This is the thread to tell us how Obama has made things worse for you


I'm not as lucky as you. I have a ppo for the wife and I. No cap, max out of pocket 3.5k, deductible 1.5k, low 5 buck co-pay on prescriptions, blahblahblah, pretty nice plan. I've had this plan or a variation of it, for over 14 years. Of course the run up to the ACA had the usual premium increases of about 10-15%. This year no change; I thought I was out of the "woods".

But wait, two weeks ago I get a nice xmas turd; next year, if I want to keep the same package, it will be an approx 43% increase. Of course, the customary blame it on ACA is included.

No way in hell will I qualify for a subsidy --- so much for Obama's definition of "fairness"; I'd have to have been a rabbit with about 15 kids.

I understand the motivation of the insurance providers --- somebody has to pay for those that can't. They certainly aren't going to.

ACA is about access, not about cost reduction. If it were, it would have been implemented a hell of a lot differently.

Thanks O-Man!

Anyway, glad it's working for you.

43% is a shit ton. your insurance company is fucking you.

rates have been going up slower under obamacare than they did in the decades before. obamacare slowed down the rise in costs.
You were neglectful and irresponsible.
Perhaps I wasn't one of the 0.1% of American households that owned a smoke detector. That hardly makes me neglectful or responsible. Displaying a smoke detector that wasn't sold until 1981 is just deceitful. As is you cheating on a bet. You also take great joy in the death of children. THAT makes you a true piece of shit. For your false moralizing, the fact remains, you wish death upon the children of those who dare to disagree with your agenda. Such is the making of all the great mass murderers, Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot.............
Perhaps I wasn't one of the 0.1% of American households that owned a smoke detector. That hardly makes me neglectful or responsible. Displaying a smoke detector that wasn't sold until 1981 is just deceitful. As is you cheating on a bet. You also take great joy in the death of children. THAT makes you a true piece of shit. For your false moralizing, the fact remains, you wish death upon the children of those who dare to disagree with your agenda. Such is the making of all the great mass murderers, Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot.............Red1966
...... obamacare slowed down the rise in costs.

For some ... that's the point.

Next year is the first year that the individual premium cost will be a function of your wages vs a flat rate.

So yeah, it's conceivable that there are people in the company who have the exact same plan and will have their cost go down.

The "magic man's" re-distribution plan at work.
For some ... that's the point.

Next year is the first year that the individual premium cost will be a function of your wages vs a flat rate.

So yeah, it's conceivable that there are people in the company who have the exact same plan and will have their cost go down.

The "magic man's" re-distribution plan at work.

onoz! reediztrbuchin!
Obama raped the middle class and didn't even give them a kiss afterwards.

Thanks Obama!