Quantum Kush 38% THC?

He is a big part of the reason medical in florida didnt pass.
I personally am more sickened with the kochs political sway... especially in my state atm, wisconsin is like their little pet project of detioriatung anything resembling a democracy. Yep we will be a union busting right to work state in no time, next on the agenda will be getting rid of that pesky minimum wage when a majority of voters want minimum wage raised to 10.10, and that was this past election which was a republican favored turnout as we both know. So maybe the republicans will soon be falling out of favor with a growing amount of their constituents if they dont reform their opinion on abortion, minimum wage, and immigration.

Yes, I was surprised he played such a role in that effort to block medical cannabis.

Luckily the Republican base is primarily older. Hopefully like the dinosaurs, they can die out.

There are times I really wish we had a parliamentary system. Not that it's perfect, but increasing factions in our legislative leaders would make a more progressive congress, in terms of getting things done and having to cooperate to have a majority. This gridlock and obstructionist congress is really a sad state of affairs.

Did you know we are one of the only advanced countries in the world who doesn't make plans or agendas for the long term? Despite having elections every two years, it would be nice if we had a cohesive vision and goals for our great nation.
Well Scott Walker and our joke of a "Nerd" governor are seemingly dipping their toes into the potential waters for 2016. Luckily the right has the crazies that would prevent our "relentless positivity" Snyder from ever getting a nomination. After Romney being considered too moderate, the right will want to pull out all stops to avoid a repeat.
United States pledges a half billion in latest budget to "moderate" extremists in Syria who also openly support ISIS.

But yeah, it's Islamists that are the problem. :roll:
"Hopefully, like the dinosaurs, they can die out." :sleep:





United States pledges a half billion in latest budget to "moderate" extremists in Syria who also openly support ISIS.

But yeah, it's Islamists that are the problem. :roll:

A billion dollars really is nothing for a $17 trillion economy.

What's interesting about Syria is that we are not fans of Assaid, but Assaid isn't a fan of ISIS or the rebel forces. So enemy of the enemy is the friend situation.
A billion dollars really is nothing for a $17 trillion economy.

What's interesting about Syria is that we are not fans of Assaid, but Assaid isn't a fan of ISIS or the rebel forces. So enemy of the enemy is the friend situation.

It's a lot of guns and ammunition. The kind of thing ISIS needs to keep fighting. I'm not sure why you even brought up the relative amount of money as it's totally irrelevant to the point that groups like ISIS would be nothing without massive financial support from the West and it's allies like Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

Create an enemy to fight and use to distract. Real politic 101.
Because a billion ain't shit. I never said I was a fan of arming others and playing proxy wars. Historically we are really shitty at picking winners.
Because a billion ain't shit. I never said I was a fan of arming others and playing proxy wars. Historically we are really shitty at picking winners.

I still don't see your point. My point is the only reason ISIS is worth mentioning is because of massive western aid. Coincidentally the same folks sending the aid own stocks in the Military Industrial Complex and stand to make huge sums off war, death and destruction - not to mention the threat of a united middle east is quelled.
I still don't see your point. My point is the only reason ISIS is worth mentioning is because of massive western aid. Coincidentally the same folks sending the aid own stocks in the Military Industrial Complex and stand to make huge sums off war, death and destruction - not to mention the threat of a united middle east is quelled.

I'm not in disagreement with you.
Ahhhhhh.......and they were so close ! :rolleyes:
Yeah hate to agree with amos but I suspect it will be a while before there is peacein the middle east. we have by no means helped but the unrest, and violence by no means land squarely at the doorstep of america. Can thank france and england for the inaginary lines they drew to make countries...
Point being they have been at each others throats long before america even existed, to expect it to end anytime soon is a little naive to the complexities on what got them to this point. Not that america shouldnt try for resolution but there are a few things that must happen over there for real progress to be made.
Yeah hate to agree with amos but I suspect it will be a while before there is peacein the middle east. we have by no means helped but the unrest, and violence by no means land squarely at the doorstep of america. Can thank france and england for the inaginary lines they drew to make countries...
Point being they have been at each others throats long before america even existed, to expect it to end anytime soon is a little naive to the complexities on what got them to this point. Not that america shouldnt try for resolution but there are a few things that must happen over there for real progress to be made.

You haven't heard of the Ottoman Empire either?
Not entirely sure what they have to do with anything to do with it since they havent ruled since 1923 but if you wanna try to say that people werent fighing holy wars (establishing a caliphate falls under holy war for me) during their rule then that is an argument you will sorely lose. I mean they are a 600 year ild empire, you really think shit was civil and peaceful over there till ww1?
Not entirely sure what they have to do with anything to do with it since they havent ruled since 1923 but if you wanna try to say that people werent fighing holy wars (establishing a caliphate falls under holy war for me) during their rule then that is an argument you will sorely lose. I mean they are a 600 year ild empire, you really think shit was civil and peaceful over there till ww1?

You think things are completely civil and peaceful in all large empires? Western powers have an interest in keeping the middle east divided. There are many papers and writings on the subject in the field of political science. Not to mention the obvious objective aims of their policy - which they aren't stupid about.
Just as there are many Western countries interested in a divided middle east, there are just as many in the middle east that want it to stay divided. A monolithic block, the middle east is not.
Just as there are many Western countries interested in a divided middle east, there are just as many in the middle east that want it to stay divided. A monolithic block, the middle east is not.

Yeah, and there are people in the States that would love to be divided too.