I bet you can't take a shot of beer every minute for an hour!

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
I bet you can't take a shot of beer every minute for an hour!

It sounds easy to take just a shot of beer every minute for an hour.

You guys should try it and let Me know what happens.

You can also bet your friends too, maybe you can win $20 or more?

It comes out to be about 8 beers in one hour, which is a lot of beer to consume in one hour.

I tried this, and I made it to like 35 minutes or so, then I went and puked. I tried this at My friends house about a couple of months ago.

So give it a shot (no pun intended) and let Me know how it goes.

Make some friendly bets with your friends too.

You drank 4 beers in 30 minutes and threw up?lol.. I'm pretty sure I can shotgun 4beers back to back....I wish you lived by me I would be taking your money and getting drunk all day!


bud bootlegger
it should be way more tolerable to sip on it instead of pounding it...or no? My common sense doesn't allow me to believe sipping on it fucks you up worse than chugging it .
yeah, that's what i'm saying.. i'm pretty sure heaven x's said he almost puked from hammering 30 shots in 30 minutes, or half way through the challenge.. he then changed it to 4 beers when chi-town started doing the math.. at least that's the way i saw it..


Well-Known Member
Before i became opiate dependant over 25 yrs ago & curtailed my drinking i could of easily drank 8 beers an hour .

When i was just a foreman & hadn't been promoted to Management my crew would hit the bar at lunch everyday , 1st thing we did was ordered 6 beers each & a shot of burbon & had 1/2 hour to slam them down & be able to get back on the jobsite within our 1 hour lunch , we had a good glow going but not hammered .

On youtube they have videos of guys betting money where another person cant eat & swallow a whole tablespoon of cinnamon ,the people are coughing & puking all over, my eldest son bet me $50 he could do it & im like fuk yeah lets do it .

I poured him a heaping tablespoon of cinnamon & he ate all of it , he was blew out & guzzeling milk afterwards but he did it , thats been over 5 yrs ago & just the smell of cinnamon makes hin gag .

Best $50 i ever spent on him .

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Damned lightweights.

Over here (not that i do it, i drink to enjoy, not get hammered) it's called something like the centurion challenge. 100 shots 100 minutes.

There's also the porn game.. bottle of rum and everytime the lady sais oh yeah or a variant, you drink.

Havn't done any of these since 6th form years. Was also the whole try and play along to fear and loathing. We had the smoke, the booze, and because my dorm mate and I were computer nerds, we had a fat bottle of ether, but that was as far as it got. It was in the last few weeks of last year at school so the housemaster let us off and we didn't get suspended or expelled fortunately.

Out of curiosity, what do you guys drink when it comes to beer? As in alcohol content. When i was a kiddie it was all fosters and other 4% shit, nowadays unless it's 5%+ i'll go as far as to refuse free beer, waste of my time. I can drink that stuff like it's water, which it pretty much is. Even 4.8% somehow does fuck all for me, wheras 5% will get me right where i want to go :) Maybe it's psychology, placebo effect and all that lot. Same goes for weed though, if anyhone else is rolling (that i don't know to be a grower or utter stoner) then i don't bother toking, again, just not worth my time. I'd rather be sobre than have a tiny buzz, just leaves me wanting more.


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna be 48 in March,,I been drinkin a long time,,I drank in contests,,best time,,,,8 beers from cups,,,consecutive 56 seconds my cans are 740 ml for regular drinkin,,I'm a seasoned veteran,,,heavy on the seasoned

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
Starter sets the timer for a minute or two. 2 spotters each refilling each shot glass with beer. 2 participants will then roll dice, low number drinks, spotter refills as fast as possible,matching numbers on roll should be picked up and rolled again. If dice hits the floor, penalty for offender +1 to the count.

Participants roll and drink, uncashed rolls are banked to maximize number of rolls per minute.

Fucked up super quick, super fun, start calling other spongebob cuz they'll be drinking so much foam.

Good times.