ill answer anything honestly

Actually the bit of the episode i watched made me laugh my tits off.
I think some rednecks daughter had some kid wanting to take her in the barn for a while. So they first had to check whether or not he could go hunting ducks cause you know... so lol they didnt find any ducks but found a rattle snake which the kid killed. And then theres like scenes of all the redneck seniors commenting on the kill and how theyd be proud to be taken in the barn by the likes of him themselves. Fucking hilarious
I liked the episode where the eldest brother forgot his wife signed he and other brother up for "show and tell" at the kids school. He has t go out of town for the biz or something so gets Phil and Sy to cover. Phil kills a live duck, plucks and cleans it in one class and in the other Sy is horrifying the kids with Vietnam stories. I was in tears it was so funny
Ive been kind of the redneck police around here for the ty. Ive checked with other people here who know their shit, and from certain remarks hes made throughout this season ive concluded theres no way in hell he can be a redneck. I will continue to affirm so until proven otherwise.
Ive always wanted to meet a real redneck, you have no fucking clue how disappointed i was when it turned out to be a farse.

Come to KY. We will go frog gigging, some kind of hunting, go cave crawling, shoot some guns, and blow some shit up.

Then when we are done its "You sure do got a pretty mouth." Just kidding.

Oh, and you have to shoot the Remington 870 supermag with a 3 1/2 inch shell.
I'll take a picture of your face when you shoot it because it is priceless.
It kicks like a mule but you will have a shit eating grin on your face.
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Come to KY. We will go frog gigging, some kind of hunting, go cave crawling, shoot some guns, and blow some shit up.

Then when we are done its "You sure do got a pretty mouth." Just kidding.

Oh, and you have to shoot the Remington 870 supermag with a 3 1/2 inch shell.
I'll take a picture of your face when you shoot it because it is priceless.
It kicks like a mule but you will have a shit eating grin on your face.

Holy fuck that sounds fun

But every time ive been frog fetching I feel in the water and ate shit lol

Last time my head feel hard on a rock

And lol a 870 ain't shit compared to any Mossberg

But what he needs to shoot is a 500. Mag

My half sister's husband has a NICE ass one custom made to fit him

It like 30 pounds so it ain't that bad on the kick

But HOLY FUCK if it don't have knock down power

Its fun to shoot

But im sure he pays like 5 bucks a bullet
Soak it in chemicals that smell really bad. Anything that falls on the floor is swept up, rat turds and all.

Ty if we went camping and you woke up with a sore butt hole would you tell any one?

Yeah ik they use embalming fluid to make it moist after a few months

And theres no fibreglass in dip I hate it when people say that

The reason why it irritates our gums is cuz it has alot of salt

Im serious
Holy fuck that sounds fun

But every time ive been frog fetching I feel in the water and ate shit lol

Last time my head feel hard on a rock

And lol a 870 ain't shit compared to any Mossberg

But what he needs to shoot is a 500. Mag

My half sister's husband has a NICE ass one custom made to fit him

It like 30 pounds so it ain't that bad on the kick

But HOLY FUCK if it don't have knock down power

Its fun to shoot

But im sure he pays like 5 bucks a bullet

Your showing your tell. Police forces and military forces around the world use the 870 and 500 both.
My 870 weighs less than 10 pounds the 500 would be close to the same. 30 pounds. Does it have a lead stock.
Walmart guns are seconds and have flaws that is why they are cheaper.
The only weak part on a 870 is the injected molded extractor, 11 bucks buys a police model forged one.

My 870 supermag is a 600 dollar gun and shoots 3 1/5 inch shells. You would need Mosseburg 535 to do that. The 500 is a 3 inch gun. I could have got it cheaper at walmart, fuck walmart.

I'll show you a 60 year old 870 Wingmaster, work of art. The finish has wore off in places and it won't rust because the steel has turned black (patina) It is just now getting broke in

I still like you though.
Come to KY. We will go frog gigging, some kind of hunting, go cave crawling, shoot some guns, and blow some shit up.

Then when we are done its "You sure do got a pretty mouth." Just kidding.

Oh, and you have to shoot the Remington 870 supermag with a 3 1/2 inch shell.
I'll take a picture of your face when you shoot it because it is priceless.
It kicks like a mule but you will have a shit eating grin on your face.

You trhow in some food, the odd pretty girl to look at and bho and that sounds pretty fucking fun man.
Your showing your tell. Police forces and military forces around the world use the 870 and 500 both.
My 870 weighs less than 10 pounds the 500 would be close to the same. 30 pounds. Does it have a lead stock.
Walmart guns are seconds and have flaws that is why they are cheaper.
The only weak part on a 870 is the injected molded extractor, 11 bucks buys a police model forged one.

My 870 supermag is a 600 dollar gun and shoots 3 1/5 inch shells. You would need Mosseburg 535 to do that. The 500 is a 3 inch gun. I could have got it cheaper at walmart, fuck walmart.

I'll show you a 60 year old 870 Wingmaster, work of art. The finish has wore off in places and it won't rust because the steel has turned black (patina) It is just now getting broke in

I still like you though.

NOO I mean a 500 mag round

Your showing your tell. Police forces and military forces around the world use the 870 and 500 both.
My 870 weighs less than 10 pounds the 500 would be close to the same. 30 pounds. Does it have a lead stock.
Walmart guns are seconds and have flaws that is why they are cheaper.
The only weak part on a 870 is the injected molded extractor, 11 bucks buys a police model forged one.

My 870 supermag is a 600 dollar gun and shoots 3 1/5 inch shells. You would need Mosseburg 535 to do that. The 500 is a 3 inch gun. I could have got it cheaper at walmart, fuck walmart.

I'll show you a 60 year old 870 Wingmaster, work of art. The finish has wore off in places and it won't rust because the steel has turned black (patina) It is just now getting broke in

I still like you though.

Nitro Express, Ty
