I'm voting for McCain....

I watched it live on CNN, and it was a fairly impressive speech. It was not of the caliber of the MLK 'I Have A Dream' speech, nor was it as powerful as the JFK 'Ask not' speech...but it was really good. He had a few brain glitches along the way, but nothing really obvious. He's great at reading a teleprompter without looking like he's reading from one. McCain is exactly the opposite; when he reads from the teleprompter, it's annoyingly obvious, just wrecks whatever message he tries to put out there. That's why McCain tries to stick to town halls -- no teleprompter.

Obama will get some awesome video footage for commercials from this European tour de force. The dichotomy between seeing Obama giving a message to a massive crowd of 200,000 people and McCain riding around in a golf cart with the elder oil monger, well, that was just quite a contrast there. Clearly, Obama is more apt to be able to bring the people of the world together to solve major problems than McCain will ever be able to do. The people of the world are very hopeful that we will elect Obama instead of another old oil man warmonger. Since I'm tired of electing people that make me look stupid by association, go Obama!
Hell yes, he'll be good for the military. What, you think the new GI Bill is *bad* for our soldiers? McCain does. I guess you must not value military service very much. They deserve that new GI Bill. They deserve quality medical care too. Of the two candidates, the one who has shown that he *does* care about our soldiers is Obama, not McCain. I wish I had gotten a GI Bill of any kind when I was in the service, but that was under Reagan, and he didn't care much about the troops either. (He did care about troop *levels*, as does McCain, but that's not remotely the same thing.)
I've found that is one big difference between Republicans and Democrats, as pertains to the military. Republicans think in terms of troop levels, force projection, numbers and statistics. Democrats think of the soldiers themselves, as human beings. Numbers and statistics don't need higher education, and thus don't need a new GI Bill. *People*, who have a future (or want to have one), might like some higher education, and therefor might enjoy that new GI Bill.

Republicans dehumanize our military, thinking of it as just a tool to be used, occasionally polished up to get ready for the next use. Democrats think of the soldiers as human beings, who have human feelings and aspirations and needs.

Your son has no interest in higher education? Not everyone does have any interest in that. Still, I think the troops should at least have the option. Considering the two trillion dollar cost of invading Iraq, the cost of the new GI Bill is microscopically small in comparison. If we can spend two trillion dollars to get one guy, we can surely spend fifty billion to provide higher education for our returning soldiers.

McCain doesn't want to give them that. You're gung-ho for McCain. That means you are against your own son getting a shot at free higher education. You must be wealthy, or your son is. I envy you your wealth, whichever one of you it is. But, as I do think our soldiers deserve that shot, I'm voting Obama here. That way, perhaps today's soldiers can receive that which yesterday's soldiers did not.
My decision was made on domestic policies. (Obama) I know we need to keep an eye on our national security, after all, if we're all dead what's the point?
But in the same breath, if McCain goes into office, with his anti-marijuana stance (it continues to be illegal, and we're all on the hunt list);

his anti-gay stance (I'll never get equal marriage rights, and people can still fire me for my sexuality, not to mention perfectly good soldiers will continue to be kicked out for homosexuality.)

And his anti-abortion stance, (God forbid something happens, and I end up pregnant, I have to travel to another state to terminate, out of my own pocket, and the doctor that preforms the procedure could be arrested.)
I simply can't justify four years of that, possibly eight. I think the only way you can, is if these things don't apply to you.

So if you don't happen to be gay, I suppose you could vote for McCain. And if you don't feel women should have a say in whether they should have a baby or not. And if you feel any gay people in the military have no right to be there in the first place, no matter how much they've achieved or sacrificed.

If you happen to think that everyone on this site that grows deserves to serve multiple years in prison, have their life turned upside down, and taken away from their family, I suppose McCain would be the proper choice for you.

If not, Obama is the only other candidate I'm aware of. And he's ever so clean-cut and well-spoken. :D
I'll never get equal marriage rights

Marriage isn't a right, it's a privilege, bestowed on society by society. And that privilege has always been yours.....you can marry any time, the same as I can......man to woman....woman to man.
Gays are the new blacks. Blacks couldn't get married for a while either, and certainly not to whites. Eventually, people will wake up and realize mistreating people is immoral, whether they're black people or gay people. This took the blacks quite a while, but i don't expect it'll take gays nearly that long to achieve equality.

There is no logical reason to deny marriage to gays. What reasons people give are all based on sheer bigotry and fear of the unfamiliar. Or religion, which has no place in government.
There is no logical reason to deny marriage to gays. What reasons people give are all based on sheer bigotry and fear of the unfamiliar. Or religion, which has no place in government.

Marriage exists for one reason; to raise children in a time tested traditional way that works, better than any other way you can devise. This is what society says, not just me. Even in Oregon, of all places, they realize this truth.
I think gays have just as much of a right to be as miserable as strait people.

Funny that you mention marriage... and here is an instance where CC knows little of what he is talking about.

Marriage is a religious institution, the Government only got involved in marriage after the Civil War. Back then it was technically illegal to marry out side one's race.
This came up in Ohio. A White man wanted to marry a black woman, The state was the first one to issue a marriage license.
Back then the legal definition of License was governmental permission to do an illegal act.

in the early 20th century The Government saw an opportunity to make money by taxation by granting marriage licenses.

Please CC unless you know what your talking about, don't spew your hatred.
On a more serious note, Dunce, try and do as little thinking as possible; your gonna blow a gasket with all this "heavy lifting".:-|:-|:-|
Nope, not gay..... Personally I don't care one way or another about them.
I feel people have the right to live any way they choose.
Even child molesters? (You should be fine then.)(Just had to get it in before another lib came along and said it.)
Actually Libs disdain child molesters as much as conservatives.... of course the most recent of child molester with in the government was a conservative.... Does the Senator from Florida ring a bell?????