DONT waste those leaves and stems!


Yes i know this is the first post in almost a year but.......

Well i hope this helps. To extract the thc from marijuana the most effective method is liquid-liquid extraction using butane, or chloroform and lab equipment.
Robert A. Nelson: Hemp Husbandry ~ Cannabinoid Chemistry (Ch 6)
There are better websites that are easier to understand just google it. The alternate method that is the easiest to perform is using as close to pure ethanol as possible (190 proof everclear). Soak the plant material in the ethanol for at least a few hours. You can heat it on an electric stove if you want (it will help the solubility of the thc into the ethanol). CAUTION NEVER DO THIS WITH AN OPEN FLAME. The ethanol will explode and you will burn. After a few hours strain out the plant material. If you want you can repeat the soaking process with some more ethanol to ensure you got every last drop of thc. Then you can either leave out the mixture (that should be a very dark green) until most of the ethanol evaporates, or heat it gently (NOT WITH AN OPEN FLAME) to futher condense it. Dont let it get too thick, if it does just add some more ethanol.

Every time i've made it, i just soak, strain and let it sit to allow a good amount of the ethanol to evaporate. I personally never heat it. I guess im just too scared of screwing up and starting a fire. I use an ounce of schwag that i put through a grinder (after removing seeds) that i put in a mason jar. I cover the powdered pot with everclear close the lid and shake it every few hourse for a few days. (make sure to keep the mixture out of the light as UV rays will greatly affect the potency) Then i just strain through a silkscreen into another jar that i leave open for another day. Then i transfer the mixture to brown glass bottles with eyedropper caps for storage.

If you get the general principal you can adjust the process however you like. Just remember use a liquor with the highest proof you can get (190 everclear) if you use anything with a lower ethanol content it wont work as well. (it will still work though)

One other thing, you might want to read a book call "Stir Crazy, cooking with cannabis" published by "Quick American"
ISBN 10# 0-932551-30-0
ISBN 13# 978-0-932551-30-6
They cover ethanol extraction in the book as well as cooking and other extraction methods, such as using milk, or butter. (thc is very soluble in the fat found in milk and butter)

i hope this helps, keep in mind there are many, many books, articles, websites etc. on this subject , so just keep looking. (second, third and fourth opinions are always worth listening too)


Active Member
The best alcohol method I've used is quick wash isopropyl. You end up with a much cleaner hash than if you soak the trim for an extended period of time. That dark green color you get from soaking the trim in alcohol for days is chlorophyll and other plant matter. The alcohol dissolves the resin almost instanty, and it takes somewhere between 60-90 seconds for other plant matter that you don't want in the final product to start breaking down. Get the highest % iso alcohol you can find from the drug store. Around here it's 91%. Quickly add that to ground up trim and shake it like crazy for about 45 seconds, then quickly strain/squeeze the alcohol into a glass tray. Keep in mind that you will have to scrape this dish when the alcohol evaporates so get a wide/flat bottom glass dish that won't be a pain to scrape. You get a nice amber color oil floating in the alcohol if you do it quick enough. The longer the alcohol contacts the trim the greener/nastier the end product is going to be.


Well-Known Member
I saw this as green dragon on YouTube. Got to vapor bros in YouTube and look at the green dragon there. He just leaves it for half an hour and aparently it works.
My question is, does the alcohol absorb only thc or is it all the cannibanoids?



Active Member
ya everclear is available everywhere and its pure ethanol. 95%. theres also golden grain and some other brands


Active Member
and yd u say not to drink too much or ull puke? weed supresses nausea. i love getting really drunk to the point of not being able to walk straight or stand up even (but still conscious) and on the verge of puking my guts out. then i smoke a joint and all the nausea and stomach irritation goes away and its the pure bliss of being high mixed with the pure bliss of being drunk w/o the unpleasantness. i just lay on the couch and chill it feels so good especially in a party atmosphere place that isnt a wild party but a chill party. like a nice highclass strip club if u know the girls well.


Active Member

CAUTION NEVER DO THIS WITH AN OPEN FLAME. The ethanol will explode and you will burn.
u can do it over an open flame. just like flaming shots of liquor. alcohol is flammable but not combustible, meaning it wont explode, just the top will catch fire and keep burning until all the alcohol is used up. both ethanol and isoprophyl are this way.


You guys are skipping a step. Nugs contain THCA until a heat source is introduced which turns it into thc. You can either use a double boiler on a hot plate, or heat the buds in the oven on 245 for 5 mins or until the first sign of smoke. Then add to the alcohol for green dragon.

And for ISO wash, 30 sec soak 30 sec shake and strain otherwise your honey oil will look green and taste like poo cause of all the chlorophil.



Active Member
i just threw all my old stems ive been saving ( i usually make oil ) with some everclear.. ground the stems up really good,, added some lemon peels and shook like hell! its already a dark color! ! wrote the date on top and now its sitting till i shake it tomorrow.. ill let you know in 10 weeks how it is,, cant wait!!


Well-Known Member
you dont need to let it sit for 10 weeks lol 1 week should be enough if your shaking it.

be careful with flaming shots, a friend of mine set everclear on fire while he was drunk and drank it and spit out flames all over his face and had to go to the hospital with 3rd deg burns and when he was on fire he threw the flaming shot glass at me and set the table and floor where i was at on fire and burned a girl.

and also the stronger the alcohol the better it will work so 151 or 190 would be best

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
ya everclear is available everywhere and its pure ethanol. 95%. theres also golden grain and some other brands
This is the best to use if you plan to drink it

The less alcohol, the more water, and the more chlorophyll in your drink :spew:

But I'd rather boil off the alcohol and smoke the hash oil than drink this garbage


Well-Known Member
everything on my plants gets me pretty baked when smoked after 2 weeks of flower. All the leaves and small buds to low on the plant to get light gets cut, dried and smoked. I use organics so the taste isnt that bad but its not that good either, lol. I would like to learn how to make hashoil but Ive yet to lookup the process and find out how....I think Ill go google that right now.