Hmm, being a FARMER......I sure don't hop on my tractor or use irrigation to spread/spray or water everyday for 1-2 weeks to "flush" anything. I (we) grow Organic veggies of many types (That are sold at farmers markets/Health food stores and the bulk to Spartan Stores for their organic section in produce). The "we" refers to 2 other farms. We have created a "co-op" that does Beef, pork, chicken and like I said, many types of veggies. We run 2 farms for the veggies and one for the meat.
The key to taste is a proper CURE (MM)!
Someone a page back or so said that he's harvesting a plant and will let us know about it in a week.......
Yeah, right,,,,,,GREAT cure dude! If it's even dry yet,,,it's GOING to taste like shit!
NO MATTER how much he "flushed" !!!!!!!!!
Sometimes you simply have to respond to flat out stupidity