Well-Known Member
Some states don't have exchanges.
they do in kentucky where "whitebb" lives (cute name by the way). one of the best run exchanges there is, in fact.
Some states don't have exchanges.
My wife has been cut to 32 hours a week instead of full time due to Obama.
unless obama is running that waffle house, then you can thank her employer for that.
Its not the waffle house. Are they union? I guess I need to ask your mom after she pays me for my services.
Yes we can thank the employer for it. It is a decision that the employer made due to new regulations.
You seem not to understand that a one size fits all approach is not good for everyone.
Its not the waffle house. Are they union? I guess I need to ask your mom after she pays me for my services.
Yes we can thank the employer for it. It is a decision that the employer made due to new regulations.
You seem not to understand that a one size fits all approach is not good for everyone.
well shit, ever heard of some fucking bootstraps?
or are you just gonna be a whiny little bitch who depends on government for everything, never taking personal responsibility for what happens in your life?
well shit, ever heard of some fucking bootstraps?
or are you just gonna be a whiny little bitch who depends on government for everything, never taking personal responsibility for what happens in your life?
I rely on no one.
I'm not whiny.
You cry more than any one I met.
You are implying that new regulations swayed your employers decision making. It aint Obama`s fault the ACA got passed.
Its obama's fault my gas doesnt cost 1.20/gal.,
quit raping the constitution with intent to kill. It hurts.
please, i heard you crying and whining about some retarded conspiracy a while back, stating that obamacare was gonna mean that the NSA gets all up in your shit, or some similarly retarded alphabet soup of paranoid delusion.
how's the scrap business coming?
yeah, your username kinda led me right to your shitty little business.
what would some of your co-workers think if they knew you were a sandy hook conspiracy theorist?
No that was not me.
Go ahead and edit a quote to prove it was me.
Yea and the kynect system actually worked.
I hope it gets repealed, it is evil. It gives a lot of power to the government in the guise homeland security, patriot act, and FEMA.
oh, that's right
it was FEMA!
should we be watching out for the FEMA camps?
Bravo good sir. You have shown how pathetic your life is.
is obama gonna obamacare us all into FEMA camps though?
because if so, i want to be the first one on the train!
WOOT WOOT! let's get this party started!
No he is not.
There are previsions and guide lines in ACA that outline marshal law and who is in charge.
Do you not think it is common practice for both sides to sneak things in bills?
Homeland security and the patriot act are a joke. All they do is allow for more government intrusion.
And Ky exchange site is one of the best ones. I have said that on here before.
Bottom line ACA is not great for everyone.
yeah, it's probably better that we have no plan in place in the event of an emergency. emergency preparedness, and hence the federal emergency management agency, are stupid. what a joke. it's all just a conspiracy.
we really should only ever pass bills that are great for everyone. that is a great idea! you are very bright!
so smart.