Crazy Fruits 14/15 grow

IMHO, that is a type of cucumber beetle. the Australian kind . not a lady bug

Cucumber beetles will appear in gardens once the weather warms. Adults don't die but overwinter so as soon as it starts to warm, they come out and can be seen. Adult cucumber beetles will need to feed so anything growing will be fed upon immediately. If you plan on starting a vegetable garden, it's a good idea to treat early cucumber beetle activity which in turn will minimize or even eliminate those that might forage on your crops later in the year. Though cucumber beetles prefer vine plants like cucumbers, squash and pumpkins, they'll eat what they can find early in the growing season. Feeding adults will chew holes through the leaves of new plant growth and they don't discriminate. Active adults will feed on most any garden variety plant they find and their damage can become substantial. More importantly, they are largely responsible for the spread of bacterial wilt. This fungus can be devastating to any garden so don't let cucumber beetle populations have free roam of your plants. Once they feed, males will seek females and mate. Female cucumber beetles will then lay eggs 8-25 days after mating. Females will deposit 225-800 in small egg clusters or singly into soil cracks at the base of cucurbit plants. Eggs hatch 5-8 days later and larvae emerge. These worm like grubs will spend the next 15 days feeding on roots and stems of fruit or anything else close by that is in contact with the soil. The pupal period is 6-7 days for them to molt. The time from egg to adult for the first generation of beetles requires about a month. Over the course of the summer, there could be 2-4 generations and most will take a month or longer to completely grow. After cucurbit plants mature and fall weather approaches, beetles will migrate to wooded landscapes, bushy areas, barns, sheds and houses to find adequate locations to hibernate. Some may overwinter a mile from their original hatching site. Next spring these hibernating adults will emerge as the weather warms and seek new plant growth to feed.
now this is valuable info cheers tws...ive never seen them before and it had me confused because ive treated the plants for caterpillars etc and I cant see any anymore except for about 4 of these cucumber beatles of which I think I found 4 off and also some tips of leaves eaten clean off...mmmm trying not to panick now gotta work out how to get rid of them and im going away for a few days tonite :(
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now this is valuable info cheers tws...ive never seen them before and it had me confused because ive treated the plants for caterpillars etc and I cant see any anymore except for about 4 of these cucumber beatles of which I think I found 4 off and also some tips of leaves eaten clean off...mmmm trying not to panick now gotta work out how to get rid of them and im going away for a few days tonite :(
Sprayed with confidor on sundown and went right thru both plants with the missus found 3 and killed the count yest only found 3 so hopefully we will get it under control.
Yea I had the yellow ones last year and chaulked up the small pin holes in the leafs to them .
IMHO, that is a type of cucumber beetle. the Australian kind . not a lady bug

Cucumber beetles will appear in gardens once the weather warms. Adults don't die but overwinter so as soon as it starts to warm, they come out and can be seen. Adult cucumber beetles will need to feed so anything growing will be fed upon immediately. If you plan on starting a vegetable garden, it's a good idea to treat early cucumber beetle activity which in turn will minimize or even eliminate those that might forage on your crops later in the year. Though cucumber beetles prefer vine plants like cucumbers, squash and pumpkins, they'll eat what they can find early in the growing season. Feeding adults will chew holes through the leaves of new plant growth and they don't discriminate. Active adults will feed on most any garden variety plant they find and their damage can become substantial. More importantly, they are largely responsible for the spread of bacterial wilt. This fungus can be devastating to any garden so don't let cucumber beetle populations have free roam of your plants. Once they feed, males will seek females and mate. Female cucumber beetles will then lay eggs 8-25 days after mating. Females will deposit 225-800 in small egg clusters or singly into soil cracks at the base of cucurbit plants. Eggs hatch 5-8 days later and larvae emerge. These worm like grubs will spend the next 15 days feeding on roots and stems of fruit or anything else close by that is in contact with the soil. The pupal period is 6-7 days for them to molt. The time from egg to adult for the first generation of beetles requires about a month. Over the course of the summer, there could be 2-4 generations and most will take a month or longer to completely grow. After cucurbit plants mature and fall weather approaches, beetles will migrate to wooded landscapes, bushy areas, barns, sheds and houses to find adequate locations to hibernate. Some may overwinter a mile from their original hatching site. Next spring these hibernating adults will emerge as the weather warms and seek new plant growth to feed.
Scary bugs man!
I'm glad I checked up on your thread Ruby fruit.

I had a few of them buggers of bugs, I too thought they might have been carnivore.
I just had a look through my garden, found a few, and killed em.

They seem to like the beards on my corn. I didn't find any on my girls.

Your Wonder Woman is looking very nice btw.
I'm glad I checked up on your thread Ruby fruit.

I had a few of them buggers of bugs, I too thought they might have been carnivore.
I just had a look through my garden, found a few, and killed em.

They seem to like the beards on my corn. I didn't find any on my girls.

Your Wonder Woman is looking very nice btw.
Cheers mate for your kind words im thinking the wonder woman might be in contention with my wife for my affections :)
Those bugs ive never seen in my life before but now ive seen them im onto them.Learn something new every season I guess just hope they dont come back.Its kinda surprising as I have so many other types of vegies etc maybe they attracted the bugs and the bugs decided they liked the mj girls better ? Either way im on the lookout for them now seen four and killed them and im onto the sort of damage they cause to new leaves, ill see if I can find a pic and tag you if the sort of damage they cause before they try n breed in the soil.
Yeh man it has been a great season for learning,
One thing I learned is to not pollinate too many plants as one can put out a Buttload of seeds far out!
I have 3 others expecting and all diff strains bred with tangerine kush as the babies daddy
Your plants are looking gorgeous ruby! Now I know how you felt watching all of our grows in the off-season! My plants have only been down 2.5 months and already I can't wait to get growing again.