Yes, I agree with you for the most part.
I would be an Atheist if I wasn't an Agnostic.
I don't see any proof for God, and Jesus seems like a logical fallacy.
You are misusing terms. If Jesus wasn't legit, it is not a logical fallacy. A fallacy is incorrect argument in logic and rhetoric resulting in a lack of validity, or more generally, a lack of soundness. Common examples are the Argument from Ignorance (I don't understand how this can be so, therefor it is false), and the Argument from Authority (Einstein believed this was so, so is automatically true). I gave you the list before, here it is again (you really only need to familiarize yourself with the informal fallacies) -
As you go through this list (yeah, right) you should recognize some fallacies that you use often. These can truly help one's critical thinking skills.
Also, you are misusing the term agnostic. These terms are addressing separate questions; atheist or theist is addressing BELIEF, while agnostic or gnostic are addressing KNOWLEDGE. The possibilities are -
Agnostic Theist - Believes there is a god, but can't know for sure. Very refreshing to meet these guys.
Gnostic Theist - Not only believes there is a god, but knows FOR SURE one exists. This is most theist I've experienced.
Agnostic Atheist - They don't believe in a god, but do not know for sure. This is most atheists.
Gnostic Atheist - Not only doesn't believe in a god, but knows FOR SURE none exist. Rare, only Pad IME.
Perhaps you could read this post multiple times to improve the clarity of your thinking process, and your communication with others...