This is the thread to tell us how Obama has made things worse for you

43% is a shit ton. your insurance company is fucking you.

rates have been going up slower under obamacare than they did in the decades before. obamacare slowed down the rise in costs.


I wonder how much the ACA went up for people with subsidies? compared to people that do not receive subsidies? Because as you know mine jumped up nearly 20% which forced me to down grade my policy two notches to make up for the increase monthly payments.

I am starting to think the only way you can come up with the rates are going up slower under Obamacare than they did in decades before are for the people with subsidies or the free shit.

If you take out the subsidies and the free shit from your DD I think you will find record increases. Thanks BarryO.
Junk bonds
First off, lower interest rates mean our bonds are more desirable.

Secondly, the investment grade was actually changed so once again your information is useless.

To paraphrase Limp Bizkit...

"Keep failing failing failing failing, huh. "
First off, lower interest rates mean our bonds are more desirable.

Secondly, the investment grade was actually changed so once again your information is useless.

To paraphrase Limp Bizkit...

"Keep failing failing failing failing, huh. "
Why would I want to invest in low interest bonds that can't keep up with my other investments from a country one step away from default?

Tell me your boND rates didn't go negative in September
Why would I want to invest in low interest bonds that can't keep up with my other investments from a country one step away from default?

Tell me your boND rates didn't go negative in September
One step from default?


Lower bond rates, higher growth, lower real unemployment...we're doing real badly ;)
Why would I want to invest in low interest bonds that can't keep up with my other investments from a country one step away from default?

Tell me your boND rates didn't go negative in September

but limp bizkit and a 4'11' racist irishman said so.
Your avoiding the question.
Did they go negative on September?
I was intentionally letting you keep posting it to show how completely ignorant you are on any topic like this.

You realise if the interest rates go negative it means investors are essentially paying the Irish Govt to hold their money...?

Good talking point you chose, genius.
I was intentionally letting you keep posting it to show how completely ignorant you are on any topic like this.

You realise if the interest rates go negative it means investors are essentially paying the Irish Govt to hold their money...?

Good talking point you chose, genius.
Why would investors want to pay a government to hold their money?
According to S&P Ireland bonds are rated 'A', which is 1 step from the top and 5 steps from the bottom. Something says that Chesus doesn't know what he is talking about. Whats new?
Anything rated a or higher is investment grade, Extremely low probability of default.