Pot calling the kettle black (and rude, "what a dick")
Look Waterdawg, I asked you twice (or more I forgot) what your observation was regarding bud density, nuggets versus popcorn, ON THE LOWER PART OF A FUCKIN' OUTDOOR GROWN PLANT, get it? I was going to make a point but you dodged the question. Why? One could assume that you were either lieing or one could assume that if you did grow outdoors and that you wouldn't admit I'm right about "that's just what cannabis does". You claim you grew outdoors, photos which I've never seen of course. I have grown quite a few plants outdoors (which also includes perennials such as grapes, peaches, olives, etc.) and the bottom part of the cannabis plant ALWAYS has "popcorn" buds with most genetics and phenotypes. The fruit completely shaded within the canopy of a peach tree does just frickin' fine as do the flowers which precede it.
You and you're plant butchering friends really need to stop this bullshit, this myth perpetuated by a bunch of botanically illiterate tards - that it's light not reaching the bottom part of the plant that causes wimpy buds and READ the many posts I've posted in all the defoliation threads regarding the actual plant processes occurring - apical dominance, re-direction of plant resources (proteins, hormones, amino acids, etc.), chronological development of the flowers.
Doesn't have a damn thing to do with your ruse that you have found a "new technique or concept". Has to do with an age old given - botany.