How the U.S. Raid to Rescue Hostages in Yemen Went Wrong


Well-Known Member
happy for you on the bets, I'm sitting top 20 right now on fan duel but all my games have played. I'll cash, but lucky to be top 1000 by the end.

Do you think enough would refuse service that it would be a problem? Do you think it would be one skin color doing the refusal or all skin colors?
Yes I think if one person was refused service due to color is one too many. How many would you need for it to be a problem ?


Well-Known Member
i don't know the details, but 40 guys trying to get to a target in the dark undetected through a populated area (even with n.v.g.) is almost doomed from the start. that's a lot of boots...
Worked before
Many more times than you or I would know
How many were involved in The bin laden raid?


Well-Known Member
Yes I think if one person was refused service due to color is one too many. How many would you need for it to be a problem ?
It would need to be more than an inconvenience of having to go around the corner to a different store before I saw it as a detriment to society.

Which color of skin do you think would be the worst perpetrators?

What if service was refused for the billions of other reasons not called skin color (happens daily)? Should there be laws against those too?


Well-Known Member
It would need to be more than an inconvenience of having to go around the corner to a different store before I saw it as a detriment to society.
so what we have established here is the ginwilly does not see discrimination on the sole basis of skin color (the very definition of racism) as a detriment to society.

so ginwilly condones racism, but he is totally not racist?

still waiting for specifics on these "geographic regions".


Well-Known Member
It would need to be more than an inconvenience of having to go around the corner to a different store before I saw it as a detriment to society.

Which color of skin do you think would be the worst perpetrators?

What if service was refused for the billions of other reasons not called skin color (happens daily)? Should there be laws against those too?
See you coming out of your closet now


Well-Known Member
See you coming out of your closet now
See you still don't get it do you. It has nothing to do with skin color, but it sure as hell seems to for you and yours here.

Why are billions of other reasons to discriminate good with you? You keep avoiding that. Shouldn't the law simply be that we can't discriminate?

Also, as you and the resident idiot keep pointing out, all you have to do is call it private and you can do as you please. How many private organizations that are based on skin color can you think of? Do these organizations affect you in any way? Why wouldn't there be more if everyone was as racist as you claim?


Well-Known Member
See you still don't get it do you. It has nothing to do with skin color, but it sure as hell seems to for you and yours here.

Why are billions of other reasons to discriminate good with you? You keep avoiding that. Shouldn't the law simply be that we can't discriminate?
i discriminate every day based on behavior. it's a good thing.

but discrimination on the sole basis of skin color is ignorant and hurtful.

don't you agree that harm was caused to many when discrimination based on skin color was legal?


Well-Known Member
See you still don't get it do you. It has nothing to do with skin color, but it sure as hell seems to for you and yours here.

Why are billions of other reasons to discriminate good with you? You keep avoiding that. Shouldn't the law simply be that we can't discriminate?
Having the right to tell someone to get out of your store based or color, religion, gender, sexual preference is NOT something I would ever fight for. That is exactly what Ron Paul , Rob Roy, and you would create AGAIN


Well-Known Member
Having the right to tell someone to get out of your store based or color, religion, gender, sexual preference is NOT something I would ever fight for. That is exactly what Ron Paul , Rob Roy, and you would create AGAIN
Well, I have more faith in my fellow man than that. Your proof is that over 50 years ago people in the south did bad shit.

Around that same time, people on the left coast were spitting on soldiers. I don't think people on the left coast are still soldier spitters, do you? While there is more than likely still some out there, the numbers are so much smaller as to be negligible now.

But hey, if you want to say that me thinking people have come a long way in race relations since the 50's is racist, that's your right. I just happen to think you are an idiot for thinking that way.


Well-Known Member
Well, I have more faith in my fellow man than that. Your proof is that over 50 years ago people in the south did bad shit.
what was the reaction when people found out that chic-fil-A was donating money to groups which sent people to uganda to craft "death to gays" bills?

they couldn't sponsor that shit fast enough.

your belief that racism is dead in america is plainly contradicted by you personally, ginwilly.


Well-Known Member
Well, I have more faith in my fellow man than that. Your proof is that over 50 years ago people in the south did bad shit.

Around that same time, people on the left coast were spitting on soldiers. I don't think people on the left coast are still soldier spitters, do you? While there is more than likely still some out there, the numbers are so much smaller as to be negligible now.
again are you stupid or naive???? seriously not joking... real question


Well-Known Member
again are you stupid or naive???? seriously not joking... real question
I'm naive to think that people don't focus on skin color the way you and progs here do? OK then....

You realize that my logic says you guys are the racist ones for focusing so much effort on skin color, yours says the opposite.

There's potential here for a really cool philosophical debate about it, it's a shame you won't or can't grasp the simple concepts here.


Well-Known Member
I suggest you learn what he word racist means.
I think you are naive and stupid...but in the cute way. sar
Well thanks for that I guess...

Racist means a belief of superiority based on skin tone. Kind of like you thinking a certain color would deny business based on this.


Well-Known Member
Well thanks for that I guess...

Racist means a belief of superiority based on skin tone. Kind of like you thinking a certain color would deny business based on this.
Me thinking that other would deny me service based on color if they were allowed to, makes me racist how ????


Well-Known Member
Me thinking that other would deny me service based on color if they were allowed to, makes me racist how ????
Seriously? ______ people will do ______
This is at the minimum bigoted and ignorant.

Your auto assumption is that white people if allowed would not serve you. That sucks that you think so low of us, but honestly man, we just want your money.

Is prejudice a better word?

You keep avoiding that one simple question too. Why are you good with all forms of discrimination but the few outlined in title II?


Well-Known Member
See you still don't get it do you. It has nothing to do with skin color, but it sure as hell seems to for you and yours here.

Why are billions of other reasons to discriminate good with you? You keep avoiding that. Shouldn't the law simply be that we can't discriminate?

Also, as you and the resident idiot keep pointing out, all you have to do is call it private and you can do as you please. How many private organizations that are based on skin color can you think of? Do these organizations affect you in any way? Why wouldn't there be more if everyone was as racist as you claim?

i'm going to say at one time it WAS more generalized, then people abused the system.

ginwilly, don't you understand where rules and regs come from?..ABUSE OF THE SYSTEM!!!


Well-Known Member
Seriously? ______ people will do ______
This is at the minimum bigoted and ignorant.

Your auto assumption is that white people if allowed would not serve you. That sucks that you think so low of us, but honestly man, we just want your money.

Is prejudice a better word?

You keep avoiding that one simple question too. Why are you good with all forms of discrimination but the few outlined in title II?
Not all white people, so don't say us...People like you would be better.
Nice try, but you fail...typical


Well-Known Member
Not all white people, so don't say us...People like you would be better.
Nice try, but you fail...typical
So you DON'T think white people would discriminate against you...

make up your mind man, if you don't think that, then everything you said up till this point is BS right?


Well-Known Member

i'm going to say at one time it WAS more generalized, then people abused the system.

ginwilly, don't you understand where rules and regs come from?..ABUSE OF THE SYSTEM!!!
I get that Sky. At one time we did some really shitty things based on skin color. Some wonderful people like Branch Rickey, Jackie Robinson and Dr. King showed us a better way. They had to fight the likes of LBJ and Daddy Gore but "we the people" finally demanded equality.

LF is making the argument that we would go back to those days without laws telling us not to because white people would not serve black people on our own without laws telling us we have to. I disagree.