OrganiGram open for registration

So if lift is a third party how are they generating revineau to pay out patients for reviews? Am I missing something? Just wondering?

Lift is a proxy company owned by the same company that owns Tilray, Privateer. They are how they are 'repackaging' Leafly for a Canadian market. That's why they have money to burn. They can hand out thousands of dollars in "Lift Points", but I bet it's all just for Tilray!
And I want to be crystal, fucking clear about this, because you seem to be confused.

I don't give a shit if you smoke weed on a public bus or carry your weed through the parliament building - just STOP telling other people they can get away with something illegal by telling them it's legal when it is NOT.

I smoke weed too. I carry it. I transport it. I share it from time to time. AND I acknowledge that it's illegal to do all of the above.
No you fucking stop idiot. What Im Saying is the truth and the fact you're trying so fucking hard to silence me shows you're scared of the truth.
No you fucking stop idiot. What Im Saying is the truth and the fact you're trying so fucking hard to silence me shows you're scared of the truth.

Yes. That's exactly it. Go to the Government of Canada website and look it up yourself for fuck sakes.

No the mmrp is illigal get your fucking facts straight mate.

I literally laughed at this. I'm not sure if it was the fact that you can't spell worth shit, the fact that the mmrp is not a real thing or maybe just the fact that you're so thick skulled that you actually think this is the truth.
5. Earlier this week someone on here told me you are a suspected hc employee due to all the "facts" you "know" lol had a good laugh at that one. fact is you don't know shit.

I actually work for Health Canada and I am an LP, making millions off the backs of the sick people.
Lift is a proxy company owned by the same company that owns Tilray, Privateer. They are how they are 'repackaging' Leafly for a Canadian market. That's why they have money to burn. They can hand out thousands of dollars in "Lift Points", but I bet it's all just for Tilray!

Read up a few posts. Organigram accepts Lift points.
Yes. That's exactly it. Go to the Government of Canada website and look it up yourself for fuck sakes.

I literally laughed at this. I'm not sure if it was the fact that you can't spell worth shit, the fact that the mmrp is not a real thing or maybe just the fact that you're so thick skulled that you actually think this is the truth.
Once agian you can't prove its legality. So fuck you, you're wrong. Sorry the spell correct isn't the best and I type faster then I should. Ok let me explain this for you one more time.

What hc says doesn't mean anything due to the fact it RESTRICTS access to mmj. The sc has said hc must provide access to meds. No where do they say we must access our meds through them. Sorry you are wrong. Pad your pockets with all that lp $$ you're making :):):)
Sorry oddish I do like you but you do like to vouch for LP's a lot so maybe you don't own one for say but you must be making something from them?


I've been over this a few times on the forums, but it was a while back.
I am an unpaid consultant for a few wannabes. Most of them not making great progress. I didn't choose to be a consultant, it just happened because I helped out a few friends. I don't own shares in an LP, nor do I work directly for any of them.

In the real world, and there's 3 people on this forum that can vouch for this, I'm just a nobody who works on computers and makes software. In my spare time I read up on things that interest me, such as the future of my access to Marijuana in the country I call home. I also work on fast cars and tweak business plans and financials. Not a single part of my paid work has to do with marijuana. I just happen to read and absorb.
@Gmack420 are you aware of who makes the law in Canada?
I feel like I need to ask that before we proceed.
Untill this works through the courts your are not right. Simple. People can access their meds legally however they choose until it's setteled. So sorry that doesn't fit your viewpoint. But it's the truth.
Untill this works through the courts your are not right. Simple. People can access their meds legally however they choose until it's setteled. So sorry that doesn't fit your viewpoint. But it's the truth.

I literally cannot continue this conversation at this point.
You must have dropped acid, because the things you believe are out of this world.
Cannabis in Canada is illegal. Period. Under the MMAR/MMPR or secretion 56, you are exempt from the laws set out in the Controled Drug and Substance Act. Your "perscription" is a recommendation from your doctor to be exempt from the law, he can't prescribe anything with out a DIN, drug identification number. LP's also apply for an exemption, same as labs. The cannabis is still illegal, the exemption allows them to produce it, and the patient to posses it. Without a federal exemption, your illegal. LP weed is illegal if your not exempt.

I've been over this a few times on the forums, but it was a while back.
I am an unpaid consultant for a few wannabes. Most of them not making great progress. I didn't choose to be a consultant, it just happened because I helped out a few friends. I don't own shares in an LP, nor do I work directly for any of them.

In the real world, and there's 3 people on this forum that can vouch for this, I'm just a nobody who works on computers and makes software. In my spare time I read up on things that interest me, such as the future of my access to Marijuana in the country I call home. I also work on fast cars and tweak business plans and financials. Not a single part of my paid work has to do with marijuana. I just happen to read and absorb.
Another unpaid know it all. Fuck do you really think we're all that fucking stupid? You're not even going to try and convince everyone that you work for well under minimum wage like itsmehigh? Lol your all the same. You have a financial stake in the lp system surviving. That's why it brings me great joy knowing you'll have to go back to cutting keys and changing oil or whatever the fuck you did before the lp shit.