ill answer anything honestly

I don't even know if I have or not, as bad as that might sound.... I need to put more effort into eating meats like that though.

Beef like that has a different color and taste.

If you do you won't go back.

I hunt rabbit, squirrel, turkey, and deer.

Squirrel pot pie or squirrel dumplings, mmmmmm.

Fresh wild turkey breast thin sliced rolled in flower and fried, OMG.
I hunt my own meat or raise it.

Have you tasted beef that has been raised with fertilized grass and not injected with hormones.
Its delicious.

Fertilized grass? We raise our own steers too. but don't use fertilized grass. The big push around here now if you want to sell half a steer is to feed it organics. Which is quickly outweighing the economic advantage of raising your own. That and we always get the "Oohhh, there's so much ground beef. I thought there would be more steaks." I'm always like, "uh yeah, there are only two flanks on a steer, etc. and if you cut roasts you have less steaks and vice versa. Now before we accept buyers we send an actual beef chart so they can see exactly what they are getting.

I don't even know if I have or not, as bad as that might sound.... I need to put more effort into eating meats like that though.

You can def. taste the dif. from feedlot raised steers and home raised.
Fertilized grass? We raise our own steers too. but don't use fertilized grass. The big push around here now if you want to sell half a steer is to feed it organics. Which is quickly outweighing the economic advantage of raising your own. That and we always get the "Oohhh, there's so much ground beef. I thought there would be more steaks." I'm always like, "uh yeah, there are only two flanks on a steer, etc. and if you cut roasts you have less steaks and vice versa. Now before we accept buyers we send an actual beef chart so they can see exactly what they are getting.

You can def. taste the dif. from feedlot raised steers and home raised.

I just meant not fertilizing your hay fields with chemical ferts.

You let them graze one area while another recoups.
They are usually born into it. Look up a map of the US and the mason dixon line. If you are born on the south side of that line then chances are you got some redneck in ya.

Ive been kind of the redneck police around here for the ty. Ive checked with other people here who know their shit, and from certain remarks hes made throughout this season ive concluded theres no way in hell he can be a redneck. I will continue to affirm so until proven otherwise.
Ive always wanted to meet a real redneck, you have no fucking clue how disappointed i was when it turned out to be a farse.
Ive been kind of the redneck police around here for the ty. Ive checked with other people here who know their shit, and from certain remarks hes made throughout this season ive concluded theres no way in hell he can be a redneck. I will continue to affirm so until proven otherwise.
Ive always wanted to meet a real redneck, you have no fucking clue how disappointed i was when it turned out to be a farse.
I know, I've been watching your study take place. Did you look up any of those redneck shows I told you about?
Ive been kind of the redneck police around here for the ty. Ive checked with other people here who know their shit, and from certain remarks hes made throughout this season ive concluded theres no way in hell he can be a redneck. I will continue to affirm so until proven otherwise.
Ive always wanted to meet a real redneck, you have no fucking clue how disappointed i was when it turned out to be a farse.

For the most part the young ones that are true rednecks are fewer and fewer. I have been working since 8 or 10 years old dropping tobacco sticks.

We have lost that since most farms use cheap immigration labor.
When I was a teenager I made 10-15 dollars an hour cutting tobacco.
People I known all my life wouldn't pay me that now.
I know, I've been watching your study take place. Did you look up any of those redneck shows I told you about?

Lol i looked up duck dynasty, but i somehow get the sense theres a producer behind telling them nah more rednecky, more rednecky. Im pretty sure those folks are also the self proclaimed kind of rednecks. I duno are people proud to be rednecks? Is it something that gets affirmed and self promoted kind of like gangster rappers?!
Ive been kind of the redneck police around here for the ty. Ive checked with other people here who know their shit, and from certain remarks hes made throughout this season ive concluded theres no way in hell he can be a redneck. I will continue to affirm so until proven otherwise.
Ive always wanted to meet a real redneck, you have no fucking clue how disappointed i was when it turned out to be a farse.

rednecks are some of the best people I've met... don't let your perception of standard definitions fool you