigged; two Princeton professors did the study and showed the oligarchs in this country get their way politically 93% of the time, whereas the middle class gets favorable policy outcomes in Washington only 5% of the time. That's better than Putin.

This IS how our country works now; if you don't like it, start sending letters expressing your support for change to your representatives. It won't do any good of course, but send them anyway.