I bet you can't take a shot of beer every minute for an hour!


Well-Known Member
I bet you can't take a shot of beer every minute for an hour!

It sounds easy to take just a shot of beer every minute for an hour.

You guys should try it and let Me know what happens.

You can also bet your friends too, maybe you can win $20 or more?

It comes out to be about 8 beers in one hour, which is a lot of beer to consume in one hour.

I tried this, and I made it to like 35 minutes or so, then I went and puked. I tried this at My friends house about a couple of months ago.

So give it a shot (no pun intended) and let Me know how it goes.

Make some friendly bets with your friends too.


all right,,,,how much you willing to bet,,I'll wake up or come home thirsty tomorrow

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
I bet you can't take a shot of beer every minute for an hour!

It sounds easy to take just a shot of beer every minute for an hour.

You guys should try it and let Me know what happens.

You can also bet your friends too, maybe you can win $20 or more?

It comes out to be about 8 beers in one hour, which is a lot of beer to consume in one hour.

I tried this, and I made it to like 35 minutes or so, then I went and puked. I tried this at My friends house about a couple of months ago.

So give it a shot (no pun intended) and let Me know how it goes.

Make some friendly bets with your friends too.

LoL you shoulda said,,,can anyone take a shot of beer a minute,,,cuz I(you) can"t

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
I bet you can't take a shot of beer every minute for an hour!

It sounds easy to take just a shot of beer every minute for an hour.

You guys should try it and let Me know what happens.

You can also bet your friends too, maybe you can win $20 or more?

It comes out to be about 8 beers in one hour, which is a lot of beer to consume in one hour.

I tried this, and I made it to like 35 minutes or so, then I went and puked. I tried this at My friends house about a couple of months ago.

So give it a shot (no pun intended) and let Me know how it goes.

Make some friendly bets with your friends too.

Wait. What? Make a friend puke for $20?



Well-Known Member
lol,,,I think on my most drank was 38 beers in about 18 hours straight,,,a lil chemmy on the side,,know what I mean

Keep on Growin



Well-Known Member
It is the foam and carbonation that causes puking, not the alcohol. If not puking, then really foamy burps. I haven't done the hour of power since I was a dumbass teen.


Well-Known Member
i can drink a six pack.of coors light in or even under an hour and walk away buzzed and.not puke 72 oz.. or i can drink a sixer of bluemoons in an hour ( much thicker stronger more filling beer) and be absolutely shit faced drunk in an hour.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
lolz hundred beer shots in 100 minutes. no probs. 2 forties without pissing your pants... easy.

Express, a sixer of coors light?! we call that stuff shandy where I live.

I am a high functioning alcoholic though tbf


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
You must understand the context of the photo.
Brand new 18 y/o CG cannon fodder @ his first (Alaskan Isolated) duty station with 17 other senior drunks that took me under their wing(s) - couldn't even grow a decent mustache then, but I could hold my own drinkin.

This was for the bar tab, the first to tap out bought all - there were 4 of us as I vaguely recall. 1 shot per minute and you could drink "ahead" if you desired.

And the reason you don't see anyone around me is . . .

I didn't buy.
OH SWEET BAYBEE JEEEBUS! You were 18 in that photo! You looked 13 tops! hahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Yea, you WON :) you then needed to take a Sharpie marker and confirm your winnings or tape their johnson's to them. I tended to use 'silk' tape, bwaaaaaa hahaaaaaaaaa). The moral of that story is whatever you do DO NOT pass out around me :)
i think he's up for the darwin award..
So many try, so few succeed,

here's to a cleaner gene pool!


Well-Known Member
LoL you shoulda said,,,can anyone take a shot of beer a minute,,,cuz I(you) can"t

Keep on Growin

Its not that I was too drunk, all of that alcohol is very filling.

As another member said, its the carbination and the foam that make you puke, but not from being drunk.
