How the U.S. Raid to Rescue Hostages in Yemen Went Wrong


Well-Known Member
first, I don't think blacks are genetically intellectually inferior. In fact, I'm assuming you are white so I'd say that tips the scale very much in their favor, not ours. I'm also Italian as you claim to be, I wouldn't be surprised to find the Mediterranean region to be less intelligent based on Jersey Shore.

I am more about freedom than anything else. As long as no harm occurs. I can't deny that parts of this country harmed others based on skin tone over 50 years ago. I don't think society would allow it anymore.
i believe that change will come from this.

diblasio's son is mixed.

he'll make certain of it..gonna kick some ass and take names later.


Well-Known Member
i believe that change will come from this.

diblasio's son is mixed.

he'll make certain of it..gonna kick some ass and take names later.
We are all mixed really. I grew up in a Polish area of Detroit as an Italian kid. Learned how to fight because of it. That kind of thing just doesn't go on anymore. We have come a long way. There were no laws made to bring about this change.

We have much further to go admittedly. When our government stops making race the focal issue of damn near everything it will help. If you haven't used your ACA insurance yet, when you do, you will notice that not only do you have to identify yourself as to which race, but also whether or not you are hispanic. Even if you say you are Asian, you have spell out whether you are Hispanic Asian or Non-Hispanic Asian. This is not how we get past race and bigotry.


Well-Known Member
first, I don't think blacks are genetically intellectually inferior. In fact, I'm assuming you are white so I'd say that tips the scale very much in their favor, not ours. I'm also Italian as you claim to be, I wouldn't be surprised to find the Mediterranean region to be less intelligent based on Jersey Shore.

I am more about freedom than anything else. As long as no harm occurs. I can't deny that parts of this country harmed others based on skin tone over 50 years ago. I don't think society would allow it anymore.

LondonFog says they would because white people, Buck says they would because "the south", what is your reasoning why?
NOt what you were saying ocver at Pocketfives, here and at other places on the web


Well-Known Member
We are all mixed really. I grew up in a Polish area of Detroit as an Italian kid. Learned how to fight because of it. That kind of thing just doesn't go on anymore. We have come a long way. There were no laws made to bring about this change.

We have much further to go admittedly. When our government stops making race the focal issue of damn near everything it will help. If you haven't used your ACA insurance yet, when you do, you will notice that not only do you have to identify yourself as to which race, but also whether or not you are hispanic. Even if you say you are Asian, you have spell out whether you are Hispanic Asian or Non-Hispanic Asian. This is not how we get past race and bigotry.
It's called demographics
Ibet you bitch about having to press the #1 for english as well dont you Adolph


Well-Known Member
NOt what you were saying ocver at Pocketfives, here and at other places on the web
No, let's be honest. It's what you interpreted me as saying. I never mentioned skin color, never gave preference to one over another and never claimed to know which region showed more than another. All I said was it would be against science to declare there isn't a possibility of one region showing skills another region didn't develop. This could be white/white or black/black. YOU make it white/black so you can yell RACIST!! since you can't argue any other way.

That's all on you brother. It's what you have to make it so you can argue against it. There are physical characteristics developed through need, saying it's impossible for mental characteristics to develop based on need is taking PCness to new heights.

And just how many sites are you going around reading my posts on? Stalker much? Seriously, how many?


Well-Known Member
If you haven't used your ACA insurance yet, when you do, you will notice that not only do you have to identify yourself as to which race, but also whether or not you are hispanic. Even if you say you are Asian, you have spell out whether you are Hispanic Asian or Non-Hispanic Asian. This is not how we get past race and bigotry.
that's actually how we collect data so as to be able to provide better care to underserved areas.

your relentless crying about it can only mean that you wish to see certain areas continue to be subject to unequal health care.

and that surprises no one on this forum.


Well-Known Member
Well the vast majority of people you have interacted with think you are
A racist
B Stupid
C a bigot
Google backs me up on this
Google backs me up on this... same as they back me up on you being the same. You can't be this dumb.

I don't think people would suddenly deny service based on skin color. To you this means I wear a hood and burn crosses and lynch blacks.

Really cheesus? BTW, how many sites have you followed me to? You keep saying all of them, but how many is that? is a racist is really stupid

really man? little boys too? I mean google says so...
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Well-Known Member
You have to interpret what I say into something I didn't say so you can call it racist.
you favor making it legal to discriminate on the sole basis of skin color.

tell me again how that is totally not racist. i must just be dumb, because i think discriminating solely on the basis of skin color is pretty much the definition of racism.


Well-Known Member
Should I post it here? Get my PM?
Look how pissed you are. This is really funny (and pathetic).

I feel "the list" is in my future.

Classic meltdown.

How sad must ones life be that they feel the need to join other forums to chase someone they disagree with. Holycowzers man. You will not be accepted at most sites if you get there by stalking, ask bucky how popular he is over at P5s. His posts are met with g then t then f then o.